Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                                                             NEWS                                                                    19July 24, 2015
                                                                                        HILL  (from Page 7)
                                                                                                                                                      314 FS activates
STREET BEAT                                                                             the first 419th FW pilot to fly the F-35 will begin training
                                                                                        this fall.                                                                                                Courtesy photo
   The 56th Security Forces           directed medical personnel to
Squadron handed the following         the victim and conducted traffic                     When the F-35s begin to arrive at Hill AFB, they’ll be     Lt. Col. Andrew Caggiano took com-
incidents at Luke Air Force Base      control procedures. The victim                    divided among three fighter squadrons and flown and           mand of the 314th Fighter Squadron
July 13 through 19:                   was transported to a nearby                       maintained by members of both the 388th FW and its            in an activation ceremony July 14
                                      hospital for minor dehydration.                   Reserve component, the 419th FW.                              at Holloman Air Force Base, New
Tickets                                                                                                                                               Mexico. Caggiano graduated with
                                      Nonemergency                                         “There are slated to be a total of 72 F-35s at Hill AFB    military distinction from the U.S. Air
   Security forces issued cita-                                                         by 2019, with approximately 35 to 40 pilots in each of the    Force Academy in 1997. He earned
tions for four moving violations      responses                                         three fighter squadrons.                                      his pilot wings at Euro-NATO Joint
and one nonmoving violation.                                                                                                                          Jet pilot training in 1999 at Shep-
                                         July 16: Security forces re-                      Hill officials hope to have 15 jets by August 2016 and     pard Air Force Base, Texas. He is
Traffic-related                       sponded to a warrant’s hit at                     reach a status known as “initial operational capability,”     a command pilot with more than
incidents                             South Gate Visitor Center on                      which means the fighter wings meet the minimum opera-         1,850 hours in the F-16 Fighting
                                      a civilian nonmilitary affili-                    tional capabilities to use the jet for normal operations.”    Falcon. The 54th Fighter Group,
   July 14: Security forces respond-  ated contractor. Security forces                                                                                a detachment of the 56th Fighter
ed to a report of a minor two-vehi-   detained the individual and                          The 34th FS is scheduled to have five qualified pilots     Wing, activated the 314th FS at Hol-
cle accident at the intersection of   contacted the Maricopa County                     during the first month of flying, taking turns in what will   loman. Their mission is to produce
Thunderbird and Kachina streets.      Sheriff Department who took                       be two F-35s on base. The 388th FW is sending pilots          the world’s greatest F-16 Fighting
There were no injuries.               control.                                          through training at Eglin AFB, Florida, and Luke AFB,         Falcon fighter pilots and deploy
                                                                                        Arizona. By January 2016, the wing will have 10 pilots        combat mission-ready Airmen.
   July 15: Security forces re-       Alarm activations                                 qualified to fly the F-35, including Watkins and Lyons,       Caggiano will lead the more than
sponded to a report of a minor                                                          who both finished their training earlier this year.           30-member squadron. The 314th FS
two-vehicle accident at the Bldg.        Security forces responded to                                                                                 was first activated July 6, 1942.
1514 parking lot. There were no       13 alarm activations on base.                        The colonels answered to those who have criticized the
injuries.                                                                               F-35 program for its expense and apparent lack of perfor-
                                      Tip of the week                                   mance. The most recent cost estimate for operating and
Emergency                                                                               supporting the F-35 fleet exceeds $1 trillion and a leaked
                                         Avoid walking alone at night                   internal brief written by a test pilot who was flying the
responses                             as much as possible. Walk or                      F-35 during a January test run revealed the jet was losing
                                      travel with a friend including                    dogfights to the F-16.
   July 15: Security forces re-       during daytime.
sponded to a report of a medical                                                           “Things aren’t perfect, but things are still in develop-
emergency of a military member        Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian Lefevre           ment and you can see the potential,” Lyons said, adding
at Kachina Gate. Security forces                                              56th SFS  that the F-35 flies similarly to the F-16, but by fusing
                                                                                        many different sensors together, makes the pilot’s job
                                                                                        easier in the cockpit.

                                                                                           Fighter wing spokesman Nathan Simmons said that by
                                                                                        the time the F-35 is in full operation at Hill in 2019, the
                                                                                        388th will have added more than 260 active-duty positions.

                                                                                              Courtesy of
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