Page 4 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-11-16
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March 11, 2016                                   SPOTLIGHT                                                               Thunderbolt

                                                            T-bolt receives perfect fitness score

AF announces E-8 promotions                                 Story and photo by Senior Airman
                                                                     DEVANTE WILLIAMS
   The following master sergeants were selected for promo-
tion to senior master sergeant at Luke and Holloman air     56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
force bases:
                                                               Physical fitness is one of the four dimension of Air      0DM5XEHQ$PH]DJDWK7UDLQLQJ6TXDGURQSULPD-
WK)LJKWHU:LQJ                                           Force wellness. One Airman displayed his mastery of          U\À\LQJWUDLQLQJFKLHIVWDUWVKLVPLOHUXQ0DUFK
                                                            this dimension by earning 100 percent on his fitness         DURXQG/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH3ULRUWRWKH¿WQHVV
Deanna Commack                                              assessment test earlier last month and shared his story      DVVHVVPHQW$PH]DJDWUDLQVIRUWZRPRQWKVWRVHH
                                                            on what it took to get there.                                ZKDWQHHGVLPSURYHPHQW
                                                               “It’s an amazing feeling scoring 100 percent on the       assessment,” said Sherri Biringer, 56th Force Support
James Buckley Jr.                                           FA,” said Maj. Ruben Amezaga, 56th Training Squadron         Squadron Fitness Center recreation aide. “There has to
                                                            primary flying training chief. “All the commitment is        be a driving factor. It can be a medical thing or just to
WK$LU&RQWURO6TXDGURQ                                  worth it once you cross the finish line.”                    look better. It’s different for everyone.”

Neel Rodgers                                                   Scoring 100 percent on the FA takes dedication, ac-          Amezaga’s advice to Airmen who want to score a 100
                                                            cording to Amezaga.                                          percent on the FA is simple.
                                                               “I start getting ready for the FA about two months                                                               See FITNESSPage 7
Craig Burgard and Ian Snowsill                              out,” he said. “I only run four times a week, and I vary
                                                            the amount of miles I run each time between three and
WK&RPSRQHQW0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQ                         eight miles.”

Deborah Hofstra                                                For Amezaga, the FA couldn’t have come at a better
                                                               “This year I was training for a half marathon which
Lance Andrews and Charles Loftus                            was perfect,” he said. “In fact I took my fitness assess-
                                                            ment and completed the half marathon in the same week.
WK$LUFUDIW0DLQWHQDQFH6TXDGURQ                          It was pretty challenging to do, but the FA definitely
Jonathan Brannon, Samuel Smith, Kristofor Tatro,
Heather Tufty and James Yount III                              Even though Amezaga performed excellently on his
                                                            FA, the run portion pushed him to his limit.
                                                               “In my opinion, the 1.5-mile run is always the tough-
Ida Bushey                                                  est portion to score full points,” he said. “The situp and
                                                            pushup portion of the test comes naturally to me, so I
WK$HURVSDFH0HGLFLQH6TXDGURQ                            focus on aiming for a perfect score on the run.”

Jeremy Roberts                                                 Being an F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter pilot, it’s impor-
                                                            tant for Amezaga to stay fit year-round to fly.
                                                               “A fighter pilot requires a certain degree of physical
Gabriel Sistrunk                                            fitness,” he said. “However, it doesn’t help achieve 100
                                                            percent on the PT test. Dedication is the key to striving
WK)LJKWHU*URXS                                          for excellence. No matter what obstacles come your way,
                                                            put in the time to achieve a perfect score.”
Steven Whitley
                                                               There are many reasons for staying fit. Like Amezaga,
WK266                                                    some people are fueled by a driving desire to perform
Esther Sanford
                                                               “Personal fitness is an individual thing, whether you’re
WK)LJKWHU6TXDGURQ                                      training for a particular sport or to pass your fitness

Robin Green                                                                                                                    tNO SURGERY NO DOWNTIME

EASTER                                                                                                                   Beat the tape the smart way


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