Page 2 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 3, 2021
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2   September 3, 2021                                       Commentary                                         DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa                   DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa                                     news                                                      September 3, 2021    3                                                                                                                                                      
   Harness your experience                                                                                                                                          489th ATKS uses new MQ-9 capability

   by Col. Daniel Loveless                                                                                                                                          by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard                                                                                 An MQ-9 Reaper pilot from the 489th Attack
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Squadron  prepares to take  off using  the
   Ramstein AB, Germany                                                                                                                                             Creech AFB, Nev.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Automatic Takeoff and Landing Capability
     My alarm went off around 3:45 a.m.                                                                                                                                During a routine training flight, the                                                                    at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Aug 3, 2021.
     My gear was ready, and I quickly put on my base                                                                                                                489th Attack Squadron at Creech Air                                                                         This capability is a key enabler for MQ-9 Agile
   layers and hut sandals. I carried my bag and gear and                                                                                                            Force Base, Nev., made history as the                                                                       Combat Employment and, combined with the
   left them outside the dining room.                                                                                                                               first attack squadron under the 432nd                                                                       MQ-9’s next software upgrade and receipt of
     It was breakfast time. To me, eating is absolutely                                                                                                             Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing                                                                           the portable aircraft control station, will change
   essential to climbing and I overeat when I climb as you                                                                                                          to utilize the MQ-9 Reaper’s Automatic                                                                      how it will be employed in theaters worldwide.
   will almost assuredly burn more calories in a summit                                                                                                             Takeoff and Landing Capability Aug 3,
   climb than you can eat in that day. The food was quite                                                                                                           2021, during a routine training flight.
   good for being in a hut at 10,695 feet, minus the cof-                                                                                                              ATLC is a key enabler for MQ-9 Agile
   fee. It was instant, but regardless of taste, necessary.                                                                                                         Combat Employment and is expected to
     Twenty two-man teams of climbers lined up by the                                                                                                               change how the MQ-9 will be employed
   door of the Hörnli Hut, which leads to the path up                                                                                                               in theaters worldwide. Previously, all
   the Matterhorn. We put on the rest of our layers and                                                                                                             ACC MQ-9 takeoffs and landings utiliz-
   gear necessary for the climb.  As we exited the hut,                                                                                                             ing ATLC were tested by the 556th Test
   everyone turned on their headlamps and started to                                                                                                                and Evaluation Squadron. With their
   walk to the first obstacle, a fixed rope that runs up a                                                                                                          recent successes in testing, the capabil-
   20-foot section of sheer rock.                                                                                                                                   ity has now moved to the operational
     Traditionally, the Matterhorn takes eight to 12                                                                                                                phase of familiarizing with the units. As
   hours to summit.  Many climbers will turn around                                                                                                                 more and more aircrew learn to utilize
   if they haven’t reached the Salvay Hut at 13,123 feet                                                                                                            the capability, it can be expected that
   within three hours.  Given the fast pace of the climb                                                                                                            it will spread to more squadrons in the
   and the need to have equipment for rock climbing                                                                                                                 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Enterprise.
   and walking on ice, the Matterhorn requires you to                                                                                                                  “We’re going to take this down range,
   do more with less.                                                                                                                                               and forward deploy it,” said Lt. Col. Tra-
     To do this I employed a number of strategies. These                                                                                                            vis, 489th ATKS commander. “The team                                                         Aircrew from the 489th Attack Squadron perform preflight safety
   same strategies can help you when you are tasked with                                                                                     Courtesy photo         has done a great job getting the capabil-                                                    checks before initiating the Automated Takeoff and Landing
   many items already on your plate.                                                                                                                                ity ready for operational employment,                                                        Capability for an MQ-9 Reaper at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., Aug
     The first step is to define your timeframe. How long  addition, I had scaled a lower altitude mountain with  I was feeling good, so I did bring along my camera.                                                                                            3, 2021.
   do you realistically need to accomplish your tasks?  For  mixed rock and ice climbing in preparation. This gave   The final factor is to know when it is not safe to   so our focus right now is to get Airmen
                                                                                                                                                                    that are ready to deploy fully trained on
   the Matterhorn, my guide set a goal of eight hours.  If  me the experiences I needed to maximize safety and  continue.  There is always a limit to how much we can   the capability.”                                                                         An MQ-9 Reaper pilot from the 489th Attack Squadron takes off
   I did not think this was possible, it might be smart to  reduce my risk.  The only thing I could not prepare  take on or are properly prepared to do.  It is not only   According to Travis, ATLC could be                                                    using the Automatic Takeoff and Landing Capability at Creech Air
   rethink the climb. The same holds true for your work.  for was the overall duration of the rapid pace that is  important to do a full assessment of the task at hand,                                                                                         Force Base, Nev., Aug 3, 2021. The 489th ATKS is the first Air Combat
   Setting the time helps to keep you on track and is also  required to summit the Matterhorn.         but also to have the courage to say that you can’t do        used downrange as early as this Septem-                                                      Command squadron to utilize the MQ-9 Reaper’s Automatic Takeoff
   important for changing your course if you fall behind   When you have a lot on your plate, you have to make  something safely or to stop when it becomes unsafe   ber. The training required to operate the                                                   and Landing Capability.
   schedule.  In the case of mountaineering, that means  decisions about what you can and can’t do.  You only  to continue.  With some tasks, you may need to chart                                                                                                                  new capability is significant. Aircrew are
   turning around.                                   have so much time in a day, so you need to be able to  a new course.  Others may need additional support.                                                                                                                       required to perform hours of academ-
     The next step is to harness your experience. This is  ask yourself, is this really necessary?  Can I do the  Some will require you to try again from scratch.  Get-
   something you need to do before taking on a complex  duty or complete this mission safely and effectively if I  ting to the top of a mountain is just 50 percent of the                                                                                                           ics, including basic principles on how it
   challenge. Throughout your career, aim to take on  don’t do this?  All of this amounts to process improve-  climb.  With most accidents happening on the way                                                                                                                      works, standardized testing, an emer-
   new and difficult additional duties or assignments.  ment.  By critical analysis, we can at times not only  down, it is essential to be ready to turn around if the                                                                                                               gency procedures simulator, and local
   These will build and prepare you for future chal-  make things faster, we can potentially even make the  weather conditions or climbing conditions impart                                                                                                                         flights before becoming certified to use
   lenges.  The amazing part about building experience  endeavor safer, as unneeded steps increase complexity  unsatisfactory risk with continuing or your overall                                                                                                                   the capability.
   is that there is a bit of a gestalt benefit from this, in  and therefore increase risk.  For this climb, it came  energy is not at a level that can support safe climbing                                                                                                           “With this capability we will eventu-
   that the whole can be greater than the sum of the  down to reducing redundant equipment.  Generally  both to the summit and down.                                                                                                                                                 ally be able to land in higher winds and
   parts. This even applies to more than just groups of  you will bring along a large parka and a sleeping bag in   We arrived at the 14,692 foot summit of the Mat-                                                                                                                 lower visibility,” Travis said. “The focus
   individuals. This principle can definitely apply to  case of having to bivouac in extreme weather.  Because  terhorn in the early hours of the morning with great                                                                                                                 for this capability is ensuring repeat-
   just an individual as well. For me this is probably the  the Salvay hut is equipped with beds and blankets  weather and a clear view of the Alps.  I kept my focus                                                                                                                ability and the safety of take offs and
   most important factor for climbing safely. Experience  and provides overall protection from the elements,  on the task at hand until we arrived back at the Hörnli                                                                                                                landings.”
   is key, as human error plays a role in mountaineering  you can safely leave a number of additional clothing  Hut after eight hours and 20 minutes of climbing.                                                                                                                      As the Air Force continues to accel-
   fatalities more often than not.  In preparation for  layers and a sleeping bag behind.  Luxury items, like  Although the Matterhorn was a difficult climb, I was                                                                                                                  erate innovation, the Remotely Piloted
   this climb, I had climbed numerous mountains with  a camera, come down to your fitness level and overall  able to celebrate in style by ordering a cold beer and a                                                                                                                Aircraft Enterprise may see it’s roles
   more complex ice and rock climbing conditions. In  risk assessment.  My overall pack weight was low and  large and satisfying rösti.                                                                                                                                              and capabilities evolve with the MQ-9
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reaper’s ATLC.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       “ATLC is the next step in the evolu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tion of this platform,” Travis said. “It
                                            Desert Lightning News, So. Nevada edition is   Department of the Air Force or Aerotech News and   For all submissions, a name and phone number
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      Sandy Bueltel, Advertising Sales   Air Force.                           purchaser, user or patron.          If you notice an error in fact, contact the Desert                                                                                 Air Force photographs by Staff Sgt. Omari Bernard  repeatable and predictable for our joint
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