Page 5 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 3, 2021
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4 September 3, 2021 news DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa news September 3, 2021 5
Air Force selects 15,660 for promotion to staff sergeant 2021 Air Force Marathon is going virtual
On Aug. 24, the U.S. Air Force re-
leased the E-5/staff sergeant promotion by Aerotech staff and wire reports This year would have marked the
list. 413 senior airmen at Nellis Air Force 25th annual Air Force Marathon
base were selected for promotion, and 137 For the second year in a row, the with more than 11,000 runners from
senior airmen at Creech AFB found their COVID-19 pandemic has forced the all 50 states and many different
names on the promotion list. annual Air Force Marathon into a countries.
Air Force-wide, 15,660 were selected virtual-only format. Marathon staff are working to
The organizers made the deci-
for promotion to staff sergeant out of sion because of increased transmis- create a seamless virtual race with
44,663 eligible, for a selection rate of sion rates both locally and statewide multiple options for competing
35.06 percent in the 21E5 promotion in Ohio, where the marathon is virtually.
cycle, which includes supplemental pro- traditionally held. “I can say with certainty that
motion opportunities. “Teammates, I didn’t make this our entire team understands the
The average overall score for those decision lightly — we wrestled with disappointment. We are just as dis-
selected was 345.35. Selectees’ average this quite a bit, but know that we appointed,” said Brandon Hough,
time in grade was 1.73 years and time in are trying to keep your health at the Air Force Marathon director. “Your
service was 4.24 years forefront, as well as making sure we training isn’t lost, and we invite you
The staff sergeant promotion list is are secure and mission ready for the to join us this year virtually as you
available on the Enlisted Promotions different mission sets we have here did last year. Just remember, it’s all
page of the Air Force’s Personnel Center at Wright-Patt,” said Col. Patrick Courtesy graphic about celebrating the Air Force’s
website, the Air Force Portal and myPers. Miller, 88th Air Base Wing and VID-19 Delta variant cases, we need to According to the Ohio Department birthday and remembering those
Members can access their score notices installation commander. transition this year’s race from an in- of Health, the surrounding four coun- who gave all.”
on the virtual Military Personnel Flight The decision was made to protect person event to a virtual event, similar ties surrounding Wright-Patterson For registrants, there will be a
via the AFPC secure applications page. the health and safety of over 20,000 to what we did last year,” Miller said. AFB are among 86 in the state assessed number of options available, from
For more information about Air Force participants, volunteers and guests. “At the end of the day, your health as “high risk” for COVID-19 commu- running virtually or deferral to
personnel programs, visit the AFPC The race, which had been scheduled and wellness is our priority, and it is nity transmission. gifting an Airman or requesting a
public website. for Sept. 18, will now offer a virtual our responsibility to provide a safe Miller also noted there has been refund.
For a complete list of Nellis and option, similar to 2020. environment to run the Air Force an increase in local hospitalizations
Creech selectees, visit www.aerotech- Air Force photograph “With the rising numbers in CO- Marathon.” within local communities. ___ See maraThON, on Page 8 Senior Airmen at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., who were selected for promotion to staff sergeant Aug. 24, celebrate with base leadership.
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