Page 13 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2020
P. 13

12  January 2020  2019 IN PHOTOS  Thunderbolt  2019 IN PHOTOS                                13
                                                                                                                                            January 2020

 ‘Dirt Boyz’ keep infrastructure strong …  Work like a dog day …  Honor the Fallen: 9/11 Tower   SFS Airmen train on weapons …  EOD detonates rocket motor …

 Staff Sgt. Elizabeth   Challenge …
 Pedroza, 56th Secu-
 rity Forces Squadron
 military working dog
 handler, familiarizes
 Frida, an MWD, with
 the sound of gun fire
 Aug. 2, 2019, in Sur-
 prise. The Surprise
 Police Department
 partners with the 56th
 SFS to use the police
 department’s range
 for training on a vari-
 Airman 1st Class Aspen Reid ety of weapons.                                                                                               Airman Brooke Moeder
                                                                                                                A rocket motor, filled with carboxyl-terminated
                                 Airman 1st Class Jacob Wongwai                                                 polybutadiene (CTPB), is detonated during a
            A firefighter from the Glendale Fire Department                               Airman Brooke Moeder  demolition operation Sept. 12, 2019, at the Barry
 Airman Brooke Moeder  rings a bell during the 9/11 Tower Challenge Sept.   Airman 1st Class Ruth Salgado, 56th Security   M. Goldwater Range near Gila Bend. Personnel
 Staff Sgt. Robert Newton (left) and Tech. Sgt. Ronnie Jamison,   Air traffic controllers maintain safety of pilots …  11, 2019, at the Gila River Arena, Glendale. Par-  Forces Squadron installation entry controller, pre-  from the 56th Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive
 56th Civil Engineer Squadron pavements and heavy equipment   ticipants rang a bell signifying their completion   pares her ammunition for a M249 squad automatic   Ordnance Disposal flight at Luke Air Force Base,
 operators, use an asphalt road cutter to remove chunks of asphalt   Staff Sgt. George Gar-  of the 2,071 steps they climbed during the chal-  weapon Sept. 4, 2019, at the Arizona Army Nation-  detonated two rocket motors, each containing
 Aug. 12, 2019, at Luke Air Force Base. Asphalt was removed to   rett, 56th Operation Sup-  lenge. The steps represented the 110 floors of the   al Guard range in Florence, Arizona. Five defend-  more than 7,200 pounds of explosives, at the dis-
 ease access to an underground valve needing replacement.  port Squadron air traffic                            posal range during a span of two days to see the
 controller, writes down   World Trade Center that were destroyed during   ers fired 1,600 rounds on their assigned weapons
 information on a flight   the terrorist attacks that occurred Sept. 11, 2001.  preparing for an upcoming deployment.   magnitude of the explosion.
 progress strip in the Air
 MWD retires with 9 years of service …  Traffic Control Tower July
 15, 2019, at Luke Air Force
 Base, Ariz. Flight strips are   National POW/MIA Recognition Day …                       61st FS takes F-35s to Eielson …
 used to verify an aircraft’s
 flight plan along with re-
 cordings of the controller’s
 audio communication with
 the aircraft. ATCs radio the
 pilots, constantly relaying
 flight and landing instruc-
 tions, weather updates and
 Airman Brooke Moeder safety information.

 A day in the life of POL …

 Airman 1st Class Leala Marquez
 Wax, 56th Security Forces Squadron military working dog, re-
 cieves a certicate from Maj. Kimberly Guest, 56th SFS command-
 er, during his retirement ceremony Aug. 9, 2019, at Luke Air Force                                                             Airman 1st Class Aaron Larue Guerrisky
 Base. During his time in service, Wax was a critical component in                        A U.S. Air Force F-35A Lightning II, assigned to the 61st Fighter Squadron,
 supporting 11 U.S. Secret Service missions helping secure Presi-  Airman 1st Class Jacob Wongwai  Luke Air Force Base, prepares to land Sept. 6, 2019, at Eielson Air Force
 dent Barack Obama, President Donald Trump and foreign leaders   Airmen from the 56th Maintenance Group honor former prisoners of war and   Base, Alaska. Student fighter pilots from the 61st FS integrated with F-22
 attending the 67th United Nations General Assembly, G8 Summit   those listed as missing in action during a 24-hour vigil run Sept. 20, 2019, at Luke   Raptors assigned to the 3rd Wing, Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alas-
 and the 2012 presidential election.   Air Force Base. During the event, Airmen ran for a 24-hour period while holding a   ka, and F-16 Fighting Falcons from the 18th Aggressor Squadron, Eielson
            POW/MIA flag as part of National POW/MIA Recognition Day.                     AFB, as part of a training capstone.

 How a strike mission is accomplished …
            German air force pilots visit Luke …                                          COMM connects Airmen across Luke …
 Senior Airman Tyler
 Salter, 56th Equip-                                  Retired German air force Maj.                                                    Airman 1st Class
 ment Maintenance                                     Gen. Hans Juergen Merkle, for-                                                   Andrew Karlson,
 Squadron conven-                                     mer commander of the Cactus                                                      56th Communication
 tional maintenance                                   Starfighter Squadron, gives Lt.                                                  Squadron client sys-
 crew chief, inspects a                               Col. Donald Davenport, 310th                                                     tem technician, speaks
 GBU-12, an aerial la-                                Fighter Squadron director of                                                     into a base station
 ser-guided munition,                                 operations, a Cactus Starfighter                                                 radio system at the
 Aug. 24, 2019, at Luke                               Squadron patch Oct. 18, 2019,                                                    56th CS building Oct.
 Air Force Base. The                                  at Luke Air Force Base. Former                                                   22, 2019, at Luke Air
 56th EMS assembled                                   German air force pilots from the                                                 Force Base. The 56th
 over 24 inert GBU-12s                                Cactus Starfighter Squadron,                                                     CS is responsible for
 as part of the Panther   Airman Brooke Moeder        which was stationed at Luke                                                      maintaining all radio
 Beast competition,   Airman 1st Class Katlynn Masnyk, 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron distribution fuels   from 1958 to 1983 and trained   systems used by the
 where F-35A Lighting   operator, drags a hose after she finishes refueling an F-16 Fighting Falcon from the 309th   more than 2,500 German pilots,   agencies on base, en-
 II pilots faced off to   Fighter Squadron Aug. 21, 2019, at Luke Air Force Base. The F-16 is a multi-role fighter air-  met with 310th FS pilots to share   suring that Airmen can
 test their accuracy in   craft used in air-to-air combat and air-to-surface attacks, as well as to locate targets in all   the squadron’s history and alli-  communicate effective-
 Airman 1st Class Jacob Wongwai  dropping munitions.  types of weather conditions.   Airman 1st Class Leala Marquez ance with the German air force.   Senior Airman Caroline Burnett ly and efficiently.
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