Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
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Thunderbolt             NEWS                                                                                                                                      Dec. 4, 2015  7                                                                                                          

Lightning Leadership course open to all

Luke Thunderbolts look for common ground during the ice breaker Nov. 19 at Lightning Leader-         6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                  GHUVWDQGLQJKRZWRÀQGYDOXHLQDOO
ship Gold. With a variety of Thunderbolts coming from across base, the course was focused on            6HQLRU$LUPDQ                    teammates are always important
communication and becoming better leaders.                                                                                                to know, and we all become better
                                                                                                  '(9$17(:,//,$06                        for it.”

                                                                                                        56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     The course is divided into two
                                                                                                                                          sessions, one morning and one af-
                                                                                                 Airmen from Luke Air Force Base          ternoon. It is focused on connecting
                                                                                              gathered Nov. 19 to learn about lead-       attendees with one another and
                                                                                              ership techniques in a professional         helping them become better leaders.
                                                                                              development program here designed
                                                                                              to promote leadership through a                “The course was amazing and
                                                                                              series of guided discussions.               very productive,” said Tech. Sgt.
                                                                                                                                          Brandon Brown, 56th Component
                                                                                                 “Lighting Leadership Gold is             Maintenance Squadron First Term
                                                                                              about learning and growing togeth-          Airman Center team leader. “We
                                                                                              er,” said Master Sgt. Ida Bushey,           KDG RIÀFHUV DV IDFLOLWDWRUV IRU WKH
                                                                                              56th Force Support Squadron career          course, and it was nice to see their
                                                                                              assistance advisor. “It’s designed to       perspective on the things we talked
                                                                                              VWUHQJWKHQXVDVRQHWHDPRQHÀJKW       about. The open discussion format
                                                                                              That’s why it’s available to enlisted       is perfect, and it allowed everyone
                                                                                              PHPEHUVRIÀFHUVDQGFLYLOLDQVµ            to share their opinions.”

                                                                                                 Lightning Leadership began when             With the second edition of Light-
                                                                                              the Profession of Arms Center of            ning Leadership Gold in the books,
                                                                                              Excellence members came to Luke             Bushey hopes that a more diverse
                                                                                              in July and presented the course            group will attend the next course.
                                                                                              to Lighting Leadership committee
                                                                                              members. They took the tools PACE              “Enlisted members come out full
                                                                                              provided and now offer courses              force to our courses,” she said. “It
                                                                                              quarterly.                                  ZRXOG EH QLFH WR VHH PRUH RIÀFHUV
                                                                                                                                          and civilians join us. They will be
                                                                                                 “These lessons are not specific          able to take what they learn back to
                                                                                              to being an Air Force member, but           others in their units. The course is
                                                                                              to challenges we all face,” Bushey          here for all of us, not just enlisted.”
                                                                                              said. “For example, knowing how
                                                                                              to grow from your mistakes, or un-

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