Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
P. 7
Thunderbolt NEWS July 24, 2015 7
Dwell time, PT exemptions Hill activates their first
for new mothers increase F-35 fighter squadron
The six-month deferment for female Air- pate significant mission or readiness impacts
men to accomplish their fitness assessments associated with extending this action. The jets won’t arrive for another few “To see this squadron shut down in
following childbirth will be increased to 12 months, but Hill Air Force Base, Utah, 2010 was heartbreaking, but somebody,
months to align with recent changes to the “Like many other programs announced ear- activated its first F-35 Lightning II fight- somewhere had the good sense to bring
deployment deferments, Air Force officials lier this year, such as the Career Intermission er squadron during a ceremony July 17. it back to duty.”
announced July 14. Program, we recognize the potential retention
benefits associated with providing our female The 34th Fighter Squadron — affec- Lt. Col. George Watkins, the new com-
The deployment deferment policy, as part Airmen options that allow them to serve and tionately known as the Rude Rams — was mander of the squadron, said that while
of the Air Force’s 2015 Diversity and Inclu- support their family without having to choose reactivated, marking the beginning of the the first operational F-35 is not slated to
sion initiatives, increases the deferment from one over the other,” James said. F-35’s combat era for both the 388th and arrive at the base until September, the
deployment, short tour or dependent-restrict- 419th fighter wings. The fighter squadron new squadron shouldn’t have trouble
ed assignment, and temporary duty to one Air Force Guidance Memorandums will is a historic one, with a past that can keeping busy until then.
year, unless waived by the service member. be available detailing the changes to both be traced back to Word War II, which
policies in the coming weeks. included participation in conflicts from The first group of F-35 maintainers,
“The goal is to alleviate the strain on some Vietnam and the first Gulf War to Iraq which will make up the 34th Aircraft
of our talented Airmen who choose to leave The Air Force continues to research op- and Afghanistan, post 9/11. Maintenance Unit, have been at Hill
the Air Force as they struggle to balance portunities, in conjunction with the Defense AFB for two months, completing mostly
deployments and family issues, and this is Department, to extend the maternity and The squadron was mothballed as an administrative work critical to the up-
especially true soon after childbirth,” said convalescent leave period, similar to the F-16 Fighting Falcon unit in 2010 as part coming aircraft transition.
Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee recent changes announced by the Secretary of an Air Force restructuring plan to re-
James. of the Navy. tire planes and save money, but it returns Watkins said the Airmen have been
to accommodate the F-16’s replacement, writing programs on how the unit will
The one-year deferment applies to female Airmen currently receive six weeks (42 becoming the first operational Air Force maintain the F-35 in peace and wartime
Airmen who gave birth on or after the ef- days) of maternity leave, in line with the unit to fly combat-coded F-35s. scenarios and have created a flying hours
fective date of March 6, 2015, to provide DOD policy. By direction of the president, program that includes directives for
predictability with minimal disruption to federal agencies can advance up to six weeks Col. David Lyons, the current 388th training, off-station sorties, contingency
Airmen and the deployment process. of paid sick leave to federal employees with FW commander and former commander scenarios, local flying and any major
a new child. of the 34th FS, said the reactivation is modifications to the aircraft.
As dwell times for deployment, permanent one of the highlights of his career. He led
change of station and TDY increase, so too “We want to make sure we develop an eq- the squadron when it was deactivated “There (is) a lot of work to be done be-
will the exemption from the current fitness uitable policy that supports all of our Airmen in 2010. fore we get that first jet,” Watkins said.
assessment for female Airmen following preg- and also maintains the ability to execute our
nancies lasting 20 weeks or more (delivery, mission,” James said. “This has got to be one of the finest The initial group of F-35 maintainers
miscarriage, etc.). The service does not antici- days of my military career,” he said. from the 419th FW are in training, and
Courtesy of
See HILL, Page 19
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