Page 16 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
P. 16
Aug. 28, 2015
‘Fear the ‘Banjo Kazooie’
Walking Dead’
1/2 by Airman Pedro Mota
by Senior Airman Marcy Copeland
Your weekly guide Going through video games I used to play, I came across a
The much anticipated premiere of “Fear The Walking to entertainment Nintendo 64 game that I had enjoyed throughout my child-
Dead” airs Sunday, giving new life to fans of “The Walking hood. It got excited over the memories the game had brought
Dead.” Welcome to the Fly Over, Luke’s source for me and my friends. When I found it I wasn’t able to play it
right away because my N64 was missing some components,
The prequel was created by Robert Kirkman and Dave movie, book, video game, music and all things but I was able to download it on my computer and programed
Erickson who gave us “The Walking Dead.” Featured as a entertainment reviews. Using a four-point a PlayStation 4 controller to match the controls of the old
pilot series and set in Los Angeles, six episodes in total will scale, the Thunderbolt staff provides in-depth N64 system. It worked and I was able to play one of my
air giving more of the story of how the world became overrun reviews allowing the viewer an opportunity to favorite games.
with the dead. With ratings breaking television history, more decide what new and classic entertainment op-
than 10 million fans tuned in live to watch the first episode. tions are worth their time. The Know a Critic The very first time I played “Banjo Kazooie” was at my
section helps the reader choose critics who best friend’s house, Brian.
It begins with Nick Clark (Frank Dillane) waking up from have tastes similar to their own.
the effects of heroin in an abandoned church to noises in the I remember playing the first time for hours trying to ma-
main worship hall. He walks to the edge of the balcony calling 1/4 - Save your money neuver with a joystick this overly joyful bear and his mouthy
for Gloria. He makes his way downstairs and comes across sidekick bird friend.
a body with the throat torn open. Terrified, Nick continues 2/4 - Wait for Netflix release
down the hall and into the worship hall. He finds Gloria We had a blast trying to gather all the notes, Jinjo’s,
crouched over a body. As she turns, her eyes no longer have 3/4 - Worthy of Dine-in Theater Mumbo Jumbo skulls and golden puzzle pieces in each level
life, and she has blood and flesh dripping from her mouth. to unlock the next playable areas. At that time there was
4/4 - Bombs on Target nothing more enjoyable then hearing his “Yuhuh” chuckle
As she rises, there is a knife stuck through her chest which as he did a little dance when you gathered all the required
doesn’t seem to faze her. She slowly walks toward Nick with Know a critic items to pass the level 100 percent without dying.
her arms outreached. Nick looks down and sees the body
Gloria was crouched over with half of the face eaten off. Marcy Copeland was Banjo resembles a brown bear and wears a pair of yellow
born to watch movies. The shorts, a black belt, a leaf-shaped silver necklace and car-
Nick runs from the church and into the street not know- ÀUVW9+6PRYLHVKHZRUH ries a blue back pack. Kazooie is a large red bird that lives
ing if what he just saw was even real. While standing in the out was “The Termina- inside Banjo’s blue backpack. Banjo bear is also an expert
street, he is hit by a car and is taken to the hospital. tor.” Since then her movie banjo player, while Kazooie is an expert kazoo player. Who
collection has exceeded would have known?
The show introduces us to Kim Dickens, who plays Madi- 600 titles, mostly DVDs.
son Clark, Cliff Curtis, who plays Travis Manawa, and Alycia +HU SDVVLRQ IRU ÀOPV KDV The game begins with a wicked witch named Gruntilda
Debnam Carey, who plays Alicia Clark. Madison and Travis never wavered. Charlie asking her bewitched brew pot who in the land is the pret-
are involved and attempting to bring their families together Chaplin, Tom Hanks, and tiest of all.
as one. Madison is a high school counselor and Travis is a Copeland Morgan Freeman have
high school teacher. Its early morning and the three go about been some of the guides in her journey through Of course her pot assures her she is the fairest, even though
their routine when the telephone rings and they are notified FRPHG\GUDPDURPDQFHDQGKRUURUÀOPV she is pretty gross. Then, he mentions a girl named Tootie
of Nick’s accident. and says she is the youngest and prettiest in all the land.
Pedro Mota is a photo- Angry, Gruntilda sets off to find her, kidnap her and drain
The episode continues to unveil the story and characters. her of her beauty so Gruntilda can use magic to absorb the
Slowly and surely some unknown virus has affected people journalist who enjoys any- beauty taken from Tootie.
in five other states and small events are beginning to take
place around the Los Angeles area. WKLQJÀOOHGZLWKDQDGUHQ- This is when Banjo and Kazooie come into play. After
the witch Gruntilda takes off on her broomstick, the scene
Travis sits down and talks with Nick at the hospital. Nick aline rush such as jumping changes to Banjo and Kazooie napping inside their house
tells Travis what he saw at the church and thinks it was when they hear a big ruckus outside. They run out only to
either the heroin he was on or that he is going crazy. Travis, off cliffs into water, snow- discover Banjo’s sister has been kidnapped by Gruntilda on
becoming convinced about Nick’s story, leaves the hospital her broomstick.
and finds the church Nick spoke about. boarding, dirt biking and
When they learn of Tootie’s capture, the pair leaves home
Travis finds pools of dried clotting blood on the stairs watching Disney movies. to find her. They roam their homeland looking for her while
and in the worship hall of the church and he knows that rolling, jumping, double jumping and using each other’s skills
something terrible happened and maybe Nick was telling He loves watching nature in unison to ensure they can survive the perilous journey to
the truth after all. Nick convinces a nurse to loosen his re- save Tootie.
straints to use the restroom. An old man in the same room shows such as Animal
goes into cardiac arrest and they rush him out of the room. To access the levels, Banjo and Kazooie must obtain golden
Nick sees his chance and flees the hospital stealing the old Mota Planet and the Discovery puzzle pieces to fill in the map’s empty slots. There are 10
man’s clothes. Channel. His favorite pas- golden puzzle pieces hidden inside this level along with 100
notes that must be obtained all at once without dying or else
Searching for her son, Madison and Travis travel to the time game to play is chess, and in his spare time, he the number of notes collected begins again.
church and Madison sees for herself the bloody mess. She
begins to share Travis’s thought that Nick wasn’t lying or loves to research ancient martial arts, improving his While collecting the items, Banjo acquires a unique skill to
hallucinating. On their way back, a traffic jam occurs on the turn into an animal, bestowed upon him by Mumbo Jumbo.
freeway. Helicopters are circling the skies above warning own style of Muay Thai. When turned into an animal Banjo and Kazooie are able to
people to stay in their vehicles. Firefighters are captured obtain items and access levels they weren’t able to before.
on video working on people in a car accident. It appears one
of them is dead and as the camera zooms in to capture the Mumbo Jumbo, often referred to as just Mumbo, is a skull-
events unfolding, we see a hand reach up from the dead man faced shaman who appears in every game in the series.
and grab attacking the firefighter. It has begun.
Banjo Kazooie is a great game to play with the family as
I thought this series started the way it should have. Many well as by yourself whether you’re a child, teen or adult. I defi-
fans were expecting chaos and walking dead attacks. The nitely recommend it to anyone who is willing to put graphics
show took it nice and slow introducing characters and pav- aside for some challenging puzzles and a fun storyline. Also
ing the way for the walking dead apocalypse to take place. something to look forward to after you have completed this
classic game, is Yooka-Laylee. It’s a new game the creators
are releasing, which is based on bringing back the style and
gameplay of Banjo Kazooie.
This game is rated E for everyone, so let loose with your
family and enjoy a great game.