Page 11 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
P. 11
Thunderbolt NEWS Aug. 28, 2015
This week in history
1990: Operation Desert Shield
7ZHQW\ÀYH\HDUVDJR6DGGDP+XVVHLQRUGHUHGWKH ert Shield on Aug. 7 and set the military in motion. Courtesy photo
Iraqi military to invade Kuwait. He wanted to annex For the Air Force’s part, it carried the brunt of the
what he called Iraq’s 19th Province. The country of early movements and initial defense of Saudi Arabia. Military trucks are unloaded from the nose ramp of
Kuwait was Iraq’s small neighbor on the Persian Gulf. That day, the 1st Tactical Fighter Wing sent 24 F-15C D&$*DOD[\WUDQVSRUWDLUFUDIWRIWKH86$LU)RUFH
President George H.W. Bush reacted by sending the Eagles of its 71st Tactical Fighter Squadron to Dhah- Reserve, Military Airlift Command, in support of Op-
military to the gulf. With that action, he announced, UDQ6DXGL$UDELD7KHPLOHQRQVWRSÁLJKWWRRN eration Desert Shield.
“This will not stand, this aggression against … Ku- KRXUVDQGLQÁLJKWUHIXHOLQJVIURP/DQJOH\$LU
wait.” Force Base, Virginia. supplies destined for the Gulf crashed on take-off from
Ramstein Air Base, Germany. The crash killed 13 and
On Aug. 2 approximately 140,000 Iraqi Army troops 7KH QH[W GD\ WKH ÀUVW RI D ÁRRG RI 86 $LU )RUFH injured four. On Sept. 17, Cheney removed Gen. Mi-
with 850 tanks invaded the tiny country. Saddam’s WUDQVSRUWV D & 6WDUOLIWHU ÁHZ LQWR 'KDKUDQ chael Dugan for unauthorized comments to the media.
move shocked the world. At just under 6,900 square Operation Desert Shield’s near-term objective was to Dugan was the Air Force chief of staff. Previously, Du-
miles, Kuwait is a little smaller than the land mass protect Saudi Arabia from Iraqi aggression. That action gan commanded the 832rd Air Division at Luke AFB.
of New Jersey. gave the allies time to build up their military strength
for the liberation of Kuwait. The Gulf War air campaign began on Jan. 17, 1991.
Kuwait’s armed forces were not on alert. While army Overall, commercial aircraft and Air Mobility Com-
units attacked the invaders, they were greatly outnum- On Aug. 17, President Bush activated the Civil mand’s strategic airlift delivered a total of 500,720
bered. Kuwait’s ruling family barely escaped. By Aug. 5HVHUYH$LU)OHHWIRUWKHÀUVWWLPHHYHU,WKDGEHHQ passengers and 543,548 tons of cargo during Opera-
6, the Iraqis had full control of the country. Saddam around since 1952. His activation substantially in- tion Desert Shield and its follow-on, Operation Desert
then moved some of his units to the Saudi border. creased airlift availability for air transport to the Storm.
Middle East. Six days later, Secretary of Defense
The Kuwaitis asked the United Nations for help. The Richard Cheney authorized the call up of Air Force Airmen have been in the Gulf ever since.
Security Council passed a resolution for Iraq to leave Reserve members for active duty for the Gulf crisis.
Kuwait. The diplomatic community went into action. Eventually, more than 20,000 reservists served. &RXUWHV\RI5LFN*ULVHWWK)LJKWHU:LQJ+LVWRU\2I¿FH
But, should diplomacy fail to dislodge the Iraqi army,
a military option would be needed. 8QIRUWXQDWHO\ WKH RSHUDWLRQ GLG QRW JR ÁDZOHVVO\
On Aug. 29, a C-5 Galaxy carrying medical and other
President Bush ordered execution of Operation Des-
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