Page 3 - Nellis Creech NTTR Bullseye 4-1-16
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BULLSEYE Feature 3April 1, 2016
Manpower keeps mission going at Nellis
By Senior Airman Jake Carter termine the manning earned and pub- with re-training as well as the critically field, I was an aircraft armament specialist.
lishes standards to keep all career field manned career fields. As much as I enjoyed that job, I didn’t see
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs functions across the U.S. Air Force from it leading to the life I wanted after retire-
becoming undermanned or over manned “For first-term Airmen, when they ment or leaving me with the type of skills
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — for the amount of work they do.” complete 35 months of their current enlist- I desired to have as a civilian,” said Staff
The 99th Force Support Squadron ment of a four year contract or 59 months Sgt. Joshua Goodwin, 99th Force Support
manpower section here, is in charge of With Nellis AFB being in the South- for 6-year enlistees, but no later than the Squadron manpower analyst, mission
determining the amount of Airmen that west part of the United States, manning last duty day of the 43rd month of their team. “When I started looking into chang-
are allotted to each unit. across each base may also vary depend- current enlistment or 67 months for 6-year ing my career field and found Manpower, I
ing on geographical location. enlistees,” said Rainford. “Each career field was immediately interested. After talking
Throughout the Air Force, the Man- will have its own retraining quotas, deter- with the local Manpower Office and hear-
power Requirement Squadron will “In some cases there are variances to the mined by the Air Force Personnel Center. ing about the big picture type impact they
conduct studies on each career field to standard. For example, a Civil Engineer If a member is not a first term airman, it is dealt with and also the process improve-
determine if a squadron is manned at shop here and a CE shop at Minot AFB, up to the member’s career field functional ment side of things I switched my focus to
the appropriate level. North Dakota, may have the same work- to release them for retraining.” doingeverythingIcouldin orderto become
load but Minot AFB could earn more be- a part of the Manpower community.”
“Manpower is determined by the cause of the winter weather, making their With manpower being a career that
amount or complexity of the work being job more complex,” said Rainford. “The Airmen must cross-train into after For Airmen who may be interested in
done,” said Staff Sgt. Brandon Rainford, base level manpower implements these serving in another career field, they are contacting or cross-training into man-
99th Force Support Squadron manpower standards across their perspective base.” always looking for Airmen who may power can call 702-652-9066 for more
analyst. “The Manpower Requirement want a new change of scenery. information.
Squadron conducts a study on each With manpower in charge of the
career field at different locations to de- manning at each unit, they also work “Prior to joining the Manpower career
HHL16, from page 1____________ of voice communication between air and bolt. “By building this situational aware- to place digital targeting information
ground parties,” said Wambolt. “The ness picture of threats and targets, the Link on the battlefield and transmit that data
ed the data collected during the opera- advantage of having a tactical data link 16 reach back will essentially provide a new to the aircraft gives the community the
tional assessment will provide developers is that it enables digitally aided CAS in- capability to JTACs on the ground giving integration we need for future, near-peer,
valuable information needed to work on tegration, facilitating timely successful us that link umbrella that establishes situ- adversaries.”
some of the shortfalls found within the air power in support of the ground force ational awareness on the battlefield.”
radio itself and help improve the device. commander.” Once the device has been implement-
There will be a couple more operational Even though the HHL16 is still in the ed operationally, the HHL16 will be a
assessments and the HHL16 is expected According to Wambolt, the radio is early stages of development, the feedback game changer for the JTAC community.
to be deployed into to the operating com- going to be forward deployed, passed from operators has been very positive.
munity around March of 2017. the frontline of troops, something that “This system will tie the JTAC com-
they haven’t been able to do in the past. “This week has been very successful,” munity together and more importantly,
The Link 16 was originally designed said Waters. “We have been successfully standardize the JTAC toolkit, said Waters.
for air-to-air missions, but the technology “Being able to put this radio on an op- able to transmit friendly positions, tar- “Link 16 is implemented in the majority
has made the transition to ground forces, erator down range is going to allow that geting information, and text messages of military aircraft and its usefulness has
providing JTACs advantages on the operator, connected to the Link, to reach directly to fixed wing aircraft. already been proven. Having a HHL16
battlefield that they didn’t previously have. back and build situational awareness with radio will give JTACs and aircraft a com-
his pilot while he is on the air base and is “Both the JTACs and the pilots agree mon, similar, standardized and secure
“Increasing situational awareness on getting ready to take-off to support that that being able to see friendly ground platform to successfully and safely execute
the battlefield takes a significant amount JTAC in his area of operation,” said Wam- positions displayed on the Link 16 net- digitally aided CAS for years to come.”
work is a huge success. Also, the ability
CHECKLIST, from page 1 _______ study conducted over the past year, the U.S. Air Force photo by Susan Lawson
Air National Guard has been conduct-
This project, along with projects at ing a similar study. Air Force and Air A fire protection engineer trains fire alarm shop staff at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., on a
Hill AFB, Utah, and McConnell AFB, National Guard FPEs have worked newly installed flame detection system during acceptance testing of a hangar addition.
Kansas, will provide criteria for stan- closely together and provided valuable
dardized Air Force hangar fire suppres- insight towards standardization efforts.
sion acceptance testing.
Fire protection engineers from Nel-
The visit also included joint ser- lis AFB attended the hangar’s fire sup-
vices FPE working group meetings for pression system testing for safety and
standardizing the checklist, providing educational purposes. Irvin Ridgeway,
training and moving forward to bring 99th CES fire prevention specialist, led
uniformity across the services on han- the group through this process.
gar fire suppression systems. FPEs from
the Air Force, Air National Guard, “This was one of the most thorough
Navy, Army Corps of Engineers and tests I have witnessed and I am posi-
industry participated to make this tive I know exactly what to look for on
an educational experience of benefit future tests,” said Ridgeway. “The live
across the Air Force enterprise, as well propane pan fires to test the new triple
as influence future industry standards. IR detectors were an interesting revi-
sion from the jet fuel pan fires used
The hangar fire suppression system previously. This was also an ‘out of the
designer and FPE, designed the hangar norm’ hangar addition that connected
fire suppression system at Nellis AFB. two systems into one and Ms. Biddle’s
system determinations were extremely
“Fire protection in hangars had valuable.”
reached an equilibrium state,” said
Chris Cahill, FPE and hangar fire sup- Nellis AFB will continue to work
pression system designer for the Nellis closely with AFCEC to ensure future
AFB system. hangar fire suppression systems meet
In addition to the Air Force hangar