Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
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Thunderbolt                                         NEWS                                                                                                                          July 24, 2015                    5                                                                                                                          

A historian with his own history                                                                     Air Force Base in Oklahoma where he
                                                                                                     served three and a half years. Next was
          Story and photos by                       Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs,           the Naval Air Station Keflavik, Iceland.             Richard Griset, 56th Fighter Wing histo-
               Senior Airman                        Colorado.                                        He then drove across Iceland, rode the               rian, shows an old pilot uniform that is
                                                                                                     ferry and drove through northern Europe              part of a preservation collection on Luke
          MARCY COPELAND                               At the time, basic training was about six-    to Ramstein Air Base, Germany, where he              Air Force Base.
                                                    weeks long,” Griset said. “Then you started      worked on the United States Air Forces in
                  56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  freshman year, which was more or less a          Europe staff.
                                                    continuation of basic. It wasn’t as intense,
   Richard Griset seems like a very quiet           but you still had to sit at attention when          Griset arrived at Luke where he served
and reserved man and appears to be just             you ate and had to ask permission to ask a       as the last 405th Equipment Maintenance
another face at Luke Air Force Base. That           question. We had to march on the marble          Squadron commander, then as chief of
is until people meet him.                           strips the entire year.”                         maintenance for the 555th Fighter Squad-
                                                                                                     ron for two years. He left Luke and went
   Serving as a historian, Griset is respon-           With each passing year, class status          to Norfolk, Virginia, spent three years at
sible for preserving Luke’s history and             became a little easier. Griset entered the       U.S. Atlantic Command at which point he
heritage while piecing together missing             academy to become a pilot but was unable         turned right around and came back to Luke
fragments from the base’s 74-year history.          to realize his dream due to a medical condi-     to help stand up the 21st Fighter Squadron
                                                    tion. He graduated in 1978 and went for the      as chief of maintenance for two years. In
   “To get a history job was my goal,” Griset       next best thing, working on aircraft.            a whirlwind, he was sent back to the At-
said. “To do something in history is what I                                                          lantic Command which then became Joint
wanted to do with my retirement. I am one              “I wanted to fly fighters,” Griset said.      Forces Command. Then, he went next door
of those people who can’t really retire. I will     “Since I couldn’t do that, I chose the career    to teach at the Joint Force Staff College.
keep working until I can’t.”                        that would let me get as close to them as
                                                    possible, which was aircraft maintenance.”          After 28 years of service and more than
   Griset was born and raised in Fallbrook,                                                          a dozen bases, Griset retired in 2006 as a
California, and attended Fallbrook Union               His technical education training at Cha-      lieutenant colonel with a bachelor’s and
High School graduating in 1973. He ob-              nute Air Force Base in Champaign County,         master’s degrees in history.
tained a Reserve Officers Training Corps            Illinois, was six months long. He left Illinois
scholarship to attend the University of             and traveled to England where he was                “The transition is tough, no matter who
Southern California.                                stationed at Royal Air Force Bentwaters          you are or what you do,” Griset remarked.
                                                    for three years.                                 “You are used to being part of a unit. You
   The Vietnam War was beginning to wind                                                             spend 20 or more years in the culture
down and after attending USC for one year,             From there, Griset journeyed to Tinker        and then all of a sudden you step out and
Griset took an opportunity to attend the                                                             start doing something different. It can be
                                                                                                     scary. It takes a while and the best thing
                                                                                                     for anyone to remember is to just relax.
                                                                                                     You’re not the first to go through retiring
                                                                                                     from the military, and you won’t be the last.

                                                                                                                                   See vETERAnS, Page 15

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