Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
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Thunderbolt                                                             NEWS                                                                                         15July 24, 2015

SAFE                    (from Page 1)                                                                                                                       vETERAnS  (from Page 5)

Michael Mavrakis II, 56th Fighter Wing Ground Safety NCO-               Tucked in for the night …                                                           Everyone gets through it. It may just take a while.
in-charge. “Now that I work in the safety office, I know what to                                                                                            Just be patient and be kind to yourself.”
look for.”                                                                                                                         Staff Sgt. Staci Miller
                                                                                                                                                               With his retirement from active-duty service, Griset
   People can prevent accident by not driving impaired, slowing         The sun sets on an F-35 Lightning II assigned                                       was hired for the intelligence wing historian position
down, buckling up, making good driving choices and always watch-        to the 61st Fighter Squadron at Luke Air Force                                      at Langley Air Force Base. When the Luke wing his-
ing for children. Also do not let a child play in or around a vehicle.  Base. Since 2010, the F-35 has flown more than                                      torian position opened in 2010, he was selected. He
                                                                        30,000 hours.                                                                       has put in more than 500 overtime hours in eighteen
   According to the NSC, poison control centers receive an esti-                                                                                            months and deployed twice in support of his historian
mated 2.2 million calls a year seeking medical help for uninten-                                                                                            positions. He enjoys the heat, sings in the Orpheus
tional poisoning. The most common poisons include prescription                                                                                              Male Chorus of Phoenix and plans to write books
medications, over-the-counter medications, cleaning products and                                                                                            about 19th-century American history after he retires
personal care products.                                                                                                                                     from his historian position.

   An estimated 165 young children per day are treated for ac-                                                                                                 “I’ve seen the Aurora Borealis in Iceland, which was
cidental poisoning. Parents can ensure that all medication is                                                                                               amazing,” he said. “I’ve played the northern most golf
kept out of reach of young children. Securely fasten the safety                                                                                             course in the world. Driving to Germany from Iceland
cap until you hear it click which indicates it’s securely locked. It                                                                                        was neat. I still get a thrill watching airplanes take
is also a good idea to never tell children that medicine is candy.                                                                                          off. I still love it. Feeling the sound waves beat on your
Always dispose of left over or unwanted medications. It is also a                                                                                           chest. The reflection of the purple taxi way lights in
good idea to ask visitors to lock away the medication as well as                                                                                            the rain at Bentwater when we had no exterior light-
keep poison control on speed dial.                                                                                                                          ing was so beautiful with the beacon lights flashing in
                                                                                                                                                            the dark. The most fun I had was the focused logistic
   When giving your child medicine, review the medication with a                                                                                            war game and traveling the world.
pharmacist and carefully review the label before administering to
a child. Only use the measuring device given with the medication.                                                                                              “I got to travel, got to see some great things. I never
                                                                                                                                                            really thought it was all that special until I spoke
   Choking can occur at any age with the young and elderly being                                                                                            with people during a history tour on base. They asked
most at risk. Signs of a child choking can include difficulty breath-                                                                                       about my background. As I talked about the things
ing, bluish skin, inability to make a sound a weak cry or cough                                                                                             I’ve done, they would go ‘oh wow.’ There are so few of
or high pitched sounds while inhaling. The Heimlich Maneuver                                                                                                us who serve in the military compared to the popula-
can be performed to aid a choking victim. The procedure is not                                                                                              tion that most of them cannot relate to what we do. It
recommended for children younger than 1 year old.                                                                                                           makes it very special. I was just a farm boy. Getting
                                                                                                                                                            out and getting to see the world was just really cool.”
   For children, keep small objects out of reach, cut food into small
pieces, never give them hard candy and always supervise them
while they eat.

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