Page 8 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, September 3, 2021
P. 8

8   September 3, 2021                                               news                                       DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa                   DeSert lightning newS S. nevaDa                                                                                               September 3, 2021    9                                                                                                                                                      

     leaders, from Page 1     _________               answers are always different but similar: become  I personally learn something new from each one of
                                                      a better leader, be a good supervisor, networking  my students, and I hope they learn something from
        “The students build connections and learn about  skills, learn to inspire and/or motivate, be comfort-  me and my personal experiences as well.”
     each other’s jobs and how their job plays a role in  able public speaking and so on.               Throughout the course, the students have the
     the Air Force mission,” said Cain. “Some of the    The students don’t typically know this but Bau-  opportunity to present speeches, write research
     connections made in ALS will last a lifetime.”   tista uses these answers to drive the course cur-  papers, complete examinations, perform flag de-
        With the task of building future leaders, Staff.  riculum and ensure that every student is able to  tails, uniform inspections and participate in PT
     Sgt. Jonathan Bautista, ALS instructor, explained  get the most out of their time in ALS.        together as a team.
     his style of teaching varies from class-to-class   “Every class is different, so my approach is always   “All-in-all, we hope the students can network and
     because it’s based on how students respond to his  different, but at the same time, I always try to tie  create bonds,” said Staff Sgt. Negleatta Davis, ALS
     “signature question.”                            everything back into the ALS curriculum,” said  instructor. “We are a family. Each and every person
        On the first day, Bautista always asks his stu-  Bautista. “I always hope students gain a new per-  is important and even once they graduate, they
     dents what they hope to gain from the class and the  spective and appreciation for the Air Force. I know  know that they know that we are here for them.”

   maraThON, from Page 5       ______      Gift an Airman                       All race weekend experience  results, visit www.usafmarathon.
                                           This year’s registration fees may  products (Breakfast of Champions  com.
     Virtual races                      be gifted to a military member plan-  or gourmet pasta dinner tickets,
     Complete the full Air Force Mara-  ning to participate in the 2022 Air  race day packet pickup, photo pack-
   thon, half marathon, 10K, 5K, Tailwind  Force  Marathon. By  selecting this  ages and/or Pro Package tickets)
   Trot, “Fly! Fight! Win! Challenge”  option, participants will receive a  will be refunded. All other products
   or three-person marathon relay race  30% discount into any 2022 Air Force  previously purchased (including the
   virtually anytime in September and  Marathon race.                         challenge coin, sunglasses, coffee
   receive your 2021 bib(s), medal(s) and   Defer to future event             mugs and hats) will still be shipped
   race shirt(s).                          Free race-registration deferral ($15  to participants who choose to defer.
     All products that were purchased  fee waived) is available to Air Force    Refunds available
   and can be shipped (including the chal-  Marathon weekends scheduled for     Full refunds will be issued for
   lenge coin, sunglasses, coffee mugs and  2022, 2023 or 2024. However, you will  the 2021 Air Force Marathon. This
   hats) will also be included in your race  not be automatically entered into any  includes race registration and all
   packet. With this option, participants  of those events and must register with  products.
   also receive a 30% discount into any  a promo code that will be provided     For more information, options,
   2022 Air Force Marathon event.       in December.                          and instructions on how to submit

                                                                                                    Southern nevada
                                                                                           Patriot Guard riderS

                                                                                     Founded in 2005 to shield families of fallen heroes from those that
                                                                                       would disrupt the services of their loved ones, the Patriot Guard
                                                                                      Riders has grown to include thousands of members across all 50
                                                                                      states in the US. We are a 100% volunteer 501(c)(3) organization.
                                                                                      As our membership has grown, so has the scope of our mission.
                                                                                       We also honor first responders as well as our military veterans.

                                                                                      We commonly get asked “How do I join, and what is required”.
                                                                                                    Joining the PGR is pretty simple.
                                                                                       Visit to sign up

                                                                                      Anyone and everyone can join and stand with us. You don’t need
                                                                                      to be a veteran, and you don’t need to ride a bike. All you need is
                                                                                      respect for our military, veterans, and first responders; and desire
                                                                                              to show that respect to them and their families.

                                                                                          For more info visit:
                                                                                              or email us at:
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