Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-11-16
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Thunderbolt                                        NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                               March 11, 2016                      5                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Benefits of TSP outweigh savings sacrifice

            by Senior Airman                                                       7KH7KULIW6DYLQJV3ODQ                                                                                                                      what’s best for them, whether they want
             CORY GOSSETT                                                          SURYLGHVPLOLWDU\PHPEHUV                                                                                                                    their contributions taxed now or deferred
                                                                                   DNOLNHVDYLQJVSODQ                                                                                                                    until it’s time to withdraw.”
                56th Fighter Wings Public Affairs                                  ZKLFKDOORZVPHPEHUV
                                                                                   WRFRQWULEXWHWRLWSUHWD[                                                                                                                     TSP plans also give federal employees
   Planning for retirement can be an intimi-                                       GROODUVWKHUHE\UHGXFLQJ                                                                                                                     five percent fund matching for every contri-
dating task as there are many variables to                                         WD[HVDQGDFFXPXODWLQJ                                                                                                                       bution made. Military members do not re-
consider. Luckily, both military and civilian                                      ORQJWHUPWD[GHIHUUHG                                                                                                                      ceive any fund matching at this time. When
government employees have the benefit of                                           VDYLQJVDQGHDUQLQJV                                                                                                                        military members leave the service there
starting a Thrift Savings Plan.                                                    ZKLFKFDQVXSSOHPHQW                                                                                                                         are many options available for transferring
                                                                                   IXWXUHUHWLUHPHQWLQFRPH                                                                                                                    funds into different retirement plans such
   “The TSP is a federal retirement savings                                        7KHWD[GHIHUUHGDPRXQW                                                                                                                      as a 401k, but it depends on the employer.
and investment plan similar to a 401k                                              WKDWFDQEHFRQWULEXWHG                                                                                                                      There’s also the possibility of an employer
plan found in the private sector,” said Cory                                       FKDQJHVDQQXDOO\<RX                                                                                                                        charging fees to have the money transferred
Carmichael, 56th Force Support Squadron                                            PD\HOHFWWRFRQWULEXWH                                                                                                                      into the company 401k plan.
Airman and Family Readiness Center com-                                            DQ\GROODUDPRXQWRUSHU-
munity readiness specialist. “The TSP even         &RXUWHV\SKRWRLOOXVWUDWLRQ FHQWDJHRIEDVLFSD\                                                                                                                               “When leaving the service you don’t
allows federal and military employees to                                                                                                                                                                                         lose the money you contributed,” Griffin
automatically allocate money to their re-             “With Roth TSP, the taxes are paid now     has some drawbacks.                                                                                                             said. “You will still have your TSP or Roth
tirement plan directly from their paycheck.”       but the funds and earnings will be tax-free      Paying for the taxes upfront means your                                                                                      TSP and can always transfer the money to
                                                   upon qualified withdrawals,” said Robert                                                                                                                                      another plan without suffering additional
   The TSP has many advantages including           Griffin, 56th FSS community readiness         ‘take-home’ pay will be lower than it would                                                                                     taxes for doing so.”
some control on how the income contribu-           specialist. “This is especially beneficial    be under a regular TSP. For low-income
tion is invested. TSP contributions can be         for those who are young and in lower tax      individuals, this could create a financial                                                                                         Regardless of what plan you choose, start-
placed into different funds that vary in risk      brackets.”                                    burden or might discourage them from                                                                                            ing a retirement plan brings many benefits.
depending on what the individual wants.                                                          starting a savings plan.
                                                      Another benefit of a Roth TSP occurs                                                                                                                                          “I’ve never heard of an elderly person
   Investors not only have the choice in what      when a military member is deployed in a          While many may have trouble choosing                                                                                         saying, ‘I’ve saved too much money’ or, ‘I
funds to invest in but how they want their         combat zone. Military pay is not taxed and    between Roth TSP and TSP, Carmichael                                                                                            started saving too early in life’,” Carmi-
investment to be taxed.                            therefore any money contributed to the        stresses the importance of starting to save                                                                                     chael said. “With a little planning and the
                                                   Roth TSP during the deployment is also        as soon as possible.                                                                                                            discipline of contributing steadily to their
   “With the TSP, taxes are deferred until         not taxed.                                                                                                                                                                    plan, retirement should be much easier for
withdrawal,” Carmichael said. “This means                                                           “Both plans have many advantages,”                                                                                           our military and government employees.”
you will pay a larger percentage of tax on            While Roth TSP has many benefits, it also  Carmichael said. “They both have very low
each withdrawal when the time comes.”                                                            fees, but it’s up to the individual to decide                                                                                      For more financial savings information
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 on TSP plans and retirement services, call
   Another plan available to federal and                                                                                                                                                                                         the A&FRC at 623-865-6650.
military members is the Roth TSP.

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