Page 17 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2020
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16  January 2020  2019 IN PHOTOS  Thunderbolt                                                17
                                                                                                                                            January 2020
 Chaplain’s thoughts ...  Personal best …  Presenting Goodyear’s   Antioch Church                               There are only 1600 homes available to

                                                                                                                   buy in the greater Luke AFB area…
 Caution: Post-holiday blues ahead  your soul. Pause for a moment to   #1 Tattoo Shop  of God in Christ         Make sure you have the help needed to

 by Chaplain (Lt. Col.)   discover, or rediscover an activity                                                    get the house you want to call HOME.
 that gives your life purpose and
 R. JOHN BOYER   meaning. Being proactive in this              9600 W. Peoria Ave. Peoria, AZ 85345
 56th Fighter Wing Chaplain  will help you move forward in a
 For many, the grind of going back to work and life after the   positive direction when you feel
 holiday season can be hard! I know for me, it sometimes feels   the blues.
 like a kick in the … face.   Then, go outside and get active.
 Experts tell us around one in four people will struggle with   Physical activity, particularly
 post-holiday blues, which can include feelings of sadness, frus-  outdoors connecting with nature,
 tration, disappointment and depression.  Transitioning from the   is one of the greatest antidepres-
 emotionally charged season of the holidays – which lasts for a   sants and mood uplifting strategies anyone can do themselves.
 little while and then disappears quickly –  can be challenging   We’re blessed to live in a beautiful climate during the winter
 for many of us.  After the excitement of December, January can   months. Go on a hike, take a walk, go for a run, or just enjoy
 feel … well, boring!   a stunning Arizona sunrise or sunset. Better yet, get together                         That said… There are only 1600 houses for sale in the
 These blues can be caused by many things: putting on extra   with another person and go do it together. Humans are made to   Superintendent   Service Times:  greater Luke AFB area….. There is a shortage of homes
 weight, not exercising regularly, stress of family, friends and   be in community with each other, so put down the smartphone   Jonathan E. Logan,   Sunday:  7:30 am  in Arizona. Make sure you have the agent that doesn’t
 added shopping expenses – credit cards coming due – just to name   or controller, and get some fresh air.    Pastor  Worship Service   8:00 am  leave YOUR money on the table and call me.
                                                                                                     9:45 am
 a few.  Many of us look forward to the holidays, only to have them   Finally, don’t just ignore your sad feelings and bottle them   %  Sunday School    11:15 am
                                                                                        Worship Service
 go by too quickly – leaving us feeling let down and disappointed.   up.  Every single one of us has felt blue at some point; you’re not   25  off    Missionary    Wednesday:
 So how do we prepare ourselves for when the blues hit?  First,   alone. There’s no reason to try and “toughen up” – there can only   with Military or Student ID  Christine Logan,   Prayer    6:30 pm
                                                                                                     7:00 pm
                                                                                        Bible Study
 expect to be “let down.” It’s only natural to be saddened when   be one Chuck Norris in this world … and it ain’t you.  First Lady
 transitioning from a time of joy and excitement, to a time of ho-  So if you’re feeling down, talk with someone about it. We’re
 hum every day routine. Just expect yourself to be a little sad after   blessed with so many resources as military members: supervi-  623-234-9121
 the cheer and delight of the season, and give yourself permission   sors,  rst sergeants, mental health counselors, military and fam-  Phone: 623-486-9007  Michael Maughan | REALTOR
 to take time to feel that way for a while until your normal routine   ily life consultants, Military OneSource, chaplains and religious   Courtesy photo  Fax: 623-486-0246  602-418-2413 Cell txt/msg
 returns. It’s often only by going through the valleys of life, that   affairs Airmen.  We’re all here to support you, as you honorably   Staff Sgt. Lindsey Harvey, 362nd
 we can appreciate mountain tops all the more.    wear our nation’s cloth, doing what our country has asked you   Recruiting Squadron, March Air Re-
 Next, pause to  nd meaning and purpose in life. Smart, edu-  to do and accomplishing the mission you swore to protect and   serve Base, California, placed first   330 N. Dysart Dr. • Suite 103 • Goodyear, AZ
 cated people tell us happiness, particularly lasting happiness,   defend.  Many are counting on you!  in the female powerlifting competi-
 is directly connected to being part of something greater than   For more information about Luke AFB Chaplain Corps pro-  tion in December at Luke AFB. She
 yourself. For you it may be faith, prayer, church, community ser-  grams and events, like us on Facebook @ Luke AFB Chapel.   bested herself by setting personal
 vice, helping others, or something else you feel resonates within   Feeling like you need to talk? Give us a call at 623-856-6211.  records in every lift.
               Do you have family or friends coming to
                   Luke Air Force Base to visit or stay?

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