Page 20 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
P. 20
Dec. 4, 2015 NEWS Thunderbolt
Chaplain’s thoughts ... STREET BEAT
A letter to parents of Airmen The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled in base housing. The individual was experienc-
Through the years I, as a chaplain, have received numerous phone calls the following incidents Nov. 16 through 29 at LQJDQDOOHUJLFUHDFWLRQDQGZDVWUHDWHGE\ÀUH
from parents who were concerned about their sons or daughters. Perhaps a Luke Air Force Base: emergency personnel and released. Security
grandparent had died, or a relationship had ended or perhaps they sensed IRUFHVSURYLGHGDVVLVWDQFHZLWKÀUVWDLGDQG
that their child was beginning to make bad decisions. Tickets WUDIÀFFRQWURO
would hear them and would endeavor to “discreetly” care for their child. Security forces issued citations for 13 mov- Nonemergency responses
Somehow they needed the assurance that their child was seen, not as a ing violations and eight nonmoving violations.
number or a report, but as a person. Nov. 16: Security forces responded to a re-
Let’s be honest. Joining the Air Force is a transformational experience 7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV port of underage drinking and possession of
for both the young patriot and the parents. Truth is, being a parent of alcohol by a minor in Bldg. 636. The military
a service member is not easy. The parent-child relationship is forever 1RY6HFXULW\IRUFHVDQGÀUHÀJKWHUVUH- member was apprehended was turned over to
changed. The child has absolutely and unequivocally left the nest, and sponded to a report of a major single-vehicle ac- WKHXQLWÀUVWVHUJHDQW
the parents must adjust to a new normal. cident at Fighter Country Avenue and Johnson
There are times when parents see their children hurting and long to Lane. An ambulance transported the individual Nov. 22: Security forces responded to a war-
hold them and assure them that everything will be okay. That’s tough to a local treatment facility for evaluation. rant’s hit at Kachina Gate. The individual was
because now their child is an Airman – strong, determined, independent YHULÀHGE\WKH0DULFRSD&RXQW\6KHULII2IÀFH
… and just six months removed from having to be reminded to take out Nov. 24: Security forces responded to a to be a victim of identity theft. The individual
the trash or pick up their dirty clothes. report of a minor single-vehicle accident at was instructed to report to MCSO to correct
And so, occasionally parents of young Airmen grow anxious. It’s natural, the parking lot of Bldg. 1540. There were no the action.
it’s normal; it’s a lovely thing indeed because it springs from a lifetime of injuries.
love and nurture.
Mom and dad, the truth is supervisors, shirts and commanders will Emergency responses Alarm activations
never love your child as you do. But let me assure you that we, as an Air
Force family, will do all we can to help your child succeed in their military 1RY 6HFXULW\ IRUFHV DQG ÀUHÀJKWHUV Security forces responded to 11 alarm acti-
career. They will not always call home with joyful news of their military responded to a report of a medical emergency vations on base.
experience; but they will have a fair shake at making it in this service that in Luke Air Force Base Exchange. The indi-
FDOOVWKHPWRLQWHJULW\ÀUVWVHUYLFHEHIRUHVHOIDQGH[FHOOHQFHLQDOOWKH\GR vidual, experiencing chest pains, was treated Tip of the week
Thank you for entrusting us with your children. We will do our best to E\ÀUHHPHUJHQF\SHUVRQQHODQGWUDQVSRUWHG
help them succeed. to a nearby hospital. Security forces provided Cold weather has arrived. Nighttime tem-
pet’s health and avoid leaving pets outside for
Courtesy of Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Larry Fowler 1RY 6HFXULW\ IRUFHV DQG ÀUHÀJKWHUV too long a period.
56th Fighter Wing Chapel responded to a report of a medical emergency
Courtesy of Senior Airman Brian LeFevere, 56th SFS
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