Page 5 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
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Thunderbolt NEWS Aug. 28, 2015 5
Walt Disney inspires squadron
Courtesy photo by Senior Airman accomplished the things he did in England
MARCY COPELAND and in the states makes me very proud to
While stationed at Luke Field, Sgt. Seymour Pine had the unique privilege of accept- be his son.”
ing the 62nd Fighter Squadron emblem of a boxing bulldog from the artist who drew 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs
it — Walt Disney. After the bombing at Pearl Harbor
Everyone had a role to play during Dec. 7, 1941, fear and rumors spread that
World War II at home and abroad. For Sgt. California would become another target.
Seymour Pine it was serving in the 62nd According to the Walt Disney Family Mu-
Fighter Squadron assigned to the 56th seum, Disney’s studio manager called him
Fighter Group at Luke Air Force Base as a that night to tell him that the Army would
“Stars and Stripes” reporter. be moving in on them. The next day after
war was declared Disney’s studio lot was
He performed many functions as a re- turned into a military installation to protect
porter to tell the Army Air Corps story. His a Lockheed aircraft plant that was nearby.
main job was to interview P-47 pilots within
the squadron. He also served in England at Disney productions had to drop all future
the Royal Air Force Station Martlesham projects and begin work on military train-
Heath during World War II reporting the LQJ ÀOPV FRPPLVVLRQHG E\ WKH PLOLWDU\
war efforts. Disney’s traditional cast of characters, in-
cluding Donald Duck, Goofy and the Seven
While stationed at Luke, Pine had the Dwarfs were featured in many of the shorts
unique privilege of accepting the 62nd used to educate, inform and incite the public
Fighter Squadron emblem of a boxing about the war.
bulldog from the artist who drew it — Walt
Disney. Disney himself took on a personal proj-
ect for the war effort which was creating
“Going through my father’s things, I unique insignia to not only bring humor
found what I thought were the original to units, but to help boost morale at home
photos of Walt Disney presenting my dad and overseas. More and more of Disney’s art
with the squadron emblem,” said Richard was used as decals on tanks, trucks, bombs,
Pine, Sgt. Pine’s son, who resides in Geor- planes and many different types of military
gia. “Disney designed it and presented it to transport and equipment.
my father. Knowing my father was involved
in this moment in history and meeting See DISNEY, Page 10
Disney is just amazing. To know my father
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