Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                      NEWS                                                                                   July 24, 2015  3                                                                                                                

                                                                                                                Lt. Gen Darryl Roberson,                  IN BRIEF
                                                                                                                Air Education and Train-
                                                                                                                ing Command commander,             Notice to claimants
                                                                                                                speaks during the AETC
                                                                                                                change of command cere-                In accordance with Air Force Instruction 34-511,
                                                                                                                mony Tuesday at Joint Base          paragraph 3.1.5, notice is hereby given that Senior
                                                                                                                San Antonio-Randolph, Tex-          Airman Giovonnie Ellis is deceased. The undersigned
                                                                                                                as. Roberson is a command           has been appointed Summary Court Officer for the
                                                                                                                pilot who has more than             purpose of estate settlement in accordance with AFI
                                                                                                                5,000 flight hours including        34-511. All persons having claims against the estate
                                                                                                                865 combat hours. Rober-            are hereby on notice to present their claims. Claims
                                                                                                                son will oversee the opera-         must be presented by mailing or presenting a written
                                                                                                                tion of 10 major installations      signed statement to: 2nd Lt. Pablo Andrade, Sum-
                                                                                                                in five states. The mission         mary Court Officer, at 623- 856-7051, or email Pablo.
                                                                                                                of AETC is to recruit, train
                                                                                                                and educate Airmen to de-
                                                                                                                liver Air Power for America.    School bus schedule change
                                                                                                                Roberson was previously
                                                                                                                the 3rd Air Force and 17th         Effective Aug. 5, Dysart Luke High School students who
                                                                                                                Expeditionary Air Force         ride the school bus will be picked up on base at 6:21 a.m. at
                                                                                                                commander at Ramstein Air       Lightning Gate for the remainder of the school year. This
                                                                                          Johnny Saldivar Base, Germany.                        decision was made by the Dysart School District. There will
                                                                                                                                                be no changes to the schedule. Students should be at the
Roberson takes command of AETC                                                                                                                  pick-up point at 6:10 a.m. For more information, go to the
                                                                                                                                                Dysart School District website at or
                       by Tech. Sgt.                                      “These great Airmen did all the hard work, and I’m                    call Marjorie Thompson at 623-856-6841.
                   BETH ANSCHUTZ                                       so darn proud of them,” he said. “Thank you, chief, for
                                                                       the opportunity to command them.”                                        Library hours change
             Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs
                                                                          Rand used his time at the podium to thank the nu-                        The Luke Air Force Base Library hours are changing
   JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH,                                    merous distinguished visitors, commanders, civic and                     Aug. 1. The new schedule is 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday,
Texas — Lt. Gen. Darryl Roberson took command of                       Air Force leaders in the audience. He encouraged the                     9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and
the Air Education and Training Command Tuesday in                      Airmen of AETC to keep up the hard work.                                 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. The library is closed Sunday.
a ceremony at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph.                                                                                                  The library is located at 7424 N. Homer Dr. in Bldg. 219. For
                                                                          “You do something no other major command does: you                    more information, call Lacey Quattlebaum at 623-856-9949.
   Outgoing commander, Gen. Robin Rand, handed Rob-                    produce, educate and train the future leaders of our Air
erson the reigns before heading to his new assignment                  Force. The next Air Force chief of staff, command chief                  Feds Feed Families
as the Commander of Air Force Global Strike Command                    master sergeant of the Air Force and all other leaders
at Barksdale Air Force Base, La.                                       and commanders start in AETC,” he said.                                     The 7th Annual Feds Feed Families Food Drive is now
                                                                                                                                                under way and runs through Aug. 31. Defense Department
   The ceremony was officiated by Air Force Chief of                      Rand passed the command flag to Roberson and the                      employees have been asked to participate. Luke Air Force
Staff Gen. Mark A. Welsh III.                                          newest AETC commander took a moment to speak to                          Base has donated 3,091.61 pounds of food to St. Mary’s
                                                                       the Airmen of AETC for the first time.                                   Food Bank Alliance. Online donations can be made by
   “To the 62,000 men and women of the First Com-                                                                                               purchasing food at Costco, Safeway, Peapod, Amazon or
mand, who recruit, train and educate the more than                        “There are a few words to express how I’m feeling to-                 any other online retailer and delivered directly to the food
660,000 Airmen of our Total Force, thank you for                       day: humbled, honored and extremely excited,” Roberson                   bank of choice. Donations can be delivered to St. Mary’s
inspiring me,” Welsh said. “Your efforts uphold all of                 said. “I’m excited because of what AETC does for our Air                 Food Bank Alliance at 2831 N. 31st Ave., Phoenix, 85009.
our people programs. It blues and reblues everyone in                  Force and to be able to continue to serve among such                     For more information, call Master Sgt. Jeremy Roberts at
this unstoppable force. Despite political uncertainty                  stellar teammates and warriors who have pledged their                    623-856-3112.
and waning budgets, you infallibly develop our most                    lives to the defense of our great country. The mission of
valuable asset — the Airmen you educate and train.                     our command is vital to the success of our Air Force and                 Community Center gets renovation
You build Airmen and there is no more sacred task in                   the American way of war, since Air Power is such a core
our Air Force.”                                                        piece of how we fight. Air Power starts here.”                              The Luke Air Force Base Community Center is undergo-
                                                                                                                                                ing a renovation with a completion date sometime in May
   Welsh highlighted some of the accomplishments of                       Roberson ended the ceremony with a call to action                     2016. During the renovation, Subway and the barbershop
Rand during his tenure, to include the stand-up of the                 for the command.                                                         will remain open. The barbershop is now located adjacent
Profession of Arms Center of Excellence, or PACE, the                                                                                           to Bldg. 700 in a large trailer with restroom facilities. The
addition of Airmen’s Week to Basic Military Training,                     “To Air Education and Training Command members,                       phone number is 623-935-5742.
and other changes to the way the Air Force recruits,                   I am excited to serve alongside you, and I promise to
trains and educates through its First Command.                         give you my best effort every day,” Roberson said. “I will               AFROTC commissioning packages due
                                                                       focus on motivational mission accomplishment, compas-
   “Our Air Force simply can’t fly, fight and win without              sionate care of our Airmen and families, innovation, and                    All Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps commis-
you,” Welsh said to the men and women in attendance.                   leadership. What I would ask of you is a commitment                      sioning packages are due in the upcoming months. The
                                                                       to excellence each day as we forge innovative Airmen                     Scholarship for Outstanding Airman to ROTC pack-
   Rand took the floor and passed the praise to the Air-               to power our Air Force.”                                                 ages are due to Air Education and Training Command by
men of AETC.                                                                                                                                    Sept. 15. The Airmen Scholarship & Commissioning
                                                                                                                                                Program and Professional Officer Course-Early Release
THUNDERBOLT ALMANAC                                                                                                                             Program packages are due to Air Force Reserve Officer
                                                                                                                                                Training Corps by Oct. 15. There have been many recent
           Fiscal 2015 graduates                                                                                                                changes to the programs. Airmen interested in these pro-
                                                                                                                                                grams are required to attend a briefing held once a month
61st FS............................................................ 0  314th FS ........................................................ 0      at the 56th Force Support Squadron Education Center. For
62nd FS........................................................... 0   56th TRS...................................................... 66        more information about applying for this program, go to the
308th FS ....................................................... 21    607th ACS ..................................................... 0        education office or call 623-856-7722.
309th FS ....................................................... 30    372nd TRS, Det. 12................................... 205
310th FS ....................................................... 39    56th OSS (IFTU)......................................... 47              Youth summer camp
311th FS ....................................................... 28
                                                                                                                                                • Music recording, video production camp
         Hours flown    Sorties flown                                   T-Bolts   101 Luke Airmen                                                  Youth learn how to create, write, produce and record a
F-35 2,500.0                 1,598                                     Deployed   are deployed to
F-16 15,524.4               11,778                                                                                                              song, and make a music video, ages 9 to 12 from 9 a.m. to
                                                                                     12 countries                                               noon and teens from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday through July 31.
                                                                                 around the world.
                                                                                                                                                   The cost is $25 per youth program member and $35 per
                                                                                                                                                nonmember. Parents can register youth at the Luke Air
                                                                                                                                                Force Base Youth Center. For more information on the
                                                                                                                                                above programs, call 623-856-7470.
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