Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
P. 4

Dec. 4, 2015                                                  SPOTLIGHT                                                                                              Thunderbolt

                                                                         Female Army CST-2 members share stories

                                                                               GRACE LEE

      Tech. Sgt. Dwight Parrish Jr.                                                   56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs                                                                                                                         Courtesy photo

  56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron                                       Today, less than half a percent of          :HDULQJDEODFNKHDGFRYHU&KLHI:DUUDQW2I¿FHU5DTXHO3DWULFN$UP\
                                                                         Americans serve in the U.S. military           Ordnance Training Detachment-Fort Gordon division deputy chief and Cul-
     F-35 Structural Maintenance Craftsman                               and of that number, 14 percent are             tural Support Team-2 member, is shown asking an Afghan child in Novem-
                                                                         women. Commonly, war stories are               ber 2011 if she was enrolled in school, and if not, would she like to go. Many
Hometown: Jacksonville, North Carolina                                   told through the eyes of men, and they         female CST-2 members like Patrick were deployed to Afghanistan and were
Years in service: 14                                                     are rarely shared from a woman’s               given the primary duty of engaging the female population of Afghanistan.
Family::LIHDQGIRXUÀYHE\'HFFKLOGUHQ                          perspective.                                   This is because in the Afghan culture, it is inappropriate for male military
(GXFDWLRQ Pursuing a Community College of the                                                                          members to engage with female Afghans.
Air Force through Rio Salado College                                        7KDWLVZK\ÀYHIHPDOH$UP\YHWHU-
Previous assignments: Whiteman Air Force Base,                           ans who were deployed to Afghanistan           Fort Gordon division deputy chief and        by all these women, who were very
Missouri; and Elmendorf AFB, Alaska                                      during Operation Enduring Freedom,             CST-2 member. “We went to training           driven and positive, made the situation
,QVSLUDWLRQV My father, Dwight Parrish Sr.                              July 2011 through March 2012, came             WR VSHFLÀFDOO\ VXSSRUW WKH VSHFLDO RS-  bearable.”
Goals: Attain a bachelor’s degree in business                            together to share their stories during         erations forces. Overall, I thought the
Greatest feat: Raising soon-to-EH ÀYH ZRQGHUIXO                       a presentation Nov. 16 at Scottsdale           training was a lot of fun, but it was           The women also shared the chal-
kids with my wife, Jennifer                                              Community College.                             challenging.”                                lenges of being a CST-2 member.
6HOIGHVFULSWLRQ Mission and personnel-minded
                                                                            “The purpose of this presentation              For one CST-2 member, the attitude           ´7KHPLVVLRQVZHUHGLIÀFXOWEHFDXVH
                Famous last words: “We’ll make it                        is to let students ask questions and           of her fellow soldiers is what pushed        it wasn’t really cut and dry,” Stagnaro
                   work.”                                                become familiar with and educated by           her through.                                 said. “It was whatever the team needed
                    Off-duty interests:%RZOLQJÀVK-                    these incredible women,” said Joseph                                                        us to do depending on their area of
                     ing and wood working                                Brett, Veterans Heritage Project vice             “I think physically they push you to      responsibility, and all the areas were
                     Commander’s comments: “Ser-                         president. “The Veterans Heritage              your limits, as far as how they didn’t let   very different.”
                     geant Parrish has helped our unit                   Project’s mission is to connect students       you sleep,” said Capt. Serena Stagnaro,
                     WR PDNH D SUHWW\ VLJQLÀFDQW OHDS              ZLWKYHWHUDQV7RGD\ZHDUHXVLQJÀOP        Army Reserve engineer and CST-2                 Patrick then chimed in and explained
                     forward in the way we maintain                      to let veterans tell their stories.”           member. “But for me, being surrounded        the rewards of the job.
                          F-35s,” said Lt. Col. Scott Hall,
                             56th EMS commander. “Up                        The presentation was on behalf of                                                                                           See CST, Page 17
                                 to this point, stab restora-            the Veterans Heritage Project and a
                                       tions were a major                collaborative effort with the Scottsdale
                                         maintenance driver              School of Film. Film students had the
                                          that could keep an             opportunity to record and capture the
                                           aircraft grounded             event.
                                           for up WRÀYHGD\V
                                           3DUULVKOHGÀYHORZ             During the presentation, the women
                                         observable techni-              were asked several questions and each
                                    cians in the completion              had a chance to share their story.
                                of an F-35 horizontal stab
                               restoration and slashed                      The questions varied from why they
                                the completion time by 88                decided to join the military to what
                                hours taking the previous                training for special operations was like
                                repair timeline from 168                 for women at the time.
                                hours to 80.”
                                                                            “First, we were assessed, and then
                                                                         we were selected to be trained,” said
                                                                         Army Ordnance Training Detachment-

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