Page 1 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-19-15
P. 1
Vol. 65 No. 24
June 19, 2015
UEI Capstone date fast approaching
By Staff Sgt. Siuta B. Ika team will be at Nellis and Creech Air
Force Bases for the UEI Capstone to
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs rate how effective each base is in per-
forming and completing its mission.
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. Their focus is to evaluate each wing
— Nearly two years ago, the base’s commander’s inspection program
Unit Effectiveness Inspection cycle and look for areas of potential unde-
began under the new Air Force In- tected non-compliance.
spection System.
The Capstone marks the end of
AFIS was designed to improve the current UEI inspection cycle
performance, military discipline and validates a wing’s CCIP, or
and management excellence up and commander’s inspection pro-
down the chain of command, and gram, and rates the wing on four
allow commanders to shift their focus major graded areas: managing
from inspection readiness to mission resources, leading people, improv-
_________ See UEI, on page 3
From Nov. 1 through 7, Air Com-
bat Command’s Inspector General
U.S. Air force photo illustration by Staff Sgt. Siuta B. Ika From Nov. 1 through 7, Air Combat Command’s Inspector General team will
be at Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases for the UEI Capstone to rate how
effective each base is in performing and completing its mission. The Capstone
marks the end of the current UEI inspection cycle and validates a wing’s
CCIP, or commander’s inspection program, and rates the wing on four major
graded areas: managing resources, leading people, improving the unit and
executing the mission. For more information on the November UEI capstone,
contact the 99th Air Base Wing Inspector General’s office at 702-652-2535.
AFCENT commander: ISIL fears coalition airpower
By U.S. Air Force Central Command Public Affairs Component commander and U.S. Air Force eliminated the majority of ISIL oil refining We know now that they hide amongst the
Central Command. “Since Aug. 8, coalition capability. However, numbers don’t tell the civilian populace and employ decoys in an
AL UDEID AIR BASE, Southwest Asia airpower has significantly degraded (ISIL’s) whole story. attempt to be un-targetable.”
— At the coalition airpower hub for opera- ability to organize, project and sustain
tions in Iraq, Afghanistan and across the combat power while taking exceptional “The success of coalition airpower With all of the changes the coalition has
U.S. Central Command area of responsibil- care to limit collateral damage and civilian throughout this conflict is proven by seen in (ISIL) tactics, it would seem an im-
ity, the commander and coalition partners casualties.” (ISIL’s) response to our aircraft,” said U.S. possible task to find and strike them, but the
know they are making a difference in the Air Force Maj. John Easton, the Air Forces coalition integrates intelligence, surveillance
fight against Islamic State of Iraq and the Made up of 18 nations, the coalition Central Command tactics officer. “Early in and reconnaissance analysis and strikes to
Levant terrorists. airpower team is committed to defeating the conflict, (ISIL) paraded themselves in keep after ISIL.
ISIL and has had many successes on the open convoys and brazenly identified their
“We know from our intelligence that battlefield. positions with flags as many other fielded “As the enemy’s tactics change, so have
(ISIL) fears coalition airpower,” said U.S. forces do. Coalition airpower’s ability to our airpower tactics, and we are still finding
Air Force Lt. Gen. John Hesterman III, Coalition airpower has helped ground find and target the enemy was so successful and eliminating (ISIL) fighters,” Easton said.
commander of the Combined Forces Air forces regain territory, removed significant that (ISIL) has since modified their tactics.
numbers of fighters from the battlefield, and _____________See ISIL, on page 3
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