Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-11-16
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Thunderbolt                                                                         NEWS                                                                                   March 11, 2016  7                                                                                                                      

Chance to win Patriot Star™ diamond ring                                                     STREET                                    ditional care. Medical services and the unit were
                                                                                               BEAT                                    contacted and took control.
   Diamonds are forever and for        facturer and supplier of Patriot
two lucky winners of the Army          Star Jewelry, donates a portion                 The 56th Security Forces Squadron handled the   1RQHPHUJHQF\UHVSRQVHV
& Air Force Exchange Service’s         of all Patriot Star proceeds to the          following incidents March 1 through 7 at Luke
latest sweepstakes, forever will       Fisher House to benefit military             Air Force Base:                                       March 3: Security forces responded to a war-
come free this summer.                 families.                                                                                       rant’s hit at South Gate Visitor Center. The
                                                                                    7LFNHWV                                            individual was searched with negative findings.
   Through June 30, shoppers              “The Exchange couldn’t be                                                                    The local agency was contacted but declined to
can enter the Exchange Patriot         more proud to offer this exclusive              Security forces issued citations for 23 moving  extradite. The individual was barred from base
Star™ Giveaway for a chance to         piece to our military shoppers,”             violations and three nonmoving violations.         and escorted off the installation.
win a 1 carat diamond solitaire        said Air Force Chief Master Sgt.
ring from the Exchange’s new           Sean Applegate, Exchange senior              7UD௻FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                               March 4: Security forces responded to a war-
Patriot Star™ collection. The          enlisted advisor. “Our customers                                                                rant’s hit at South Gate Visitor Center. The
two winners, one stateside and         make sacrifice after sacrifice to               March 1: Security forces responded to a report  individual was searched with negative findings.
one overseas, will be drawn at         keep our nation safe why not                 of a minor two-vehicle accident near Bldg. 458.    The Maricopa County Sherriff’s Office responded
random. Each ring is valued at         honor that with a diamond as                 There were no injuries.                            and took control.
$9,299.                                unique as the heroes we serve?”
                                                                                    (PHUJHQF\UHVSRQVHV                                   March 5: Security forces responded to a report
   The Patriot Star™ is a 106-fac-        Authorized shoppers 18 and                                                                   of shoplifting at the Luke Exchange. Security
et specialty cut diamond exclu-        older may enter the Patriot Star™               March 2: Security forces responded to a report  forces detained the individual after video evi-
sively designed for the Exchange       Giveaway at www.shopmyex-                    of a medical emergency within the base clinic.     dence confirmed items were taken without ren-
and certified by GemEx and the No                   Security forces arrived on scene and determined    dering full payment. Glendale police responded
International Gemological Insti-       purchase is necessary.                       the emergency stemmed from chest pains. The        and assumed control of the situation.
tute. Firestar Diamond, manu-                                                       individual was transported to a nearby hospital
                                                                 &RXUWHV\RI$$)(6  for treatment.                                        March 6: Security forces responded to a report
                                                                                                                                       of shoplifting at the Luke Exchange. Security
FITNESS  (from Page 4)                 the mission, and Amezaga sees it                March 5: Security forces responded to a medi-   forces detained the family member of a retired
                                       on a daily basis.                            cal emergency at a dormitory. Security forces      member after video evidence confirmed items
   “Focus on areas you’re weak in,”                                                 arrived on scene and determined the emergency      were taken without rendering full payment.
he said. “If you’re struggling with       “All of Team Luke works hard              stemmed from excessive alcohol consumption.        Glendale police responded and took control.
the run, add long-distance running     every day,” he said. “We have to in          The individual was transported to a nearby hos-
into your workout routine. The         order to train the best F-35 Light-          pital for treatment.                               $ODUPDFWLYDWLRQV
more you do the training, plus add-    ning II and F-16 pilots. Being physi-
ing miles to workouts, the easier it   cally in shape is just one aspect of            March 5: Security forces responded to reports      Security forces responded to five alarm activa-
will be to do the run portion when     the balance required to be success-          of an individual with suicidal gestures. Contact   tions on base.
test day comes.”                       ful in the military. If your goal is to      was made with the individual who needed ad-
                                       achieve a 100-percent score on the                                                              7LSRIWKHZHHN
   Luke Air Force Base is filled with  FA, go for it. Don’t let negativity
Airmen making contributions to         stand in your way. It can be done.”                                                                Avoid following vehicles more closely than is
                                                                                                                                       reasonable for road and weather conditions.


                                                                                    Our thank you to the brave men and women who serve our country!

                                                                                       Sun Mon                                  Tue     Wed     Thur      Fri       Sat  FREE
                                                                                     March 2016                              1       2       3        4         5        Any game

                                                                                         All game dates, times, opponents      CIN     CLE      CIN      SF        SF    Active duty, retired
                                                                                      and promotions are subject to change.    1:05    1:05    1:05     1:05      1:05   military and Guard/
                                                                                                                                                                         Reserve personnel
                                                                                    6 B7                                     8       9       10       11        12       are eligible for one
                                                                                      COL LAA                                                                            FREE ticket in
                                                                                      1:05 1:05                                SEA     TEX      SD      OAK       SEA    2XWĆHOG%R[
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                                                                                    13 14                                                             18 B               RU%HUPVHDWLQJDQG
                                                                                                                             15      16      17         OAK     19       may purchase up to
                                                                                      MIL TEX                                                           1:05             4 additional tickets in
                                                                                      1:05 1:05                                 KC     LAA     CLE                CHI    those sections at the
                                                                                                                               1:05    1:05    1:05   25          7:05   group rate.

                                                                                    20      21                               22      23      24         COL     26 FF    *Offer available at Goodyear
                                                                                                                                                        1:05      CLE    %DOOSDUN7LFNHW2IĆFHRQO\
                                                                                      ARI     CWS                              CHI      KC     LAD                1:05   9DOLG,'UHTXLUHG7LFNHW
                                                                                      1:05    1:05                             1:05    1:05    7:05       Home           GLVFRXQWVDQGSURPRWLRQV
                                                                                                                                                                   Home  PD\QRWEHFRPELQHG9HWHUDQ
                                                                                    27      286                              29      30      31                          GLVFRXQWDOVRDYDLODEOH

                                                                                      MIL     MIL                              SEA     CWS      CIN
                                                                                      1:05    7:05                             6:05    1:05   12:05

                                                                                    Jason Kipnis Bobblehead Giveaway j)89;‡S………(!29k
                                                                                    Joey Votto Bobblehead Giveaway j)89;‡S………(!29k

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                                                                                    More promotion days and ticket information available online

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