Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 7-24-15
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16 July 24, 2015                          ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                  Thunderbolt

FLY                                                                                                    OVER
‘Ant-Man’                                                                                                                     ‘Terminator

                   by Senior Airman James Hensley                                                            1/2                     Genisys’

   The long-awaited movie so many of my friends were skeptical         Your weekly guide                                                           by Staff Sgt. Luther Mitchell Jr.
about has finally arrived. “Ant-Man” is by far one of the most          to entertainment
hilarious and awesome movies “Marvel” has released. In a way                                                                     “Terminator Genisys” brings back Arnold Schwarzenegger as
it is an origin piece, but don’t let this deter you from seeing it.    Welcome to the Fly Over, Luke’s source for             the guardian, a loving, war machine robot whose only mission in
                                                                                                                              life is to protect Sarah Connor.
   In the movie, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is released from prison       movie, book, video game, music and all things
for committing burglary. Scott tries his best to stay away from       entertainment reviews. Using a four-point                  Although there are a few Terminator movies, I like cool, sci-fi
his life of thievery and do right by his daughter Cassie Lang         scale, the Thunderbolt staff provides in-depth          movies and Schwarzenegger’s Austrian accent, so I spent two
(Abby Ryder Fortson). Scott gets a job which he promptly gets         reviews allowing the viewer an opportunity to           hours, front row at the movies taking in one of the best movies
fired from for being an ex-convict, and because he lied on his        decide what new and classic entertainment op-           I’ve seen so far this summer.
job application. After being fired from the job and having been       tions are worth their time. The Know a Critic
told by his ex-wife to get a job, get an apartment, and be able to    section helps the reader choose critics who                The “Terminator Genisys” story begins after war and destruc-
support his daughter or he couldn’t see her, Scott takes a job to     have tastes similar to their own.                       tion have laid waste to planet Earth, and the evil entity Skynet,
break into a home to earn a quick buck. This is when he crosses                                                               and its army of T-model robots, rule over what is left of humanity
paths with Dr. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas).                                          1/4 - Save your money                     with a poly-alloy fist.

   Pym has researched and created a shrinking technology suit         2/4 - Wait for Net ix release                              The year is 2029 and John Connor (Jason Clarke) is leading a
which while shrunk gives the wearer increased strength and                                                                    mission to destroy Skynet for good. The first ten minutes of the
the ability to communicate and direct ants. Pym is the original       3/4 - Worthy of Dine-in Theater                         film captures the events leading up to the event and Connor’s
“Ant-Man,” a fact he keeps secret, and also the CEO of a research                                                             strategy of action. He plans to attack Skynet on two fronts, hitting
company. He was once a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. until he dis-           4/4 - Bombs on Target                                   their defensive forces and attacking and destroying their secret
covered researchers with SHIELD were trying to replicate his                                                                  weapon — a time machine.
shrinking technology, at which point he resigned. Pym keeps           Know a critic
tabs on anyone getting close to discovering his technology while                                                                 Skynet wants to send a T-800 back in time to kill Connor’s
at the same time mentoring Darren Cross (Corey Stoll).                         James Hensley likes to                         mother, Sarah (Emilia Clarke), to alter the future in their favor.
                                                                                                                              When Connor goes to attack Skynet, he succeeds in penetrating
   Darren is obsessed with “Ant-Man” and wants to impress Pym.                 give a movie a chance be-                      their defenses, but he fails to prevent Skynet from launching the
He suspects Pym of being the first “Ant-Man.” Darren has made                                                                 T-800 back in time to kill Connor’s mom. The only way to stop
his own suit, which is known as Yellowjacket, to be the next                   fore taking the critic’s word                  Skynet now is to send someone to follow the T-800, kill it and
military adaptation. Throughout the movie Darren progressively                                                                save Sarah.
gets more deranged.                                                            on it. He enjoys watching
                                                                                                                                 Kyle Reese (Jai Courtney) volunteers for the mission and steps
   The movie has a lot of action and humor throughout. There                   action, thrillers, shooters                    into the time machine. At the moment he is about to be trans-
is plenty of slow motion imagery when Scott shrinks and while                                                                 ported, he sees Connor being grabbed by an unknown person as
he’s shrunk. The action is entertaining and humorous at the                    and more. He also enjoys                       Connor’s face melts into a poly-alloy.
same time.
                                                                               gaming and dominates in                           Reese lands back in 1984 Los Angeles naked from the time
   There is also a cameo from an Avenger, whom I won’t reveal                                                                 machine. He steals clothes from a bum and takes off when a cop
like the Internet and Facebook already have. Needless to say                   the Titanfall multiplayer                      chases and tries to kill him. The cop is a T-1000 sent back in time
the cameo is great.                                                                                                           to kill Reese before he saves Sarah.
                                                                               game and the Halo fran-
   There are many funny moments involving the suit’s shrink-                                                                     Reese takes off running for his life, at which time two real police
ing abilities and also plenty of ant humor as well. For example,      Hensley  chise. He’ll take you one-                     officers arrive on scene and try to detain Reese, but the T-1000
Scott, while shrunk, is saved by a flying ant which he later names             on-one, but believes the                       sends all three running for cover.
Anthony with emphasis on the letter T.
                                                                      real test is team fighting. His gamer tag on Xbox          Just when you think the cyborg has Reese cornered, Sarah
   Scott’s jail-cell friend Luis (Michael Peña) is probably the fun-                                                          breaks through a window in a van and runs over the T-1000. Inside
niest character in the movie. He consistently had me laughing at      Live is Overwhatch. That’s right, it has an extra “h.”  the van is Sarah’s guardian (Schwarzenegger). They rescue Reese
the interactions between him and Scott. Luis surprisingly plays                                                               and drive away to a safe house where they have been preparing
a good supporting role for Scott throughout.                                                            Luther Mitchell is    to attack Skynet.
                                                                                                    a journalist who en-
   Along with Luis, there is Pym’s daughter, Hope van Dyne                                          joys watching movies.        From here the movie really takes off after Reese, Sarah and the
(Evangeline Lilly), who helps Pym train Scott to become the new                                     His go-to genres are      guardian get together.
“Ant-Man.” Hope emphasizes to Scott the risk of the technology                                      suspense-thrillers and
getting out to the military or into the wrong hands.                                                comedies. When he isn’t      I haven’t really followed the Terminator movies series, so I can’t
                                                                                                    in the gym pumping        go into detail about how this movie connects to the prior movies.
   As with most Marvel movies, there are scenes during and after                                    iron or writing a story,  I can say, for a person who hasn’t watched past Terminator mov-
the credits for “Ant-Man.” These scenes are a must-see for fans                                     he likes to read every-   ies, they explain enough of the storyline in the movie so you’re
looking forward to future Marvel movies. I won’t spoil them, but                                                              not completely lost.
the future movies are going to be epic for sure.                       Mitchell Jr. thing from philosophy
                                                                                                                                 For those who have seen the previous movies, they will enjoy
   Overall this movie was fantastic, and I would highly recom-                                      to romance. He has nu-    the familiar cyborgs getting their heads blown off and re-imaging
mend it to anyone who is a fan of the superhero movies or just        merous books on his Kindle and bookshelf at             again.
wants an awesome movie to watch. I would say it was as good           home. The “Art of War” by Sun Tzu is a classic.
as “Guardians of the Galaxy,” which is also amazing.                                                                             The action in the movie starts fast, but it leaves something
                                                                                                                              to be desired. I wasn’t sure if the movie was going for a 1980’s
   “Ant-Man” is rated PG-13 for sci-fi action violence.                                                                       action movie feel or if the special effects budget went to paying
  “‘Ant-Man’ winds up slowly but delivers a big punch.
There’s a perverse magic to a hero whose un-Hulk-like,                                                                           However, toward the end of the movie there are some great
underdog quality — the ability to bulk down, not up —                                                                         special effects. One scene on the Golden Gate Bridge involving a
is his strength, not his weakness. Paul Rudd probably                                                                         school bus and a helicopter chase was amazing.
wouldn’t make a casting agent’s short-list for a Marvel
superhero. Even if you view the actor’s charm — worn                                                                             And, of course, the movie ends on a happy, but ominous, note
less like a cape than a shrug — his self-effacing, every-                                                                     as it sets the stage for yet another sequel.
man nature makes him an eccentric choice for a comic
book character.”                                                                                                                 This film is rated PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi violence
                                                                                                                              and gunplay throughout, partial nudity and brief strong language.
                       ~ Michael O’Sullivan, Washington Post
                                                                                                                                “This fifth chapter outweighs the Arnie-less fourth,
                                                                                                                              which wouldn’t have been much of a stretch.”

                                                                                                                                                              ~David O’Connell, 20/20 Filmsight
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