Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-11-16
P. 15
Thunderbolt NEWS March 11, 2016
)$,/85(6 (from Page 2) opportunity for growth. The beautiful thing
about failure is it teaches you the resiliency
“Or, are you the coffee bean that changes needed to cope with future failures. Also, Chaplain’s thoughts ...
the hot water, the very circumstances that don’t go in alone. Ask for help if you need
brings the pain. When the water gets hot, it. I like this quote from B.F Skinner: “A %HLQJDJRRGZLQJPDQ with our lives when we are given a
it releases its fragrance and flavor. If you failure is not always a mistake; it may chance?” David inherited faith in God
are like the coffee bean, when things are at simply be the best one can do under the There is an ancient saying in Latin from his family, a family like our own.
their worst, your very attitude will change circumstances. The real mistake is to stop that reads “Carpe Diem” or in English, Each day we, too, are offered opportu-
your environment for the better, making it trying.” “Seize the opportunity.” It’s a saying that nities to use our faith to help the Lord
sweet and palatable.” is often used in the business world, but build his Kingdom.
Third, with the wisdom gained from is equally essential in every-day life.
When you face failure, will you be the growing through your failure — thrive. Often, those opportunities come
carrot, egg or coffee? I offer three sugges- Life isn’t about luck. Life is about hard The scriptures relate many instances along because we believe in being good
tions when dealing with failure. First, own work — hard work that is born from failure. of people taking an opportunity that wingmen. Sometimes being a good
up to your failures. Don’t explain failures Learning from failure and thriving from was not only risky but also one filled wingman asks little more of us than
away, instead deal with them head-on. the growth you made will help you reach with rewards. a friendly hello when we see someone
Don’t look around for other people to blame. your full potential in life. who is “down in the dumps.” Other
That happens way too often today. Admit One such instance was when David of times, being a good wingman might
your failures and take accountability for We never try to fail on purpose. But at the Old Testament used a slingshot to very well mean sacrificing our life to
them. Being accountable for your failures the same time if you stay so far away from kill mighty Goliath who led the massive save that of another Airman.
shows responsibility. Accepting your failure failure, if you don’t ever push yourself to Philistine army against Israel. Because
will give you the courage to apologize, if where failure is a possibility, you’re prob- David risked his life to save the people No matter the occasion, seizing those
that’s appropriate to the situation. ably not pushing yourself enough. Failure of Israel, God rewarded him by making opportunities means not being sur-
presents opportunities for personal growth. him a king. He seized an opportunity prised by the miracles that follow us.
Taking ownership of your failures en- It also teaches you about willpower, per- to do God’s will in a very special way It’s just being a good wingman, isn’t it?
ables the second step, learning: FAIL (First sistence, self-discipline and hard work. I when he was given a chance.
Attempt In Learning). This is how you need encourage people to be empowered, take &RXUWHV\RI&KDSODLQ)U5RQ0HWKD
to view failures — a lesson on what didn’t initiative and move out. Step out of your The question comes to mind, “Do we WK)LJKWHU:LQJ&KDSHO
work. While learning from your mistakes, comfort zone and take a chance. There are seize the opportunity to do God’s will
don’t expect a miracle recovery overnight. very few “one strike and you’re out” failures
Take the time you need to learn the ap- in the Air Force. Be adventurous and try TOGETHER, WE WILL CREATE A WORLD
propriate lessons. Don’t short-circuit the something new. If you fail, own up to it, WITHOUT TYPE 1 DIABETES (T1D)
process. Bouncing back is good, but you learn from it, change your circumstances
want to bounce back in a healthy way and and thrive. A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.
not force it. Forcing it will only hinder your
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A CFC Participant. Provided as a public service.