Page 12 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
P. 12

Dec. 4, 2015                        DESTINATION                                                                                           Thunderbolt

Moab, Utah — land of scenery

        6WRU\DQGSKRWRVE\                   Arizona-Utah border. It is known for the        The next day we visited Arches Na-         Delicate Arch in Arches National Park in Utah is
            6HQLRU$LUPDQ                     giant sandstone buttes of the park. To       tional Park, and I got a free pass since      photographed Nov. 2. Tourists from around the
              *5$&(/((                        get into the park, there is a cash-only fee  I was active-duty military. We received       world come every year to see the 65-foot-tall arch.
                                               of $20, which covers up to four people       a map and a visitor’s guide. The drive
             56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  per vehicle. Also, some choose to drive      WKURXJKWKHSDUNLVÁDQNHGE\UHGURFN       A tourist takes in the view Nov. 3 sitting beneath
                                               the 17-mile scenic drive to take pictures.   landscapes. There are also several scenic     Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park in Utah.
   I hadn’t taken a vacation in forever                                                     viewpoints to take pictures.
and decided it was time to go on a trip. I        When we arrived at Moab, I was pleas-
wanted to go somewhere relatively easy         antly surprised by how picturesque the          We headed to the hiking trail up to
to get to but somewhere far enough away        city was. We checked into our hotel and      the famous 65-foot-tall Delicate Arch to
that it felt like a getaway. That’s why I      went for dinner at the Moab Brewery.         catch the sunset, and boy was it a view.
chose to go to Moab, Utah.                     )RU DQ\RQH QHZ WR 0RDE , GHÀQLWHO\   Tourists from around the world were
                                               UHFRPPHQGJRLQJKHUHÀUVW,WLVUHDOO\     there with cameras ready to capture
   Moab is surrounded by beautiful red         busy, but worth the wait.                    the shot. It was nice just to sit there and
rock landscapes and is only a seven-                                                        absorb the surroundings.
and-a-half hour drive from Phoenix.               The brewery has been known for
It’s also near Arches National Park,           its hand-crafted ales since 1996. We            Another place to consider visiting is
Canyonlands National Park and Dead             ordered nachos to start and tried two        Mesa Arch located in Canyonlands Na-
Horse Point State Park.                        of their brews, as well as two different     tional Park. Because Mesa Arch is widely
                                               hamburgers. The burgers were juicy and       known for a breathtaking view during
   Before I dive into more detail about        delicious, and their beer-battered onion     sunrise, we woke up at 4:30 a.m. to catch
Moab, I will say on the way there we           rings were to die for. The prices weren’t    it. The drive was about 40-minutes long
ÀUVWVWRSSHGE\0RQXPHQW9DOOH\1D-            bad either; it was less than $40 for the     to reach the park’s visitor center, but well
vajo Tribal Park. Monument Valley is           entire meal.                                 worth it. We pulled up to the trailhead
a red-sand desert and is located on the                                                     and hiked up the quarter-mile trail. It
                                                                                            was quite a site. A word of advice, I sug-
The sun rises Nov. 3 behind Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park in Utah.                 gest to arrive 30 minutes before sunrise
Mesa Arch is famous for its view, especially during sunrise.                                to catch the perfect shot. Photographers
                                                                                            to get anywhere near the arch, so we
                                                                                            waited until the crowd thinned.

                                                                                               On the way back, we stopped at Dead
                                                                                            Horse Point State Park view point to
                                                                                            get a look at the Colorado River and
                                                                                            Canyonlands National Park, which can
                                                                                            be seen from the parking lot. The park
                                                                                            is 5,362 acres of desert at an altitude of
                                                                                            5,900 feet.

                                                                                               On the way home, we made one last
                                                                                            stop at Page, Arizona, to see Horseshoe
                                                                                            Bend, which was one of my favorite
                                                                                            views. It’s a little scary, as there is no
                                                                                            idea. The cost of the trip, other than the
                                                                                            gas and hotel, was affordable. I packed
                                                                                            meals so the only meal we ate out was
                                                                                            dinner. I recommend visiting Moab
                                                                                            to anyone who loves the outdoors and
                                                                                            would like to get away from the desert
                                                                                            for a bit.

+RUVHVKRH%HQG1RYLQ3DJH$UL]RQD7KHEHQGLVORFDWHG¿YHPLOHVGRZQVWUHDP This photo of the Colorado River from Dead Horse State Park in Utah was taken

from the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell.                                                   Nov. 3. The park is 5,362 acres of desert at an altitude of 5,900 feet.
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