Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2020
P. 19
18 January 2020 Thunderbolt 2019 IN PHOTOS 19
January 2020
Luke brings Luke hosts annual Thunderbolt Cup …
cheer First Lt. William East-
through wood, 310th Fighter
Squadron, squats dur-
Holiday ing the Trojan Warrior
Magic … Workout at the Fourth
Annual Thunderbolt Cup,
A child enjoys the Nov. 27, 2019, at Luke Air
snow during the an- Force Base. Airmen who
nual Holiday Magic participated in the Trojan
event Dec. 6, 2019, at Warrior Workout com-
Fowler Park on Luke peted in a series of exer-
Air Force Base. Holi- cises for the fastest time.
day Magic is an an- The Thunderbolt Cup
nual event designed is designed to promote
to bring cheer to Luke esprit de corps among
families and features the more than 6,900
activities such as mu- active-duty and Reserve
sic, carnival rides, real Airmen, and civilians at
Airman 1st Class Brooke Moeder snow and games. Airman 1st Class Leala Marquez Luke.
308th FS F-35A
soar in sky …
An F-35A Lightning II taxis
on the flightline while anoth-
er F-35 lands Nov. 6, 2019,
at Luke Air Force Base. As
of Oct. 28, 2019, the F-35s
assigned to Luke Air Force
Base have flown more than
35,000 sorties. The F-35 has
a wingspan of 35 feet, length
of 51 feet and a height of
14 feet with an internal fuel
capacity of 18,498 pounds.
Since 1941, Luke has been
building the future of airpow-
er by graduating more than
Airman Brooke Moeder 61,000 pilots.
Airmen represent at Cardinals Game …
Tech. Sgt. Jensen Stidham
Airmen assigned to the 56th Fighter Wing, alongside U.S. Army and recruits, help unfurl an American flag before the national anthem at the Arizona Cardinals Salute to
Service football game, Dec. 1, 2019, in Glendale. More than 70 Airmen from Luke Air Force Base and other bases participated in events during the game.