Page 8 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-11-16
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March 11, 2016                                                    NEWS                                                                                                 Thunderbolt

 PEOPLE                                              They developed an active-shooter acoustic                to basic training at Avenger Field in Sweet-             the ante against (ISIL), flying more than
   FIRST                                          detection system that could be hardwired into               water, Texas. More than 25,000 women                     55,000 sorties in support of Operation
                                                  existing fire alarm systems. They referred to               applied, even some from Canada, England                  Inherent Resolve.”
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is   recent tragedies involving active-shooters,                 and Brazil, said Bernice “Bee” Falk Haydu,
compiled from information from the Air Force      highlighting the fact that oftentimes law                   a WASP pilot from Montclair, New Jersey.                   KWWSZZZDIPLO1HZV$UWLFOH'LVSOD\WDELG
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Sup-        enforcement had been hampered in their                                                                                   $UWLFOHDIVHQLRUOHDGHUVEULHIVWDWHRI
port Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness        response because the specific location of the                 KWWSZZZDIPLO1HZV$UWLFOH'LVSOD\WDELG                                                 WKHDLUIRUFHDVS[
Flight, Veterans Affairs, the civilian personnel  shooter was not known. To test their applica-                $UWLFOHZDVSVZHUHSLRQHHUVIRUIHPDOH
office and armed forces news services. For the    tion, the team built 16 detection devices they                                                                       -DPHV:HOVKWHVWLI\
complete story, go to the web address listed at   hardwired into a fire alarm switchboard.                                              SLORWVRIWRGD\WRPRUURZDVS[  EHIRUH&RQJUHVV
the end of the story.
                                                    KWWSZZZDIPLO1HZV$UWLFOH'LVSOD\WDELG          6HQLRUOHDGHUVEULHI                                       The Air Force’s top two senior leaders
$LU)RUFHWHDPVZLQDW                                 $UWLFOHDLUIRUFHWHDPVZLQDWLQDXJX          6WDWHRIWKH$LU)RUFH                                   testified before the House Appropriations
LQDXJXUDO'VXPPLW                                                                       UDOGVXPPLWDVS[                                                           Committee on Defense March 2 and the
                                                                                                                 Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James                 Senate Armed Services Committee March 3.
   Two Air Force teams won awards at              :$63VSLRQHHUIRUIHPDOH                                    and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark A.
the inaugural Defense, Diplomacy and              SLORWVRIWRGD\WRPRUURZ                                   Welsh III discussed the State of the Air                    Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James
Development Innovation Summit Pitch                                                                           Force during a press conference at the                   and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark
Challenge, organized jointly by the Defense          Before there could be a first female                     Pentagon March 7.                                        A. Welsh III attested to the critical need
Department, State Department and the              Thunderbird pilot or women flying combat                                                                             of readiness. With less than half of the
U.S. Agency for International Development         missions into Iraq and Afghanistan, there                      James acknowledged a lot has happened                 Air Force’s combat forces prepared for a
March 3 in Washington, D.C.                       were the pioneers: the Women’s Airforce                     since the last State of the Air Force address            high-end fight, the senior leaders agreed
                                                  Service Pilots of World War II.                             in August 2015.                                          adjustments need to be made to support the
   The top six teams out of 500 submissions                                                                                                                            changing world and combatant command-
pitched their ideas to a panel of senior lead-       In September 1942, nine months after the                    “In October, Russia launched its first                ers’ requirements.
ers on how the U.S. might leverage tech-          attack on Pearl Harbor, Army Air Forces                     airstrikes in Syria. In November, (Islamic
nology to advance defense, diplomacy and          commander Gen. Henry H. “Hap” Arnold                        State of Iraq and the Levant) terrorists                    “We are now proposing to re-phase the
development objectives in innovative ways.        stood up the Women’s Auxiliary Ferrying                     attacked Paris again, as well as Lebanon,                retirement of the A-10 (Thunderbolt II)
                                                  Squadron, or WAFS, and the Women’s Fly-                     Mali, and here at home in San Bernadino.                 and the (EC-130H) Compass Call aircraft,”
   Team Active Shooter Protection won both        ing Training Detachment, or WFTD.                           In January, China landed an aircraft on                  James said. “The bottom line here is we are
the “Feasibility” and the “Metrics” awards.                                                                   a newly built runway in the South China                  not proposing to retire any of these aircraft
The team of members from four bases                  According to the Air Force Historical                    Sea … and then a few weeks ago, North                    in (fiscal year 2017). We do believe that we
included Capt. Chris Perrine, 1st Lt. Evan        Support Division, both units merged July 5,                 Korea tested a nuclear weapon,” she said.                will need to divest these weapons systems
Glowiak, 1st Lt. Dan Gunderson, 1st Lt.           1943, into a single unit for all women pilots                                                                        in the future, but this (year’s change) will
Carlos Horner, 1st Lt. Andrew Hyde, and           who were rapidly extending their qualifica-                    James added in Afghanistan, the Tali-                 maintain a sufficient number of fighter and
1st Lt. Bruce von Neiderhausern.                  tions to every type of aircraft in service. The             ban, al-Qaida, ISIL and other anti-                      electronic attack aircraft across the force in
                                                  new unified group called itself the Women’s                 government groups, continue to conduct                   support of current operations.”
                                                  Airforce Service Pilots, or WASP, with its                  attacks, undermine security, and create
                                                  pilots known as WASPs.                                      challenges to the people and government                    KWWSZZZDIPLO1HZV$UWLFOH'LVSOD\WDELG
                                                                                                              of Afghanistan.                                             $UWLFOHMDPHVZHOVKWHVWLI\EHIRUHFRQ
                                                     The women paid their own way to travel                      “Your Air Force has been extremely                                                                       JUHVVDVS[
                                                                                                              busy and extremely effective,” James said.
                                                                                                              “In the past year, coalition forces upped

SOUND                                                       “Direct a ‘Star                                   “I would love       “I would love                        “I’d be a sports
  OFF!                                                      Wars’movie. It                                    to visit the pyra-  WRGLUHFW¿OPV                     announcer. I’d
                                                            must be amaz-                                     mids in Egypt       Watching                             get to watch my
,I\RXFRXOGGRDQ\-                                        LQJWR¿OPWKH                                   and learn about     scenes come to                       favorite teams
WKLQJRQ\RXUZLVK                                         movie, watch it                                   their history.”     life would be an                     play while giving
 OLVWZKDWZRXOGLW                                       and know you                                                          amazing thing                        play-by-play
                                                            made it hap-                                                          to do.”                              commentary.”
       EH":K\"                                            pen.”

                                Senior Airman                                Staff Sgt.                                           REIKA MACMILLAN                      Senior Airman
                                COREY SHIRES                                 SHANELLE MCCONNELL                                   56th FSS                             GREGORY MANGIO
                                56th Comptroller Squadron                    56th Force Support Squadron                                                               56th Logistics Readiness Squadron



                      GLENDALE, ARIZONA, 85305
                         PHONE: 623.271.9005
                           FAX: 623.271.9808                                                .07&")&"%8*5)
                   Just 7 miles from Luke AFB
                  Ask for the “Luke AFB Rate”                                            COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATIONS:
Antioch Church of God in Christ

  9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345

                         Superintendent Jonathan E. Logan, Pastor
                                Missionary Christine Logan, First Lady

Phone: 623-486-9007        Service Times:          7:30 am
Fax: 623-486-0246          Sunday:                 8:00 am  Prayer                  9:45 am       Worship Service        11:15 am
                           Sunday School
                           Worship Service         6:30 pm
                           Wednesday:              7:00 pm
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