Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
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10 July 24, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt b
This week in history Chaplain’s thoughts ...
1965: Project Skoshi Tiger ron, the 4503rd, at Williams. However, its mission was “You can’t gain weight, unless you overeat!”
different — determine the combat effectiveness of the F-5. This gem of a quote from dear old dad is just one of
The 4503rd Tactical Fighter Squadron (Provisional many homespun lines of paternal wisdom that marked
F-5 Evaluation Squadron No. 1) activated 50 years ago Project Skoshi Tiger’s pilots volunteered for both my childhood. My dad left little doubt about his opinions,
to conduct the operational testing of the F-5A, known phases of the test. The 4441st’s instructor pilots gave which of course is the stuff that I dreaded as a child, yet
as Project Skoshi Tiger. the 4503rd pilots their F-5 familiarization checkouts. qualitatively appreciate as an adult.
Operational testing began on Sept. 7, 1965. By the There are likely some exceptions to my dad’s statement;
In the late 1950s, most countries lacked the money middle of October, they completed Phase I of the test. yet it highlights a vital principle, namely the necessity
for enough frontline jet fighters to defend themselves. of personal responsibility. He understood that the battle
Therefore, they often bought older, cheaper, propeller- Phase II was a bit more dangerous - combat missions to lose weight, is won or lost based upon his actions. Not
driven fighter aircraft. The Northrop Corporation in Vietnam. luck, not someone else, but his own volitional choice to
designed a supersonic light fighter to fulfill that need. take the necessary steps to shed a few pounds.
Twelve F-5s departed Williams on Oct. 20, 1965. At Likewise for us, there is no weight loss fairy that helps
Based on the first supersonic jet trainer, its tandem midday three days later, they arrived at Bien Hoa Air us drop the pounds without any effort on our part. One
two-seat T-38 Talon, the single-seat F-5A was primarily Base, South Vietnam. Within five hours Maj. Roy Hol- must find the balance between diet and exercise that
for export. However, the services gave the F-5 a long brook and Capt. James Thar flew the squadron’s first allows them to maintain a healthy weight and level of
look and took possession of some in 1964. combat sorties. fitness.
Taking responsibility is vital in other aspects of our
The Cold War was in full swing with small wars fought Project Skoshi Tiger proved that while the F-5 lacked lives as well including our professional duties, educational
between the superpowers through surrogates. At the time, advanced instrumentation and weapons systems, it goals, and religious and moral development. We simply
Southeast Asia was heating up, primarily in Vietnam. packed about the same punch as an F-100. In March must take responsibility.
1966, the squadron was redesignated as the 10th Whatever our goal in life may be, we will make little
In December 1963, the 4441st Combat Crew Training Fighter (Commando) Squadron. In October, the unit headway in achieving it without picking up the mantel
Squadron activated at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona, began training South Vietnamese pilots to fly the F-5. of personal responsibility. We must set aside our excuses
in the East Valley. But, it reported to the 4510th Combat In June 1967, the U.S. Air Force turned over the F-5s and explanations, even legitimate ones, to pursue our
Crew Training Wing at Luke AFB. to the South Vietnam Air Force. dream.
As you pursue your dream, do so in a way that reflects
The reason for the odd arrangement was twofold. On Oct. 15, 1969, the 425th Tactical Fighter Train- the very best of your values and faith, and in so doing,
First, Williams AFB had a ramp full of T-38s. The F-5 ing Squadron activated. It took over the personnel and leave behind a legacy of excellence to those who follow
shared a 67 percent pats commonality with the T-38, equipment of the 4441st CCTS, which inactivated. Four you.
so logistics would be easier. Second, while Williams years later, the 425th upgraded to the F-5E. The 425th Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
AFB trained officers to fly, Luke AFB taught pilots to trained South Vietnamese pilots until Saigon fell in
fly fighters. Therefore, the training fit into the 4510th’s April 1975. The squadron continued to train foreign Courtesy of Chaplain (Maj.) Larry Fowler
mission. The first F-5 arrived in April 1964 with the first pilots in the F-5E until it was inactivated in 1989. 56th Fighter Wing Chapel
class entering training in September.
Courtesy of Rick Griset, 56th Fighter Wing History Office
On July 22, 1965, the 4510th activated a second squad-
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off base at the following locations:
Service Center • 3581 W. Northern Ave. Phx Kerry’s Auto • 4312 W. Olive Ave. Glendale Desert Gardens II • 13621 W. Glendale Ave. Goodyear Pizza Hut • Corner of Dysart Ave./Glendale
Knights of Columbus #3955 • 8066 N. 49th Ave. Phx Sketches Tattoo • 4360 W. Olive Ave. Glendale Air Force Center • 5110 N. Dysart Ave. Goodyear The Cut • 7027 N. Litchfield Rd. #5
Allied Surplus • 4334 W. Northern Ave., Phx Mollie Tamale • 8806 N 43rd Ave. Glendale Saguaro Pizza • 13821 W. Glendale Ave. Glendale Engraving + Hobbies • 7017 N. Litchfield Rd.
Hooper’s Bar and Grill • 5114 W. Northern Ave., Glendale Alley Kat • 8810 N 43rd Ave. Glendale Enochos Sports Bar and Grill • 10892 N 67th Ave. Peoria The Hair Salon • 7029 N. Litchfield Rd.
Gold Tooth Tattoo • 5134 W. Northern Ave., Glendale Dave’s Napa Auto • 5102 W. Peoria Ave., Peoria Holiday Inn Express • 1313 N. Litchfield Ave. Goodyear Falcon Dunes Golf • Camelback Rd. West of Litchfield Rd.
Aamco • 7105 N 51st Ave. #1, Glendale Frances Hand Car Wash • 5690 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria Champs Auto • 5190 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria Takamatsu Sushi • 7019 N. Litchfield Rd. Glendale
Navy Federal Credit Union • 9494 W Northern Ave, Ste. 107, Glendale Big O Tires • 5115 W Peoria Ave., Peoria Barro’s Pizza • 83rd Ave. Cactus #106 Peoria Coyote Tire & Auto • 13127 W. Glendale
Maaco Paint and Body • 7105 N 51st Ave. #3 Glendale Goodyear Auto Tire • 10894 N. 67th Ave. Peoria Denny’s Restaurant • 9856 W Camelback Glendale Ashley Furniture • 1479 N. Dysart Ave. Avondale
American Legion • 6822 N 51st Ave. Glendale Midas Auto Care • 6845 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria Desert Gardens Café • 13517 W. Glendale Glendale Circle K • 13843 W. Glendale
Visitor Center • 5800 W. Glenn, Glendale Geico Insurance • 9515 W. Camelback Rd. Glendale Rebel Tattoo • 330 N. Dysart Ave. #103 Goodyear Jack in the Box • 13820 W. Glendale
Chamber of Commerce • NEC 59th Ave & Glenn, Glendale AA. Cyclez • S. of Glendale. Corner of Dysart Ave./Litchfield Rd. Shooter’s World • 8948 West Cactus Peoria Circle K • 13110 W. Glendale
Glendale Inn • NWC 59th Ave & Glenn, Glendale Vineyard Apts. • S. Glendale Ave. Dysart Ave./Litchfield Schlotzsky’s • 395 N. Litchfield Rd. Avondale Taco Bell • 6901 N. Litchfield Rd.
Parson Restaurant • 5921 W. Northern Ave., Glendale VA Hospital • 7th Street and Indian School Rd. Phx Chase Bank • 5006 N. Dysart Ave. Litchfield K Hovnaniau Homes • 9066 W. Nicolet Avenue
Salvation Army • 6010 W. Northern Ave., Glendale Brake Masters • 5180 W. Peoria Ave. Glendale Cracker Barrel Restaurant • 1209 N. Litchfield Rd. Dr. Matthew Noll • 9431 W. Thunderbird Rd. Peoria
Dav Lodge • 8447 N. 61st Ave, Glendale Antaris Sports Bistro • 9611 W. Camelback Rd. Glendale Macayo Mexican Kitchen • 1474 N. Litchfield Rd. Goodyear Shane’s Rib Shack • 9404 W. Westgate Blvd. Glendale
YMCA • 8561 N 61st Ave., Glendale Barro’s Pizza • 5115 N. Dysart Ave. Goodyear Village Inn Restaurant • 2700 N. Litchfield Rd. All Smiles Dentistry • 551 E. Plaza Circle # A Litchfield Park
Cic Covenant Church • 8807 N. 61st Ave. Glendale Southwest Golf Carts • 5115 N. Dysart Ave. #102 Goodyear Palm Valley Golf • 2211 N. Litchfield Rd. Aaron’s • 700 N. Dysart Rd. Goodyear
VFW #1433 • 7818 N. 63rd Ave. Glendale Dreaming Summit Animal Hospital • 5115 N. Dysart Ave. Goodyear Domino’s Pizza • 14175 W. Indian School Rd. Talecris Plasma Resources • 5949 W. Northern Ave. Glendale
Ace Tattoo • 5925 W. Olive Ave. #105, Glendale Chop Chop Chinese • 5104 N. Dysart Ave. Goodyear Sage & Sand Grill • 13831 W. Glendale Ave. Ollie’s Omelet House • 5160 W. Olive Ave. Glendale
Randall Firearms • 5029 W. Olive Ave.. Glendale Tailgaters Sports Bar and Grill • 5110 N. Dysart Ave. Goodyear Omar Barber Shop & Salon • 13722 W. Glendale NYPD Pizza • 1619 N. Dysart Rd. #103 Glendale
Classic Pizza • 5154 W. Olive Ave. Glendale Ace Hardware • 5110 N. Dysart Ave. Goodyear Credit Union West • 6777 W. Cactus Phoenix Alameda Crossing Dental • 1619 N. Dysart Rd. #105 Goodyear
Trails Dept. Store • 5925 W. Olive Ave. #101 Glendale Embassy Tanning • 13100 W. Indian School • Goodyear Luke Auto Parts • 13722 W. Glendale Ave. Cirra’s Cloud • 15044 N. Cave Creek Rd. Suite 2 & 3 Phoenix
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