Page 17 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
P. 17
Thunderbolt NEWS Dec. 4, 2015
CST (from Page 4) BRIEFS (from Page 3)
Luke Airmen Cookie Drive
“I was also involved in Key Leader Engagement so ules, interviews taxpayers to determine all income,
I got to meet the town’s leadership,” Patrick said. “I deductions and allowable credits are claimed and Tues, 8 Dec, Collection at Club 56
would appear every weekend hoping that women would answers tax-related questions. There are additional
reach out. The biggest deal for me was when a woman support roles available. For more information, call 7am-9am DRIVE-THRU -Volunteers will meet you at your vehicle in front
presented a grievance at the town hall meeting. For her Capt. Jheremy Perkins at 623-856-6901, or email
to feel that she could be represented was a big deal for 9am-1pm INSIDE DROP OFF-Please bring cookies inside to our station
me and that was the whole point of why we were there,
to help them help themselves.” Bryant Fitness Center, annex It’s time to start baking (or visit your favorite bakery)! Luke Air Force Base
The women were also involved in missions to help hours is collecting cookies from the local community to distribute to Airmen on base.
women get to where they needed to be safe. We need your help! We are in need of holiday cookie donations for our Cookie Drive.
The Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fitness Center Homemade or store bought favorites will be gratefully accepted. Sorry, we cannot
´0\ÀUVWPLVVLRQZDVTXLWHXQXVXDOµVDLG5RVH0DW- has begun renovations. Access to the facility and return containers. To bring cookies on Tues 8 Dec or to volunteer to package on
tie, Army National Guard UH-60 Blackhawk pilot and exercise equipment will be limited during the reno- Wed 9 Dec, please email the event coordinator at:
CST-2 member. “We got word that a woman had dressed vation. Hours of operation are 4:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
up as a man and made it to a remote base. The guys Monday through Friday. Annex hours are 4:30 a.m. Thank you for supporting our Airmen!
called us to ask what they should do with her. So we to 6 p.m. weekdays. Equipment will be moved to
GLGVRPHUHVHDUFKDQGÀJXUHGRXWZKDWFRXUVHRIDFWLRQ make room for the work. The weight and racquetball
we could take with her. We presumed that if she took URRPVZLOOEHFORVHGÀUVWDQGWKHQWKHFDUGLRURRPV
that extreme to dress up as a man, there must be some Restrooms and showers will be closed. Temporary
extreme measures she was running from. We had two showers and restrooms will be provided outside
options to either send her back or send her to a shelter the center. Access to the facility is through the
in Kabul, Afghanistan. So they put us on a Blackhawk north and east doors until further notice. Parking
and we went in and got her. We took her to Kabul. The ZLOOEHQHDUWKHVRIWEDOOÀHOGDQG%OGJ)OLJKW
last time I heard, she was getting her education there.” medicine parking lots are off limits. Fitness testing
The event closed after a question-and-answer session. FHOORIÀFHWRFRPSOHWHWKHDEGRPLQDOFLUFXPIHUHQFH
The women are hopeful they had a positive impact measurement. The remainder of the test will be
while they were deployed to Afghanistan, and they are performed at the Combat Fitness Center. For more
thankful to share their stories. information regarding the PT test, call Senior Air-
“This is a really monumental time in history for us,” man Philemon Sehne at 623-856-2471. For updates
Patrick said. “We’re breaking through a lot of barriers on construction changes, call 623-856-6241 and
today, and I want it to be captured and shared with speak with a supervisor.
future generations.”
Because of you, there is St. Jude.
St. Jude patient Andrew with his father Herman, United States Navy Commander 800-822-6344
A CFC Participant.
Provided as a public service.