Page 3 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-19-15
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BULLSEYE News 3June 19, 2015
Airman 1st Class James Avdoian-
Salas, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron
firefighter, practices treating burn
wounds during a Nuclear Accident
Response Exercise at Nellis Air Force
Base, Nev., June 12. The NARE tested
the base’s response capability
to a nuclear weapons accident.
U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Thomas Spangler
ISIL, from page 1 ______________ “I expect my team to lean forward, “While pilots struck large numbers of added that persistent air attack exploits
and they are,” Hesterman said. “Not only targets in Desert Storm and the opening ISIL’s weaknesses, and it is clearly having
“(ISIL) is very much afraid of our ability to has airpower been effective, but it has days of OIF, those fights had extremely dif- an effect in concert with ground forces.
strike them.” enabled virtually every victory on the ferent and available target sets,” Haworth
battlefield and given the ground forces said. “In previous campaigns, we were “Our senior leaders have always said
Each of the coalition nations contributes time to regroup and get their forces in fighting against a conventional military this fight will be difficult and that it will
something significant to this fight. order. It’s also given all our coalition na- that massed in the open, away from the take time, but we’re committed as a coali-
tions the space and time to execute the civilian population. Those target sets don’t tion team,” Mraz said. “I’m confident that
“The fact that we have a coalition work- international lines of effort for countering exist in this fight now. We’re fighting an we are going to be able to take down these
ing together and fighting this enemy is flow of foreign fighters; countering (ISIL) enemy that hides behind civilians. You kidnappers, rapists and murderers for the
itself a demonstration of combined com- financing; providing humanitarian assis- simply can’t compare then to now.” good of all nations.”
mitment and overall effectiveness against tance; countering (ISIL’s) messaging; and
(ISIL),” said Canadian Brig. Gen. Patrice stabilizing liberated areas, all of which will Targeting an enemy that hides among Hesterman said he’s very proud of the
Laroche, the Combined Air Operations be necessary to finish (ISIL).” the civilian population is difficult, accord- young men and women of the coalition
Center director. “Arab, European, Asian, ing to Haworth. who are risking their lives every day to
North American -- we all understand the However, some critics have downplayed go after the ISIL terrorists, and give the
importance of defeating (ISIL).” airpower’s effectiveness and compared this “It’s really complex to find the enemy, world the time it needs to galvanize the
conflict to Desert Storm and Operation but we are doing it,” Haworth said. “(ISIL) multiple lines of effort that will ultimately
Operators in today’s fight know just Iraqi Freedom, but those are false com- leadership is on the defense because the finish ISIL.
how critical coalition airpower is to enable parisons according to U.S. Air Force Lt. more we learn about this enemy, the more
ground forces to get after the enemy and Col. Dave Haworth, the CAOC Combat targets open up. It’s a growth industry.” “They’re exceptionally proud of what
Hesterman stated that virtually all are very Operations director. they’re doing and their impact on the en-
proud of the contribution they are making, U.S. Army Capt. Matt Mraz, the Joint emy,” Hesterman said. “They deserve the
and should be. Personnel Recovery Cell deputy director, deep respect of every one of us.”
UEI, from page 1 ______________ understand why we’re inspecting — to meet chain, so your unit commander or wing them in the loop.”
the commander’s priorities.” commander can decide how to reallocate The most important thing Airmen need
ing the unit and executing the mission. resources or accept the risk of continuing
“For previous inspections, there were set Lt. Col. Yira Muse, 99th ABW IG, said on with the mission.” to know, said 99th ABW commander Col.
the UEI capstone event will go a long way Richard Boutwell, is the Capstone is all
criteria determined by functionals weeks in showing Nellis AFB Airmen this is not Muse also said Airmen could receive about self-awareness and the Capstone week
prior to the inspection and those are the the old inspection system with a new name, phone calls from ACC IG before the No- should run like a normal work week.
areas that units had to show compliance in. and the inspectors are ready to help improve vember Capstone.
Those days are gone, and the IG will look the wing’s mission effectiveness. “I think we are going to do well, because
for total program compliance in accordance “Do not be surprised if you get a call for us mission readiness is inspection readi-
with the governing guidance of Air Force “In the past, we wasted a lot of our effort from headquarters ACC IG looking for ness,” Boutwell said. “Know your job and
Instructions, technical orders, Depart- taking our eyes off of mission readiness to permissions to look into your (Manage- give it your best effort each and every day. If
ment of Defense Instructions, etc.,” said prepare to pass the inspection instead of ment Internal Control Toolset) or anything you say you are able to effectively accomplish
Maj. Jennifer Cowie, 99th Air Base Wing showing the inspectors how we do our mis- else, that is part of the process,” Muse said. your mission today, you should be able to
IG director of inspections. “They will also sion,” Muse said. “Since we are a few months “Those requests should flow through our be inspected on that and pass, and I think
ensure our wing inspection team knows out, now is the perfect opportunity to make office, but we know those types of calls we are ready.”
how to properly inspect and find areas of sure everything has been put in place and will go to the shop-level Airmen. If you are
potential non-compliance. Everyone should is working. If you have deficiencies, each on the receiving end of that request, vet it For more information on the November
Airmen should route that up through the through your chain of command to keep UEI Capstone, contact the 99th ABW IG
inspections office at 702-652-2535.