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March 11, 2016                          NEWS                                                                                                                                            Thunderbolt

Budgeting could be friend in disguise

           Story and photo by                      going to the movies, going out to dinner,                 before we move on to how much is going                                     less on groceries or putting a down pay-
                   Staff Sgt.                      going to a coffee shop or buying snacks                   to savings and how much is set aside for                                   ment on a house. The list goes on. Doing
                                                   from the convenience store.                               spending.”                                                                 this will motivate you to stick with your
                GRACE LEE                                                                                                                                                               budget to reach your goal.”
                                                      While everyone has different financial                    After subtracting one’s needs it’s recom-
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  goals, it’s best to start with the essentials.            mended to have a goal in mind.                                                Luke’s A&FRC financial counselors
                                                                                                                                                                                        help clients by observing their spending
   Money — many people use it every day,              “It’s important to budget for your liv-                   “Before creating a budget, we recom-                                    which assists them in finding where their
and it may seem to go as quickly as it             ing expenses or the ‘Four Walls’ as we                    mend creating a goal,” said Senaida Lar-                                   money is going.
comes. To ensure money is being saved or           call it, which is your mortgage or rent,                  son, 56th FSS A&FRC community readi-
set aside toward a goal that is beneficial         utilities, food, and insurance,” Griffin said.            ness specialist. “This could be something                                     “A technique we use for our clients is
to the earner, creating and following a            “This ensures your basic needs are met                    as simple as saving $50 a month, spending                                  monitoring their spending. They write
budget just might be the answer.                                                                                                                                                        down everything they buy no matter if
                                                                                                                                                                                        it’s with cash, debit or credit,” Larson
   “A budget is essentially a spending                                                                                                                                                  said. “I usually find about 80 percent of
plan,” said Robert Griffin, 56th Force                                                                                                                                                  that surplus in what they’re just spend-
Support Squadron Airman and Family                                                                                                                                                      ing mindlessly. What we do best is keep
Readiness Center community readiness                                                                                                                                                    people accountable to the budget they
specialist. “It directs your money toward                                                                                                                                               create. We call to ask how they’re doing
where you want it to go. An easy way to re-                                                                                                                                             and schedule follow-up appointments if
member it is, ‘If you don’t tell your money                                                                                                                                             needed.”
where to go, it will leave on its own.’”
                                                                                                                                                                                           For those unsure about where to start,
   Spending money carelessly is a common                                                                                                                                                the financial counselors at the A&FRC
pitfall amongst many.                                                                                                                                                                   are there to help.

   “It’s not uncommon that most people                                                                                                                                                     “Come see us. We have a comprehensive
don’t know where their money’s going,”                                                                                                                                                  budget plan and can provide Airmen with
Griffin said. “Typically, I find my clients                                                                                                                                             free service,” Griffin said. “We can help get
have a surplus of $600 to $1,000 each                                                                                                                                                   you on the right track. It doesn’t matter
month, but when I point that out to them,                                                                                                                                               what rank you are, we can help. Start
most say they don’t see how it’s true when                                                                                                                                              budgeting now. It will positively impact
they’re broke all the time.”                                                                                                                                                            your financial well-being.”

   It’s usually in discretionary spending                                                                                                                                                  For more information or to make an
where people go wrong with their budgets,                                                                                                                                               appointment with an A&FRC financial
Griffin said. Discretionary spending is                                                                                                                                                 counselor, call 623-856-6550.
any extracurricular things you do, like

                     “Task Force Smith”                                                                      BLUE COLLAR BASEBALL
                   AUSA Golf Tournament                                                                      AT ITS BEST

                          Sponsored by The Arizona Territorial Chapter                                       $5.00 OFF
                          of the Association of the United States Army                                         ALL SEATS EXCEPT LAWN

The Arizona Territorial Chapter, Association of the United States Army (AUSA), is pleased                    Redeemable at Peoria Stadium Ticket Office only after February 1, 2016.
to announce the Annual “Task Force Smith” ROTC Golf Tournament. The                                          Valid for up to four (4) tickets per coupon. Not valid for Premium Games.
tournament is scheduled for Friday, 25 March 2016, at the Luke Air Force Base Falcon                         Not valid with other offers and discounts. Discount does not apply to
Dunes Golf Course located in Glendale, Arizona.                                                              previous p.urchases.
Players will be limited to 90, and reservations will be accepted in the order in which they are received.
                                                                                                    | |

‡Honor General Charles “Brad” Smith, a distinguished military officer of Korean War fame
‡Raise funds to support of soldiers, their families, vets and ROTC

THE PLAN DATE: Friday, 25 March 2016 (Good Friday)
TIME: Sign-in/Registration starts at 6:30 AM. Shotgun ScUDPEle tee-off at 8:00 AM.
WHERE: Falcon Dunes Golf ClXE/uke Air Force Base, 15100 W. Northern Ave., Glendale, Arizona
SCORING: Four-3erson ScramEle
PRIZES: $10,000 for hole in one on  3rize awards for designated winning foursomes, plus prizes for
ERWKmen and women for closest to the pin, longest drive and closest to the centerline on designated holes.
Many other great prizes will EHDvailaEOHDt the tournament3Oease call Ray if you have any prizes to
PLAYER LIMIT: 90 Note 1: If you don’t have the names of all your players, pay in advance anyway
& save your slot!
ENTRY FEE: $100/person; includes round of golf, cart, raQJHEalls and lunch. $500 for foursome plus
hole sponsorship. Note 2: With the exception of expenses, all funds raised from this event go to support
military charities/events
SPONSORS: $125 per teHERx or green, Includes appropriate signage designating name of sponsor or
company name, and recognition in tournament program. $500 for a foursome which includes a hole
DONORS: ContriEute a prize and appropriate recognition willEH given in the tournament program
MULLIGANS: For sale, including the IDEXlous “Magic Ball”

             Call Ray Boucher at (602) 993-6867
               or email
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