Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS July 24, 2015 9
PEOPLE in conjunction with a re-enlistment into tion and level of accountability for how the der so much stress and felt so depressed, I
skills where a shortage exists,” said Chief Air Force recruits, trains and educates Air- didn’t want to do much of anything.”
FIRST Master Sgt. Bernadette Gregory, the enlist- men. The RETOC, based out of Joint Base
ed skills management branch chief. “This is San Antonio-Randolph, but comprised of David’s troubles began during a deploy-
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is a great opportunity for first-term Airmen members throughout AETC, systematically ment. As if being away from his family,
compiled from information from the Air Force to pursue a different career field while en- analyzed the command’s recruiting, techni- missing birthdays and holidays wasn’t
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- abling the Air Force to maintain a healthy cal training, flying training and education enough, he faced problems with his daily
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness balance in all enlisted career fields.” mission areas. duties.
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel
office and armed forces news services. For the “While on deployment it felt as if I wasn’t
complete story, go to the web address listed at Article/610112/af-releases-first-term-airman- Article/609953/aetc-weaves-core-values-into-air- a part of the team and while I was doing
the end of the story. retraining-quotas.aspx great work, for some reason I had a negative
force-dna-rethinking-recruiting-training-educa. reputation,” he said. “On top of that, I was
AF releases first-term AETC weaves core aspx having some marital issues.”
Airman retraining quotas
values into AF DNA Mental health:
Eligible first-term enlisted Airmen inter- Article/610154/mental-health-to-go-or-not-to-go.
ested in retraining opportunities can review In 2012, the Air Education and Train- To go or not to go
the fiscal 2016 online retraining advisory on ing Command launched an aggressive aspx
myPers. Air Force officials approved 1,599 oversight initiative to protect Airmen in The clinic buildings themselves aren’t
fiscal 2016 first-term Airman retraining training following the discovery of unpro- scary, but add the words ‘mental health,’ CAF app gives quick,
quotas in 45 Air Force specialty codes. fessional behavior within the basic military and most people will avoid them like they
training environment. contain tigers on the loose. That’s why the easy info on the go
Airmen can retrain into a variety of 432nd Wing Human Performance Team
AFSCs, including cyber, intelligence, para- Through this initiative, Air Force lead- was stood up — to alleviate that stigma, The Wingman Toolkit, an outreach and
rescue, flight engineer, missile and space ers help ensure better transparency and provide help and have easily accessible communication tool designed to ensure
facilities, and more. Most are open to all accountability and gather information trained mental health professionals. Airmen have quick and easy access to the
eligible Airmen, but some — such as the necessary to proactively shape profes- latest Comprehensive Airman Fitness pro-
aerospace medical service, and flight and sional expectations for Airmen. The central Some service members might have a false grams and resources, now has a mobile app
operational medical technician AFSCs — body responsible for this new oversight impression of the mental health clinic as a available to download.
require prior qualifications, so interested authority is the Recruiting, Education and dark hole, where clearances are lost and
Airmen need to review the requirements Training Oversight Council, one of three careers are ruined. Capt. David, a 432nd The app provides resources to improve
on the myPers retraining page. significant AETC initiatives since 2012, Wing remotely piloted aircraft pilot, had mental, physical, social and spiritual fit-
which help sustain a culture of mutual re- this very concern as he prepared to make ness, all at the touch of a finger.
“The FTA retraining program allows spect, strength of character and pride. The an appointment.
first-term Airmen, including staff sergeants Profession of Arms Center of Excellence Many Airmen are already taking advan-
who are in their first enlistment, to retrain and Airmen’s Week are also foundational In the previous months, David battled tage of the toolkit’s many resources.
components of shaping Airmen of character. depression on a daily basis, and his moti-
vation slowly wilted away until he found it Airmen are also seeing benefits in their
In 2013, the scope of RETOC was ex- a struggle to even find the energy to enjoy personal and professional life.
tended beyond BMT to the entire AETC playtime with his children.
enterprise, sparking an increased expecta- Overall, CAF concepts can result in more
“I love my kids with all my heart,” he resilient Airmen, which means they can
said. “It just got to a point where I was un- accomplish the mission more effectively.
SOUND “Superman “Batman would “Superman has “Batman would
OFF! will win with win. He can an advantage win. He can use
ease because easily make a over Batman. stealth as his
Batman vs. he’s Super- gadget to stop He doesn’t advantage.”
Superman? man. I have Superman.” need gadgets to
Who wins? Why? the Superman win.”
logo tattoo, so I
have to root for
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