Page 1 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
P. 1
Vol. 15, No. 32
Airpark gets update, 3
Couple serve together, 4
Walt Disney and the
war, 5
SSgt selects named, 6
Gym undergoes change, 7
John Kulberg Courtesy graphic
HOME ON RANGE Above is an architectural rendering of the changes to the outside of the Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fitness Center. Renova-
tions also include a remodel of most of the interior. The project will take place over the next year and a half.
See Page 12
Fitness center gets Xtreme makeover
by Airman adjacent to the gym,” said Ansel Bingam, an updated exterior image,” Bingam said.
Action line ............................. 2 PEDRO MOTA WK)RUFH6XSSRUW6TXDGURQÀWQHVVDQG “Overall square footage will not increase
Briefs..................................... 3 sports manager. “Then workout equip- much, except for the 3,000 square foot ad-
Spotlight ................................ 4 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs ment will be moved to the gymnasium dition to the entry way.”
Diversions ........................... 20 ÁRRU PDNLQJ J\P VHUYLFHV OLPLWHG EXW
Sports.................................. 23 The Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fitness available. Once work areas are cleared, The amount of funding and programming
Center will undergo state-of-the-art reno- interior demolition and renovation will restrictions limit the new construction
Top Hats vations later this year and is scheduled for begin.” value to around $1 million.
graduate completion in the spring of 2017.
In addition to some walls being demol- “The designs demonstrated superior
ent once renovations are complete,” said ed throughout the facility such as the new $LU)RUFHÀWQHVVFHQWHUGHVLJQFULWHULDDQG
For photos Matthew Hutchings, 56th Civil Engineer heating, ventilation and air conditioning civilian industry standards,” Hutchings
and story, see Squadron architect. “After receiving four system for improved air circulation. said. “The contracting, force support and
highly effective design proposals, the FLYLOHQJLQHHUVTXDGURQVWHDPHGWRGHÀQH
Page 18 best was selected based on an established Low level ceilings will also be opened the contract requirements and provided the
evaluation criterion.” up to increase the feeling of spaciousness best solution to meet the needs within the
WEATHER and locker rooms will be relocated with all available budget.”
Changes to the gym will require most of new plumbing.
Today the interior walls to be removed, providing Fitness is essential to mission readiness.
RSHQ ÁRRU SODQV IRU FDUGLRYDVFXODU DQG Finally, a small addition will be con- “It’s all about the Airmen,” Bingam said.
108°/85° weight lifting areas. structed for the entry and administrative ´:HZDQWWKHPWRZDQWWRXVHWKHÀWQHVV
RIÀFHV center, and these changes will make it
Mostly “Before construction begins, temporary much more desirable.”
Sunny locker facilities could possibly be set up “These changes will help give the facility
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