Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
P. 11
Thunderbolt NEWS 11July 24, 2015
Need help? Trust your ‘Shirt’
by Senior takes her work seriously and has a lot of Senior Airman Devante Williams
Airman territory to cover.
Master Sgt. Carmina Beedle, 56th Force Support Squadron first sergeant, reviews
DEVANTE “As a first sergeant, I have visibility paperwork in her office at the block house.
WILLIAMS over multiple squadrons that I would have
never seen if I wasn’t a first sergeant,” she said. “The trust you hold by being a first closely with Beedle throughout her first
56th Fighter Wing said. “I get to see how different the shops sergeant is huge. I’m glad I was able to sergeant term.
Public Affairs are and how they all contribute to accom- be a first sergeant and help out as many
plishing the Luke Air Force Base mission.” Airmen as I could.” “My overall working experience with
When young master sergeant Beedle has been outstand-
Airmen need Beedle and the other first sergeants on Beedle has left a lasting impression ing from day one,” she said. “Every time
Courtesy photo h e l p o r a r e base work 24/7 for the members in their on people, including Senior Master Sgt. I had a question or a concern, she was
Master Sgt. Carmina Beedle l o o k i n g f o r units. Any time someone needs help in Sarah Tombley, 56th FSS Military Person- always ready to help no matter what. She
56th Force Support Squadron g u i d a n c e , a whatever capacity, they are there to help nel section superintendent, who worked will surely be missed.”
good place to start is with a senior NCO. and that covers a multitude of issues. Their
Making it into the top 3 percent in the purpose is to help Airmen no matter what.
U.S. Air Force is a major accomplish-
ment. Occasionally, Airmen fear going to their
Although senior NCOs are the primary first sergeant because they think it might
people to go, there are a limited number leave a negative mark on them, but Beedle
of senior NCOs whose number one focus encourages Airmen to talk to their first
is to take care of Airmen. They are called sergeants.
first sergeants, also known as “Shirts.”
According to the enlisted force struc- “I love helping Airmen,” she said. “It’s
ture, a first sergeant is a special posi- an amazing feeling to help someone who
tion and is one who is there to provide is struggling or just needs someone to talk
a dedicated focal point for all readiness, to when they are going through a tough
health, morale, welfare and quality of life time. The appreciation I get from Airmen
issues within their organization. is amazing.”
Being a first sergeant in the Air Force
is a big responsibility, according to the Beedle is now transitioning from first
EFS, and requires dedication. sergeant duties and going back to her job
Master Sgt. Carmina Beedle, 56th in aircrew flight equipment. She says her
Force Support Squadron first sergeant, time as a first sergeant will be one she’ll
never forget.
“It’s been a pleasure and an honor,” she
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