Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 12-4-15
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Dec. 4, 2015                                         NEWS                                                                                                  Thunderbolt

Air Force Academy LEAD visits Luke                                                                                       Senior leaders stress
                                                                                                                         safety this holiday season
                       E\6WDII6JW                           ‡%HDUQROHJDOREOLJDWLRQWRVXSSRUWDFKLOGRURWKHU
                 0$5&<&23(/$1'                                    individual.                                              :$6+,1*721 — Secre-            tingencies,” the letter states.
                                                                                                                         tary of the Air Force Deborah     “Pay close attention to weather
                            56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs    ‡1RWEHSUHJQDQW                                      Lee James, Chief of Staff of the  conditions, remain vigilant,
                                                                ‡%HRIKLJKPRUDOFKDUDFWHU                           Air Force Gen. Mark Welsh III     and maintain proper aware-
   An Air Force Academy representative came to Luke                                                                      and Chief Master Sgt. of the      ness of your surroundings.”
Air Force Base Nov. 17 to provide information about                According to U.S. Air Force Academy admission         Air Force James Cody recently
opportunities for young Airmen looking to commis-               website, the 1786 application form should be com-        issued a tri-signature letter to     To read the full letter, go
sion in the Air Force.                                          pleted by the member requesting admission, endorsed      all Airmen, asking them to stay   to
                                                                by the squadron commander and processed by the           safe during the holidays.         ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Arti-
   7KH$LU)RUFHKDVRIÀFHUVWROHDGWKHHQOLVWHGFRUH        PLOLWDU\ SHUVRQQHO ÁLJKW 7KH VTXDGURQ FRPPDQGHU                                     cle/631644/senior-leaders-stress-
and through programs such as the Leaders Encour-                must include a separate endorsement letter with the         “Think through every plan      safety-this-holiday-season.aspx.
aging Airman Development, enlisted Airmen can                   application.                                             and have a backup plan for con-
commission to second lieutenant.                                                                                                                                                   Courtesy of
                                                                   Several things are evaluated during the application
   There are 170 appointments available for active-             process. This includes participation in any athletic     Exchange offers ‘Frisco’ sweepstakes
duty and Reserve Airmen to commission through                   activities, high school transcripts and any additional
the Air Force Academy or through the Academy                    schooling attended thereafter, performance on-and-off       This holiday season, Exchange shoppers have the chance to win
Preparatory School.                                             duty, and recommendations from supervisors.              a gift they’ll never forget – an all-expense paid trip for two to San
                                                                                                                         Francisco, California.
   “The LEAD program makes Airmen aware of com-                    The process can be very competitive and applications
missioning opportunities,” said 2nd Lt. David Coy,              are due no later than Dec. 31. Applicants who have          Through Dec. 24, shoppers can enter to win airline tickets, two
Air Force Academy admissions advisor. “We have                  EHHQVHOHFWHGZLOOUHFHLYHQRWLÀFDWLRQE\0D\      nights in a local hotel, a meal allowance and spending money for
enlisted Airmen eligible to commission to second                                                                         their trip as part of the Ghirardelli Chocolate San Francisco Getaway
lieutenant and this is a really great opportunity for              “Applicants can call the admissions counselors at     Sweepstakes.
those seeking to attend the academy.”                           any time,” said Sandy Cooper, 56th Force Support
                                                                Squadron education services specialist. “The Acad-          “For one lucky Exchange shopper, this will surely be a holiday to
   Airmen must meet all the eligibility requirements            emy admission personnel will check the applicant’s       remember,” said Chief Master Sgt. Sean Applegate, Exchange senior
and submit the application online. The eligibility              scholastic aptitude test scores, high school education   HQOLVWHGDGYLVRU´7ZRQLJKWVDQGWKUHHGD\VRIÀUVWFODVVWUHDWPHQWLQ
requirements are as follows:                                    and grade point average. If the scores are on the low    one of the world’s famous cities – talk about kicking off 2016 in style.”
‡%HD86FLWL]HQRUEHDEOHWRREWDLQ86FLWL]HQVKLS      side an applicant can still be selected to attend the
                                                                preparatory school for 10 months prior to entry into        Authorized shoppers 18 and older are eligible enter the Ghirardelli
   before entry into the academy the following year.            the Academy.”                                            Chocolate San Francisco Getaway Sweepstakes at www.shopmyex-
‡ %H  \HDUV RI DJH IRU GLUHFW HQWU\ EXW QRW KDYH                                                  The drawing will take place on or about
                                                                   For more information or to apply, visit http://www.   Jan. 4. No purchase is necessary.
   reached the age of 23 by July 1 of year of entry.  
‡%H\HDUVRIDJHIRUSUHSDUDWRU\VFKRROEXWQRW            cants/enlisted-airmen/ or call a regional admissions                                               Courtesy of Army Air Force Exchange Service
   have reached the age of 22 by July 1 of year of              headquarters at 800-443-9266.

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