Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS Dec. 4, 2015 9
PEOPLE such as you nose, hair, face, or pets. You Airman and do the best I could in the job $)FKLHIVFLHQWLVWWHVWL¿HV
FIRST should wash your hands with warm water the Air Force asked me to do.”
and soap for at least 20 seconds to minimize before congress on autonomy
Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is cross contamination.
compiled from information from the Air Force Article/630109/af-welcomes-newest-3-star-gener- The chief scientist of the Air Force testi-
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup- - Clean and sanitize food contact surfaces. ÀHGLQ1RYHPEHUEHIRUHWKH+RXVH$UPHG
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Counters, cutting boards, knives, and other al-to-lead-manpower-personnel-services.aspx Services Subcommittee on Emerging
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel dishes should be washed after each use and Threats and Capabilities on Capitol Hill.
RIÀFH DQG DUPHG IRUFHV QHZV VHUYLFHV )RU WKH prior to being used for a different food item. $)UHYDPSLQJÀLJKW
complete story, go to the web address listed at operational medicine During his testimony, Greg L. Zacharias
the end of the story. spoke of the Air Force’s vision for autonomy
Article/631292/food-safety-tips-for-the-holiday- The Air Force Medical Service is restruc- in future defense systems and the goal to
Food safety tips season.aspx WXULQJÁLJKW DQG RSHUDWLRQDO PHGLFLQHE\ have effective teams of humans and ma-
for holiday season separating primary care and occupational FKLQHVZRUNWRJHWKHUHIIHFWLYHO\HIÀFLHQWO\
AF welcomes newest medicine services into two distinct clinics, predictably and robustly.
Colder weather is settling in and it’s time 3-star general to lead with the goal of improving care and creat-
for warm cider, pumpkin spice lattes, deep- ing more efficient and patient-centered “We seek the right balance of human and
fried turkeys and visits from the relatives Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. David ZRUNÁRZV machine teaming to meet future operational
this holiday season. Goldfein welcomed the newest lieutenant challenges, by combining increasingly
general to the Air Force, who will serve as This new concept, known as the base capable hardware and software systems,
Kids love being involved in cooking pies, the 31st Air Force deputy chief of staff for operational medicine clinic will establish with unique human abilities in percep-
cookies and other sweet treats, while most manpower, personnel and services, during dedicated clinics for Airmen exams. tion, judgment and innovation,” Zacharias
of us love to overindulge on all of the fan- a Nov. 16 ceremony at the Pentagon. said. “Boiled down to its essentials, the Air
tastic food. “Right now we repurpose primary care Force’s autonomy science and technology
With her new title, Lt. Gen. Gina Grosso teams to do this, but because BOMC is an vision is: intelligent machines seamlessly
With an overindulgence of foods like tur- is responsible for comprehensive plans and exams-only clinic, we can organize around integrated with humans, maximizing mis-
key, ham and potato salad, folks should be policies covering all life cycles of military WKRVH ZRUNÁRZV ,QVWHDG RI SDWLHQWV KDY- sion performance in complex and contested
mindful of ways to keep food safe. and civilian personnel management, which ing to go to the hospital and thread all the environments.”
includes military and civilian end strength exam pieces, we’ll thread those in advance
Here are some tips to ensure your holiday management, education and training, for them,” said Col. Anthony Tvaryanas, =DFKDULDVWHVWLÀHGWKHUHDUHWKUHHVWUDWH-
season stays joyful and merry: compensation, resource allocation, and the the project manager at the 711th Human gic objectives embedded in this vision. First,
worldwide Air Force services program. She Systems Integration Directorate at Wright- develop sensors and data gathering technol-
- Wash your hands. Possibly one of the LVWKHÀUVWIHPDOHWRKROGWKHSRVLWLRQ Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio. ogy that can provide the needed informa-
easiest ways to prevent a foodborne illness tion for a system to better understand its
is to keep your hands clean. Ensure you Grosso said that the Air Force has given Keesler AFB, Mississippi, is serving as operating environment and mission goals.
wash your hands prior to handling food, her opportunities of increasing responsibil- WKH SLORW VLWH IRU %20& WKH ÀUVW RI LWV Second, develop reasoning systems and
in between different tasks, after using the ity and authority in the manpower, person- NLQGLQWKH$LU)RUFH7KHÀUVWSKDVHRIWKH software environments to assess situations
restroom, and after touching something nel and services arena, including command project was launched at Keesler in 2013, and make recommendations or decisions.
opportunity positions to prepare her for her where teams are currently in the process of
new role. launching and testing phase 2 and 3.
“I never aspired to be a three star,”
Grosso said. “I always aspired to be a good $UWLFOHDLUIRUFHUHYDPSLQJÀLJKWRSHUD- congress-on-autonomy-in-future-defense-syst.
SOUND “The Razor “When I was “The original “Super Nintendo.
OFF! Scooter. It was 12, my parents Nintendo, be- ,WZDVP\¿UVW
one of the only took me and my cause it was the console.”
What is the most things in the sister to Disney Nintendo!”
memorable holiday 90s I wanted World. It was an
gift you’ve received? and could actu- amazing experi-
ally get.” ence.”
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