Page 9 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                                                 NEWS                                                                                 Aug. 28, 2015                          9                                                                                                                                          

 PEOPLE                                                and their dependents 18 years old or older                     24-month program, graduates will apply              local agencies, as well as private companies.
   FIRST                                               were eligible to use SARC services, and they                   for acceptance to the USUHS medical
                                                       FRXOGRQO\ÀOHXQUHVWULFWHGUHSRUWV                          school and/or civilian medical schools. Once
   Editor’s Note: The “People First” section is                                                                       accepted for an approved medical school,                     Article/614272/af-adopts-new-dragon.aspx
compiled from information from the Air Force              SARCs and SAPR victim advocates will                        participants will be commissioned as second
Personnel Center, TRICARE, 56th Force Support          assist in contacting the appropriate law en-                   lieutenants in the Medical Service Corps.           Program creates culture
Squadron, Airman and Family Readiness Flight,          forcement agency for Air Force civilians who                                                                       of minimizing costs
armed forces news services. For the complete story,    are properly investigated and prosecuted.                                                                             The Air Force has initiated the Make Every
go to the web address listed at the end of the story.                                                                 Article/614109/enlisted-to-medical-degree-prepa-    Dollar Count program, aimed at creating a cul-
                                                                                                                ture focused on minimizing costs, harnessing
SAPR services offered                                     Article/614603/air-force-extends-sapr-services-                 ratory-program-intent-to-apply-due-oct-2.aspx   HIÀFLHQFLHVDQGUHGHÀQLQJ$LU)RUFHEXVLQHVV
to Air Force civilians                                                                                                                                                    paradigms. Currently, the MEDC portfolio
                                                                                                to-af-civilians.aspx  AF adopts new dragon                                consists of 13 Headquarters Air Force-level
   The Air Force released a policy memo Mon-                                                                                                                              programs and 26 major command-sponsored
day allowing Air Force civilian employees who          Intent to apply for med                                           Lt. Gen. Bill Bender, the Air Force chief        initiatives that cut across multiple Air Force
DUHYLFWLPVRIVH[XDODVVDXOWWRÀOHUHVWULFWHG       degree program due 10/2                                        LQIRUPDWLRQRIÀFHUDQG0DM*HQ0DUWLQ           lines of business including acquisition strat-
and unrestricted reports with their installa-                                                                         Whelan, the Air Force director of future            egy, contract management, maintenance
tion’s sexual assault response coordinator.               Eligible active-duty enlisted Airmen                        operations, have partnered to increase              repair operations and energy management.
                                                       interested in pursuing a medical degree                        awareness of the importance of operations
   The policy is effective immediately and             must submit their intent to apply emails                       security and cybersecurity to protect the Air          The Airmen Powered by Innovation pro-
allows SARCs and sexual assault preven-                to the Air Force Personnel Center no later                     Force mission, personnel and their families.        gram is one of the initial 13 Headquarters
tion and response victim advocates to as-              than Oct. 2.                                                                                                       Air Force initiatives under the MEDC um-
sist Air Force civilians who report sexual                                                                               OPSEC has always been an important               brella. Moreover, it is the MEDC initiative
assaults by providing crisis intervention                 The Enlisted to Medical Degree Prepara-                     IDFWRU LQ WKH PLOLWDU\ 7KH RIÀFLDO 236(&    PRVWYLVLEOHWR$LUPHQLQWKHÀHOG$3,LVWKH
and advocacy services 24/7.                            tory Program offers active-duty enlisted                       program launched during Vietnam in 1966             platform for empowering Airmen to make
                                                       members an opportunity to complete the pre-                    with Operation Purple Dragon. “Purple               every dollar count and is intended to be an
   The Defense Department recently signed              paratory coursework for admission to medical                   'UDJRQµ ZDV WKH XQFODVVLÀHG QLFNQDPH          engine for grassroots innovation across the
an exception to policy, granting the Air Force         school while maintaining active-duty status                    given by the joint chiefs of staff, for a study     Air Force. It is the Airmen’s voice to share
the authority to extend SAPR services. Air             and full pay and benefits. The program,                        done on the loss of B-52 Stratofortresses in        innovative ideas that affect cost savings,
Force civilian employees will now receive the          which incurs a three-year active-duty service                  Southeast Asia. National leadership became          quality, productivity, cycle time, process
same services as those already eligible to use         commitment, will include coursework in a                       concerned that there was a security breach          improvement and morale from the ground
SARC services, with the exception of legal             traditional classroom setting with structured                  since U.S. B-52 bombers were being shot             up to Air Force senior decision makers.
and nonemergency medical services, which               prehealth advising and formal medical col-                     down at a very high rate. It was apparent
are restricted by law. Prior to this exception,        lege admission test preparation, with classes                  that the North Vietnamese had been gain-               Since its inception in April 2014, the
only civilian employees at overseas locations          slated to begin August 2016.                                   ing prior knowledge of bombing mission              API program has received more than 5,300
                                                                                                                      times and locations. Thus, Operation Purple         LGHDV IURP $LUPHQ ZKLFK KDYH LGHQWLÀHG
                                                          Airmen selected for the program will                        Dragon was born and it was soon discovered          cost savings of more than $37 million.
                                                       transfer on permanent change of station                        WKDWH[LVWLQJSURFHGXUHVDOORZHGÁLJKWSODQV
                                                       orders to Bethesda, Maryland, where they                       to be received directly by Hanoi.           
                                                       will attend school full time at the Uniformed                                                                                Article/613948/making-every-dollar-count-
                                                       Services University of the Health Sciences.                       OPSEC has since become an established
                                                                                                                      process used by military, federal, state and              through-airmen-powered-by-innovation.aspx
                                                          Following successful completion of the

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