Page 6 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 3-11-16
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March 11, 2016 FEATURE Thunderbolt
Comemoration Day celebrates
The 75th anniversary of the legend- Pursuit Squadron at Chanute Field, &RXUWHV\SKRWRV
ary Tuskegee Airmen of World War II Illinois. The first aviation cadet class
celebration is March 24 at Luke Air Force began in July of that year and completed doctors, educators, and lawyers, and a
Base. The Archer-Ragsdale Arizona training in March 1942. host of other endeavors. Tuskegee Air-
Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. joins man Coleman Young served as Mayor
the national and international celebra- From 1942 through 1946, more than of Detroit for 20 years. Others held key
tion and also announces its 10th an- 16,000 men and women participated in roles in government at the city, state and
niversary and the 3rd annual Tuskegee the “Tuskegee Experience,” including national level. Sixteen Tuskegee Airmen
Airmen Commemoration Day in Arizona. approximately 996 pilots. Navigators, had ties to Arizona; eight surviving mem-
bombardiers, gunnery crews, mechan- bers still reside in the state.
Today, more than 50 Tuskegee Airmen ics, ground crew, air traffic controllers,
chapters are established nationwide meteorologists, nurses, stenographers, President George W. Bush presented
with a two-fold purpose: To honor the ac- armorers and other support personnel the Congressional Gold Medal to ap-
complishments of those who trained and established the first black combat avia- proximately 300 surviving Tuskegee
performed as Tuskegee Airmen during tion unit trained at Tuskegee Army Air Airmen or widows of deceased Tuskegee
World War II and inspire youth to out- Field, Alabama, and other locations. Airmen on March 29, 2007, at the U.S.
standing achievements and leadership Capitol rotunda in Washington, D.C.
through social and educational activi- Four hundred and fifty pilots served
ties in science, technology, engineering, overseas in the 332nd Fighter Group Gov. Janice Brewer signed SB1128
math and the arts. comprised of the 99th, 100th, 301st into law April 4, 2013, making the
and 302nd pursuit squadrons. These fourth Thursday in March the Tuskegee
During the past ten years, ARAC aviators flew more than 15,000 sorties, Airmen Commemoration Day, the only
Aviation Cadet Program has reached destroyed or damaged over 400 enemy state in the nation to do so.
more than 300 young people and aircraft, destroyed more than 1,000
provided over 200 orientation flights. military targets and sunk an enemy For more information, call Ben Bruce
Through its partnerships with the destroyer. This record is unequalled by at 623-856-6105.
Experimental Aircraft Association and any other unit in the history of Ameri-
other aviation organizations, these can combat. Of the Tuskegee Airmen, Courtesy of ARAC
students have been exposed to flying 66 lost their lives and 32 spent time
units, flight simulations, and aerospace as prisoners-of-war. Their awards in-
facilities at airports, and military bases. cluded a Legion of Merit, Silver Star,
The activities are: 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses, 744
Air Medals, 14 Bronze Stars and eight
10 a.m. March 24 3rd Annual Com- Purple Hearts.
memoration Day at the Tuskegee Air-
man Air Park at Luke AFB Despite the outstanding performance
of the Tuskegee Airmen during WWII,
11:30 a.m. March 24 Tuskegee Com- they continued to face the persistent bar-
memoration Reception at Club Five Six riers of racial inequality. Nevertheless,
at Luke these great patriots immersed them-
selves in making their communities,
History of the Tuskegee Airmen towns and cities better places in which
The first African American aviation to live. They excelled as businessmen,
unit began in March 1941 with the ac-
tivation of the U.S. Army Air Corps 99th