Page 21 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt, January 2020
P. 21

Thunderbolt                                                                                                                  January 2020  21

                       Luke NCO, cousin send 1,500
                       care packages …

                                                                                           Parents and tots dance class

                                                                                                     11 a.m. to noon begins Jan. 16 • $25 per month
                                                                                                      Luke Air Force Base Community Commons
                                                                                                             Questions? Call 623-856-7120
                                                                                                For details on 56th Force Support Squadron programs, visit

                                                                                                 50’s Band Night

                                                   Trending weather                                                 50’s

                                                                          Courtesy photo                           Style
                                                   January at Luke Air Force Base
                       Tech. Sgt. Timothy Pfeiffer, 56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
                       NCO in charge of munitions control, and his cousin Rose Cobb, Quick-
                       en Loans executive banker, stand in front of packed care packages No-               Saturday, Jan. 25
                       vember 2019 in Detroit. Pfeiffer and Cobb created an operation that has
                       sent care packages to 1,500 deployed members in 15 locations includ-    Italian Buffet • Live Music & Dancing
                       ing Afghanistan, Iraq and Djibouti.
                                                                                                     Dinner - 4 p.m. • Dancing - 5-7 p.m.
                                                 Avg. high temp: 68F  Avg. precipitation: .8”         Members - $13 • Nonmembers - $15
                                                                                                      Members - $13 • Nonmembers - $15
                                                                                                      Members - $13 • Nonmembers - $15
                                                                                                      Members - $13 • Nonmembers - $15
                                                 Avg. low temp:  43F
                                                 Weather fact: Throughout history, Luke Air Force
                                                 Base averages eight days of rain in January and only
            Trending weather                     one day dipping below freezing. The record high

            January at Luke Air Force Base       temperature in January was 85F and the record low
                                                 temperature was 21F. The max wind speed recorded   Reservations taken up to
                                                                                           24 hours in advance.
                                                 in January was 45.8kts (52mph).
                                                     Courtesy of 56th Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight

          Avg. high temp: 68F  Avg. precipitation: .8”
          Avg. low temp:  43F                    Buddhist study group
                                                    • A Buddhist study group meets at
          Weather fact: Throughout history, Luke Air Force   10:30 a.m. every fourth Saturday at
          Base averages eight days of rain in January and only   the LCC.
          one day dipping below freezing. The record high   Other faith groups
                                                 For information, call 623-856-6211.
          temperature in January was 85F and the record low   Chapel activities
              The Luke Chapel team is committed
            to ensuring spiritual care for the entire
          temperature was 21F. The max wind speed recorded   Weddings
            family. Chapel offices are in the Luke
            Community Chapel at 139th Avenue and
          in January was 45.8kts (52mph).           •  Weddings are conducted in COM
            Shooting Star Street. All services are Sun-
               Courtesy of 56th Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight
            day unless noted. For more information,   and must be scheduled months in
            call 623-856-6211.                     advance
                                                 Religious education, Sunday (all
              COM-Chapel on the Mall             ages)
              LCC-Luke Community Chapel
                                                    •  Catholic religious education is from
            Worship schedule                      10:30 a.m. to noon in Bldg. 1150
                                                    •  Protestant religious education is
            Catholic Mass                         from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. at the LCC
               • Daily is at noon at LCC         Singles ministry                           Jan. 31 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Free
               • Saturday is at 5 p.m. at LCC       •  Bible study is at 7 p.m. Thursdays at             All Ages • Fowler Park
               • Sunday is at 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. at   the Oasis in Bldg. 542
              LCC                                   •  Singles meet for dinner at 6:30 p.m.      Check-in: 5:30-6:15 p.m. • Strollers & leashed pets welcome
                                                                                                                 Register by Jan. 15 at:
            Protestant worship                    Fridays and Saturdays at the Oasis           
               • Contemporary/Gospel service is at   Youth events
             10:30 a.m. at LCC                      •  Catholic youth group is at 6:30 p.m.                                       623-856-7470
               • Traditional service is at 9 a.m. at COM  Tuesdays at LCC                                     
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