Page 3 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-11-16
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Thunderbolt NEWS March 11, 2016 3
)LQVWUXFWRUSLORW The 56th Training Squadron is hosting high school student
VKXWVGRZQWKHHQJLQHV leaders representing SkillsUSA Arizona in a briefing at 9 a.m.
RIKLVDLUFUDIWDIWHUFRP- March 18 in Bldg. 938, Room 119. SkillsUSA’s mission is to
SOHWLQJWKHVTXDGURQ¶V improve the quality of America’s skilled work force through a
WKVRUWLHLQDQ) structured program of citizenship, leadership, employability,
0DUFKDW/XNH$LU technical and professional skills training. The student leaders
)RUFH%DVH7KHQG will be explaining their chosen career path and the importance of
)6LVWKHVHFRQG¿JKWHU the program to the students and the community. Everyone is wel-
VTXDGURQWRKRVWWKH come. For more information, call Greg Daniels at 623-856-5726.
VRUWLHVDW/XNH For Airmen wishing to submit a commissioning package for
the Air Force ROTC program, Scholarships for Outstanding
43rd annual AFAF campaign kicks off at Luke Airmen to ROTC, the submission date to Air Education and
Training Command is Sept. 15.Waivers are due Sept. 1. For more
by Tech. Sgt. Air Force Enlisted Village, which anywhere else,” To said. “The AFAF information, visit the education center or call 623-8656-7722.
LUTHER MITCHELL Jr. provide support to Airmen and their is such a great cause and really
families. brings out the most human part of )DPLO\FDPSRXW
56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs our hearts — to give, empathize and
Donations can be in the form of make society a better place and not The 56th Force Support Squadron Outdoor Recreation is
“It’s not about Airmen giving more; cash or direct payroll deductions, in expect anything in return is what holding the base camp family campout beginning with a 6 p.m.
it’s about more Airmen giving!” which smaller amounts are taken helps our Air Force family grow dinner April 15, outdoor games, bouncy castle, movie, s’mores
out each month. Last year, total stronger.” by the campfire and more through 7:30 a.m. breakfast April
- Deborah Lee James, Secretary loans and requests given by the 16 at Fowler Park. The cost is $10 for a family of four and $5
of the Air Force AFAF were $130,331. Though contributions may be per each additional member. Registration deadline is Monday.
small, giving is an intangible idea For more information, call 623-856-6267.
These collective words of Air “These grants and loans were that is not short-lived, but a gesture
Force leadership sum up the goal made available for various sce- that is never forgotten. 3RUWDEOHFDUHHUIRUVSRXVHV
of this year’s 43rd annual Air Force narios to include funerals, dental
Assistance Fund campaign as unit care, shelter arrangements such “I’ve given back every year for at The Air Force Aid Society is funding training for spouses to
representatives at Luke Air Force as rent and mortgage payments, least the past 13 years,” said Tech. obtain a pharmacy technician certification by attending classes
Base and others worldwide raise emergency travel and vehicle pay- Sgt. Eugene Lofton, 56th Main- at Glendale Community College. This comprehensive 72-hour
money to support a program that ments,” To said. “Another $19,715 tenance Group quality assurance course will prepare students to enter the pharmacy field and
gives hope and assistance to Air- was made available through com- inspector. “I like to volunteer when to take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam. To
men in need. munity programs such as Bundles I can, so I can tell my story of how apply, visit the 56th Force Support Squadron Airman & Family
for Babies, Give Parents a Break the AFAF was a blessing to me and Readiness Center. Deadline to apply is Monday. A mandatory
“The AFAF campaign runs from Program, Child Care for PCS Moves my family.” meeting is 9 a.m. at the A&FRC Wednesday for those who ap-
March 21 to April 29, and this year and Spouse Employment Program.” ply. For more information, call 623-856-6550.
our goal is to raise $81,650,” said
Capt. Sally To, 56th Medical Sup- The possibilities are vast and the $LUPDQ¶V$WWLF
port Squadron officer in charge. availability is there for those who
“By each person contributing $30, need it. The Airman’s Attic is an all-volunteer workforce that provides
we can do it. People can expect to gently used household items and clothing to active-duty service
see posters in buildings soon and “We are here to take care of each members (E-1 to E-5) and their dependents at no charge. Items
representatives making personal other, but we cannot help you unless are free but limited. Volunteers are welcome. Hours of operation
contact in their unit.” you let us,” To said. are 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday and the first and third Saturdays,
and 4:30 to 7 p.m. Wednesday. The location is Bldg. 750 on
Active-duty personnel will receive Although people may never have Phantom Street. For more information, call 623-856-6415.
an information pamphlet and Form a need, it is important for Airmen
2561. People can use the form to to know the Air Force takes care of $LUPDQ¶V$WWLF2SHQ5DQNV'D\
contribute to four affiliate chari- its people.
ties — the Air Force Aid Society, Open Ranks Day is 9 to noon March 19 at Airman’s Attic,
the Lemay Foundation, Air Force “Organizations like this one cre- Bldg. 750. All ranks are invited to take home free items. For
Villages Charitable Foundation and ate hope and offer assistance to those who would like to donate, bring the items to Airman’s
those in need that cannot be found Attic during hours of operation. For more information, call
Fiscal 2016 graduates
The 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron Munitions
61st FS.......................................................... 16 314th FS ........................................................ 8 Storage Area will be closed March 18 through 25 to conduct a
62nd FS........................................................... 0 56th TRS...................................................... 30 100-percent munitions inventory. Only emergency issues will
309th FS ......................................................... 7 607th ACS.................................................... 85 be handled during this time. The last date/time for munitions
310th FS ....................................................... 25 372nd TRS, Det. 12 ..................................... 31 turn-ins is by 4 p.m. March 17. Normal operations will resume
311th FS ......................................................... 7 56th OSS (IFTU) ........................................... 0 March 26. For more information, call Tech. Sgt. Donnie Roos
at 623-856-5493.
Hours flown Sorties flown T-Bolts 38 Luke Airmen
Deployed are deployed to ,QVLGHRXWXSVLGHGRZQ
F-35 2,538.7 1,706
F-16 5,984.2 4,675 14 countries Inside out and upside down is an ongoing drop-in group to help
around the world. participants deal with anger, frustration, irritation and more.The
class is 9 to 10 a.m. Mondays beginning March 28 at the Behav-
ioral health clinic on the second floor of the medical clinic. For
more information, call James Yang-Hellewell at 623-856-3417.
The 56th Force Support Squadron Education Center will of-
fer on-going Community College of the Air Force mentorship
training at 8:30 a.m. the first and third Tuesdays of the month
in the education center in Bldg 1150. The program provides
guidance on using the Air Force Virtual Education Center and
training for mentors who want to assist Airmen seeking a CCAF
in their workplace. The requirements are to have completed a
CCAF degree and possess a desire to mentor fellow Airmen.
For more information, call education center at 623-856-7722.