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BULLSEYE                                                                                     Feature                                                                                           5April 1, 2016                                                                                                                                                  

RPA Airmen aim for excellence in annual load crew competition

By Airman 1st Class Kristan Campbell

432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs

   CREECH AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. — Airmen as-                                                                                                                                                                                                        U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kristan Campbell
signed to the 432nd Wing/432nd Air Expeditionary
at Creech Air Force Base, Nevada, work around the                                            Airman who participated in the 2015 Load Crew of the Year competition pose for a photo March 10, Creech Air Force
clock to bring support to the remotely piloted aircraft                                      Base, Nev. The competition dates back to the Korean war and is an event used to raise morale within the unit, as well as
enterprise.                                                                                  to ensure that Airmen gain experience loading munitions in high-stress scenarios.

   Supplying the MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper with                                          their skills and abilities to execute the mission in a safe                                                                   U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kristan Campbell
munitions is just one way the 432nd Aircraft Mainte-                                         environment first, and prepare to execute missions for
nance Squadron weapons load crew Airmen aim for                                              combat operations, all while improving morale within                                         Airman 1st Class Quantavious and Airman 1st Class Ricardo,
excellence and exemplify what it takes to accomplish                                         the units,” said Col. Matthew Finnegan, 432nd Main-
just that.                                                                                   tenance Group commander.                                                                     both 432nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron weapons load

   Airman 1st Class Quantavious and Airman 1st Class                                            For each load crew competition, teams are graded                                          crew members, performs maintenance during the 2015 Load
Ricardo, both AMXS weapons load crew members, and                                            on a number of factors such as the loading of AGM-114
Staff Sgt. Charlie, AMXS weapons load crew chief, were                                       Hellfire missiles and GBU-12 Paveway II laser-guided                                         Crew of the Year competition March 9, at Creech Air Force
selected to represent Reaper Aircraft Maintenance Unit                                       bombs in a set time, while committing as few discrep-
at the 2015 Load Crew of the Year competition slated                                         ancies as possible. The teams are also graded on dress                                       Base, Nev. Quantavious and Ricardo were selected to represent
for March 9, 2016.                                                                           and appearance, a knowledge based test, and their
                                                                                             composite tool kit.                                                                          Reaper Aircraft Maintenance Unit at the competition.
   Also competing for the title from Tiger AMU are
Staff Sgt. Justin, AMXS weapons load crew chief, Senior                                         Airman 1st Class Stuart said the competition helps                                        done 100 percent correct the first time. They work well
Airman Christopher and Airman 1st Class Stuart, both                                         to emulate an emergency situation where the crews                                            under pressure.”
432nd AMXS weapons load crew members.                                                        have to load munitions quickly and perfectly, while
                                                                                             under stress.                                                                                   Frederick went on to say what makes the crew special
   This friendly competition challenges a three-person                                                                                                                                    is its Airmen and the leadership of a seasoned team chief.
weapons loading team to see who can load munitions                                              Going into the contest, Airmen know nothing about
faster and more effectively, while keeping safety in                                         the tasks ahead of them. To prepare, they keep their                                            Charlie ‘s crew won both the second and fourth quar-
mind. As an integral part of load crew tradition, it                                         skills sharpened by visiting the ‘load barn’, or weapons                                     ter Load Crew of the Quarters in 2015, which is rarely
furthers skills and promotes camaraderie between the                                         standardization section to train and increase knowledge.                                     accomplished by Airmen of their rank. They were also
two RPA maintenance units.                                                                                                                                                                selected to participate in exercise Combat Hammer,
                                                                                                There are nine small teams in Reaper AMU, each                                            designed to assess and evaluate the reliability, main-
   “These load competitions help our teams exercise                                          with a unique name. Quantavious, Ricardo and Charlie                                         tainability, suitability and accuracy of RPA munitions.
                                                                                             make up Crew 25 in Reaper AMU. Load crew teams are
                                  U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kristan Campbell  responsible for loading both live and inert munitions to                                        By comparison, Justin, Christopher and Stuart were
                                                                                             support the training schedule at home station, as well                                       selected individually from crews three, four and nine
Senior Airman Christopher, 432nd Aircraft Maintenance                                        as the heavy operations tempo downrange.                                                     of Tiger AMU to compete based on their ability to
Squadron weapons load crew member, performs maintenence                                                                                                                                   perform above standard. The team participated in the
on an MQ-9 Reaper weapons pylon during the 2015 Load                                            “Crew 25 has set the bar high for all other load crews                                    Load Crew of the Quarter competition December of
Crew of the Year competition March 10, at Creech Air Force                                   to measure up to,” said Master Sgt. Frederick, 432nd                                         2015, and proved they had what it takes to compete in
Base, Nev. Load crew members are responsible for servicing                                   AMXS weapons flight chief. “They have such a balance                                         the annual competition.
approximately 40 MQ-1 and MQ-9 aircraft operated at Creech.                                  between precision and speed while ensuring the job is
                                                                                                                                                                                             Staff Sgt. Nelson, 432nd AMXS weapons load crew
                                  U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kristan Campbell                                    U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Kristan Campbell  chief, said the Airmen from Tiger AMU were picked for
                                                                                                                                                                                          their overall performance and fast load times.
Airman 1st Class Stuart, 43nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron                                  Staff Sgt. Justin, 432nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
weapons load crew member, inspects a munition at the 2015                                    weapons load crew chief, loads a bomb onto the aircraft                                         Individual merit and the ability to carry out their
Load Crew of the Year competition March 9, at Creech Air                                     during the 2015 Load Crew of the Year competition March                                      tasks above average are what makes them the load crew
Force Base, Nev. During the competition, load crew members                                   10, at Creech Air Force Base, Nev. Justin is in charge of                                    of choice from Tiger, said Nelson.
check munitions to ensure they are serviceable.                                              Airman 1st Class Stuart and Senior Airman Christopher,
                                                                                             both 432nd AMXS weapons load crew members.                                                      “I’m excited to face off against Airman Wall again,”
                                                                                                                                                                                          said Stuart. “We had a great load comp last quarter, but we
                                                                                                                                                                                          are pulling out all the stops this time to get Tiger a win.”

                                                                                                                                                                                             Names of the winners will be released April 1, 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                          at the Maintenance Professional of the Year banquet.
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