Page 18 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
P. 18

Aug. 28, 2015                                                  GRADUATION                                                                                                      Thunderbolt

Top Hats graduate 15 into CAF

                                  by Lt. Col.                             During these intense months of training, the                                                                                                                                         Courtesy photo
                                 MATTHEW                                  students continued receiving academics and
                                   WARNER                                 Á\LQJVLPXODWRUPLVVLRQV                          The Tophats graduated 15 pilots today. They are from left: 1st Lts. Jake Im-
                                                                                                                              pellizzeri, Trevor Kilroy, John Burns, Michael O’Donnell, Corydon Butler, John
                                                           310th Fighter     Just as they began to feel somewhat com-         Iselin and Brendan Zubrod, Capt. Robert Barlow, 1st Lts. Thomas Hainline, Bryan
                                                               Squadron   fortable executing the air-to-air mission, the      Rivera, Kenneth Durbin, David Gill, Cody Main and David Takahashi, and Capt.
                                                                          students transitioned to the air-to-surface         Addison Harding. Their hometowns and follow-on bases are below.
   Basic F-16 Course class 15-ABG of the                                  SKDVH OHDUQLQJ WR Á\ LQ WKH ORZDOWLWXGH
310th Fighter Squadron is well on its way                                 environment, employ general purpose                 UHDG\6RRQDIWHU047PRVWZLOOEHÁ\LQJ       a positive and lasting impression on the
to being “Dressed to Kill” as combat-ready                                ERPEVDQGÀUHWKH)·VPPJXQ7KHLU           in combat or in air defense alert missions to    310th FS, Luke Air Force Base, and the local
F-16 pilots. When they graduate today they                                training progressed on to employing the             defend our great nation.                         community.
will continue the legacy of 310th FS trained                              targeting pod and dropping the same preci-
ÀJKWHUSLORWVZKRKDYHIRXJKWLQHYHU\ZDU                               sion weapons they will soon drop in combat.            In all aspects of this incredibly demanding      Thanks to the Thunderbolts who helped
from World War II to Iraq, Afghanistan                                    Additionally, to ensure each pilot is ready         course, both in the air and on the ground,       make this day happen. All of Luke’s Airmen
Libya and Syria.                                                          for the rigors of the combat Air Force, each        the students of 15-ABG excelled and proved       FDQEHSURXGRIWKHQHZHVWZRUOGFODVVÀJKW-
                                                                          student demonstrated proficiency in all             themselves worthy to be called Air Force         er pilots that will graduate this weekend.
   The graduation culminates nine months                                  these tasks at night with the aid of night          ÀJKWHUSLORWV,QDGGLWLRQWKHLUVSRXVHVOHIW
of intense training and hard work by the                                  vision goggles.                                                                                         To the Top Hats of 15-ABG … DTK!
310th FS and 310th Aircraft Maintenance
Unit team, the 56th Training Squadron and                                    Their mission planning, air-to-air and               1st Lt. John Burns                                    1st Lt. Corydon Butler
countless support agencies that ensured                                   DLUWRVXUIDFH WDFWLFV ZHUH ÀQDOO\ WHVWHG LQ     Clovis, New Mexico                                        Williamsburg, VA
these Top Hat students could fully focus on                               large-force exercises which pitted up to 20 F-      Kunsan AB, South Korea
their mission. This team contributed to more                              16s and F-35s versus as many as eight enemy                                                          Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland
than 895 sorties, 319 hours of academics and                              aircraft and multiple simulated surface-to-
VLPXODWRUVWRPROGÀJKWHUSLORWVIRUWKH                             air threats. These capstone missions ensured
Combat Air Force.                                                         they were ready for their operational tours.

   This 15-pilot B course began in Novem-                                    7KHQH[WVWHSIRUWKHVH\RXQJÀJKWHUSLORWV
ber 2014 with six weeks of academics and                                  ZLOOEHDIHZPRQWKVRIPLVVLRQTXDOLÀFDWLRQ
simulators in the 56th TRS. This rigorous                                 training at their operational bases where
six weeks laid the vital foundation of aircraft                           they will work to become combat mission
systems knowledge and study habits that
ZLOO VXVWDLQ WKHP WKURXJKRXW WKHLU Á\LQJ                                          Capt. Robert Barlow
FDUHHUV2QFHWKH\KLWWKHÁLJKWOLQHLQ-DQX-                                           Rock Island, Illinois
DU\WKH\OHDUQHGWKHEDVLFVRIÁ\LQJWKH)                                 Kunsan Air Base, South Korea
before they transitioned to employing the
Viper as a weapons system.

   The tactical air-to-air portion of their syl-
to Air Combat Tactics. ACT entailed four
in a challenging real-world combat scenario.

1st Lt. Kenneth Durbin                                                           1st Lt. Dave Gill                             1st Lt. Thomas Hainline                         Capt. Addison Harding
  Fremont, California                                                          Lucerne, California                            Alamogordo, New Mexico                               Fishers, Indiana
   Misawa AB, Japan                                                       Shaw AFB, South Carolina                            Kunsan AB, South Korea
                                                                                                                                                                               Osan AB, South Korea

1st Lt. Jake Impellizzeri                                                    1st Lt. John Iselin                                 1st Lt. Trevor Kilroy                                1st Lt. Cody Main
     Cincinnati, Ohio                                                     Nelson, New Hamshire                                Granada Hills, California                               Buffalo, New York
                                                                                                                                                                               Spangdahlem AB, Germany
Osan AB, South Korea                                                          Aviano AB, Italy                                      Aviano AB, Italy

1st Lt. Michael O’Donnell                                                    1st Lt. Bryan Rivera                             1st Lt. David Takahashi                          1st Lt. Brendan Zubrod
 Osan AB, South Korea                                                     Kunsan AB, South Korea                                 Misawa AB, Japan                               Sioux Falls AGB, SD
   Syracuse, New York                                                                                                                  Tempe, AZ                                       Omaha, NE
                                                                                Houston, Texas
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