Page 2 - Nellis AFB Bullseye 6-19-15
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2 June 19, 2015 Commentary BULLSEYE
Dear Dad: A letter to my father
By Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle ever made. I didn’t know it that day, but I choice to follow in your footsteps and join generally didn’t listen to the things you were
had just met that man that I am proud to the Air Force. trying to tell me. Despite all these things, you
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs call my father. still loved me and always considered me as
Being stationed at Nellis Air Force Base, one of your own.
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — I sat Since I can’t be there to celebrate Father’s just as you had once been, gives me a small
in the very back of the classroom, not paying Day with you, I’ll write you a letter to express glimpse of what your time on active duty I want to thank you for always being there
much attention to the man in blue giving the things I can’t tell you in person. might have been like. Granted, my job as a to support me. Along with knowing when I
a presentation to my eighth grade civics photojournalist is drastically different than was making mistakes, but letting me make
class. He was saying something about core Dear Dad, yours was as an F-4 Phantom pilot. them and learn valuable life lessons. Thank
values, pride and doing something for the By the time you met my mom, you were you for inspiring me to reach for more in
community you could be proud of. already retired from active duty after serving I’ve learned many things from you; to my life and guiding me along my own Air
for 26 years. I personally didn’t grow up in have compassion when it’s needed, to honor Force adventure. Even though your kids
He told stories of how the students in his an Air Force family, but I spent years watch- my commitments, to always do my best, to were all grown-up, I wanted to thank you
program grew and gained the confidence ing and listening to your stories about your be proud of the work I do, and to always for being the father you didn’t have to be to
to lead. He spoke of how even troubled time flying and all the friends you made have an unwavering determination to get my brother and I.
students were able to turn their high school along the way. I wanted that same camara- the best for myself out of life. Most impor-
careers around and find success. derie and closeness with people. tantly, you helped give me something I had Happy Father’s Day,
As my time in high school was coming been searching for myself for years — the Your Daughter.
I didn’t understand it at the time, but to a close, I still wasn’t sure of what I wanted confidence in myself to help me grow into
when I looked up, it felt like he was looking to do with my life. One thing I was certain the person I am today. To my Air Force family, remember to
and speaking to me. of was I wanted to go out and do something contact your father this Father’s Day. I hope
you would be proud of. I wanted to be like I know I didn’t make it easy for you to all the fathers out there have a happy Father’s
I wasn’t too sure why I signed up for Air you. It was because of you that I made the get to know me. I kept myself distant, I Day this weekend.
Force Junior ROTC that day, but reflecting constantly picked fights with you, and I
back now it was one of the best decisions I
Leadership: Is there an app for that?
By Chief Master Sgt. Lee R. Barr Years of experience gained instantaneous- mission while Merriam-Webster defines ment for yourself? It’s simple, but effective
ly from our Air Force’s greatest leaders leadership first as the position or office of — the more complicated you make it, the
8th Fighter Wing — done. Why stop there? Let’s download a leader, and second, the capacity or ability more ineffective it becomes. Second, is a
apps for our social ills: a sexual assault to lead. Although it would be great to have quote I’ve used that was given to me from
KUNSAN AIR BASE, Republic of app, suicide intervention app, underage a leadership app, the simple truth is that we my former wing commander, Maj. Gen.
Korea — The world is growing more and drinking app and a responsible choices struggle with leadership particularly in our Thomas Bussiere; “be the supervisor you
more dependent on technology. app. Wouldn’t that be great to have leader- early stages of becoming a leader. always wanted.” In other words, be the
ship and solutions to everything that ails supervisor you wish your supervisor had
Even our U.S. Air Force has become au- the Air Force at our fingertips? We learn from our mistakes, praying we been to you. Please don’t misunderstand
tomated to improve programs, processes don’t hurt an Airman or break something what I’m saying. As leaders we hold people
and quality of life for Airmen. Unfortunately, you and I know that’s really expensive that places the mission at accountable, but holding a person account-
not how it works. Leadership is not easy! risk. We must make sure our actions are able has nothing to do with not respecting
We have Facebook, smartphones, You may have heard someone say “natural legal, ethical and moral. We must learn them and creating a hostile work environ-
BlackBerries, MyMC2 (My Military born leader” or seen it in a performance from others, taking what works from those ment. Leadership takes courage. The Air
Communities), Twitter, Facetime, Skype, report. This has been debated for years around us and throwing away what doesn’t Force requires leadership, especially as
webpages, Sharepoint, EMS (Evaluation and I don’t think we’ll solve that question work or fit your personality. Since Wolf we go through various force management
Management System) and many more here. What I do know is this: leadership and I arrived here at the Wolf Pack, we’ve programs, force reduction and new evalu-
I could list. You get the point; we are a is the recipe to solve any issue in our great had our community support coordinator ation systems. It takes leadership to lead
connected society in the U.S. Air Force. Air Force. It takes energy and time to administer “true colors” tests to Airmen. Airmen — our most valuable resource. The
There seems to be an app for anything you become a good leader; dare I say a great It’s a really great tool and uses a simple, Air Force needs leadership to successfully
can imagine. When I speak with Airmen leader. It requires leadership molecules but very effective method to help you learn execute the mission and take care of our
today, they say “oh Chief, there’s an app and an investment on our part to become what type of person you are by identifying Airmen and our families.
for that,” or they show me something on an effective leader. As a leader, you have strengths and weaknesses. By helping you
their smartphone and say “I downloaded to care about people and be passionate understand yourself and others better, you Unfortunately, there’s no app for lead-
the app.” about your calling as a leader. I believe learn to develop effective leadership. ership, however, you are the most edu-
in order to become a great leader, you cated and technologically savvy generation
We constantly hear “there’s an app for must choose to be a servant — to serve With that said, let me give you two working in the greatest Air Force the world
that,” which got me thinking what if there something larger than yourself. thoughts concerning leadership and how has ever known. I’m counting on you to
was an app for leadership. A leadership to be a great leader. First, live by the golden invest the time, energy and the leadership
app! The Professional Development Guide rule — treat others as you want them to molecules it takes to be that great leader
defines leadership as the art of influencing treat you. Would you disrespect yourself? — we need you.
In this new world of marvelous tech- and directing people to accomplish the Would you create a hostile work environ-
nology, wouldn’t it be nice to have a lead-
ership app? Just download the leadership
app and voila, you have instant leadership.
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