Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
P. 8

Dec. 4, 2015         NEWS                                                                                    Thunderbolt

                                      South Korea

                                       Wolf Pack F-16 Fighting Falcon pilots from
                                       the 35th Fighter Squadron practiced com-
                                       parts from the Republic of Korea air force’s
                                       11th Fighter Wing, Daegu Air Base, during
                                       Buddy Wing 16-7 at Kunsan Air Base.

Germany                                                                                                      Afghanistan

 More than 20 members of the 86th Se-                                                                         In a far corner of the base, behind
 curity Forces Squadron participated in                                                                       fences, checkpoints and armed
 the Bundeswehr (German army) marks-                                                                          guards, rests one of the most explo-
 manship badge challenge Nov. 18 in                                                                           VLYHSODFHVRQ%DJUDP$LU¿HOG7KH
 Zweibruecken. The event was hosted by                                                                        455th Expeditionary Maintenance
 the German army to help promote cama-                                                                        Squadron munitions storage area Air-
 raderie between the two forces.                                                                              men provide the necessary weapons
                                                                                                              required to project combat airpower.

                                                                 Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee
                                                                 James met with Airmen and senior lead-
                                                                 ers stationed at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti,
                                                                 and the U.S. Embassy, as well as senior
                                                                 members from the Djiboutian military, dur-

                                                                                                             peek …

                                      Staff Sgt. Marcy Copeland                                              7KHRI¿FLDOOLJKWLQJRIWKH
                                                                                                             Luke Air Force Base Christ-
                                                                                                             mas tree by Brig. Gen. Scott
                                                                                                             Pleus, (VERIFY) 56th Fighter
                                                                                                             Wing commander, is today
                                                                                                             during the Holiday Magic
                                                                                                             festivities. This photo was
                                                                                                             taken Nov. 22 when the tree
                                                                                                             rated and a test on the lights
                                                                                                             was performed. Holiday
                                                                                                             Magic is from 5 to 8 p.m. and
                                                                                                             includes snow, Santa and
                                                                                                             Mrs. Claus, horse drawn hay
                                                                                                             rides and mini train rides,
                                                                                                             Santa’s workshop, vendors,
                                                                                                             obstacle course, and a pet-
                                                                                                             ting zoo. Vouchers for free
                                                                                                             Christmas trees will be hand-
                                                                                                             ed out. The trees must be
                                                                                                             picked up 8 a.m. to noon Sat-
                                                                                                             urday at 56th Force Support
                                                                                                             Squadron Outdoor Recre-
                                                                                                             ation. Holiday luminaries will
                                                                                                             also be given out. A buffet
                                                                                                             offering turkey, honey-baked
                                                                                                             ham, green beans, mashed
                                                                                                             potatoes and gravy, roll and
                                                                                                             butter will be 4 to 8 p.m.
                                                                                                             today at Club Five Six. The
                                                                                                             price is $9 per club member,
                                                                                                             $11 per nonmember, $6 per
                                                                                                             child ages 6 to 12 and free
                                                                                                             for ages 5 and under.
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