Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
P. 1
Vol. 15, No. 45
INSIDE Forging Sabre
Legend at Luke, 3
Army CSTs share, 4
LEAD visits Luke, 6
Lightning Leadership, 7
Holiday chapel events, 22
Senior Airman James Hensley Senior Airman James Hensley
MWDS SNIFF OUT TROUBLE F-15 Eagles from the 428th Fighter Squadron, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, arrived Nov. 19 at Luke Air Force
Base. The Eagles came in support of the training exercise Forging Saber, an exercise involving the 428th FS, 425th FS and
See Page 14 members of the Republic of Singapore armed forces. The exercise is Dec. 1 through 13.
INDEX Det. 12 graduates last MRA class
Action line ............................. 2 E\6HQLRU$LUPDQ For one newly graduated F-16 crew chief, shared a few words with graduates and
Briefs..................................... 3 *5$&(/(( completing his training as part of the last family members.
Spotlight ................................ 4 graduating class was memorable.
Diversions ........................... 20 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs “I am proud of you and what you’ve ac-
Sports.................................. 23 “It feels great to be a part of the last complished up to this point,” Shinn said. “I
History was made when Detachment 12, graduating class,” said Airman 1st Class am proud of what you will do and become. I’m
QUOTE OF THE WEEK 372nd Training Squadron graduated its Tery Miller, 372nd TRS F-16 crew chief. honored and feel privileged to be on the same
last class of mission-ready Airmen at Luke “Being that I came in with zero mechanical team. So friends, family, fellow Airmen, and
“Subordinates, who are given a Air Force Base. experience, I feel very prepared because crew chiefs, when you see an F-16 in the air,
vague objective and timeline, can they taught me how to properly use tools remember who put it there. While we all have
make or break a project by asking Since the MRA program’s conception in and work on the aircraft.” GLIIHUHQWUROHVIRUIXOÀOOLQJWKLVSURIHVVLRQLW
questions that remove unknowns. 1994, the combined total of students gradu- is the role of the crew chief to put that awe-
Subordinates are the experts and ated is 11,840. Throughout the program, students learn some combat capability into action. It is the
know the intricacies of what is being how to service an aircraft tire, service role of crew chief to deliver safe and reliable
asked.” “Every F-16 Fighting Falcon crew chief RLO UHPRYH DQG UHSODFH K\GUDXOLF ÀOWHUV aircraft to make it happen. It is the role of the
has gone through our program for the last troubleshoot landing gear and more. crew chief to get that jet overhead.”
Lt. Col. Jason Hokaj 21 years,” said Master Sgt. Paul Engram,
WK2SHUDWLRQV6XSSRUW6TXDGURQ 372nd TRS, Det. 12 MRA NCO in charge. “It’s a pretty fast-paced course in that there One F-16 crew chief instructor com-
“After graduation, the crew chiefs will be are only three classroom days,” Engram said. PHQWHGRQEHLQJDSDUWRIWKHÀQDOFODVVRI
WEATHER going to bases around the world.” “One of the days is orientation then another the program.
is learning how to do liquid oxygen bottle
Today Students begin their journey to become an removal and lastly, graduation. Other than “It’s a unique privilege to be able to help
F-16 crew chief after Basic Military Training that, everything we do is hands-on.” ÀQLVKRIIWKH05$SURJUDPKHUHDW/XNHµ
72°/41° when they arrive at Sheppard AFB, Texas,
for technical school. Thereafter, they are sent During the graduation ceremony, Lt. Col. See GRADUATES, Page 13
Sunny to Luke to complete the rest of their training. Kenneth Shinn, 372nd TRS commander,
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