Page 19 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
P. 19

Thunderbolt                                                                                  NEWS                                                                                          Aug. 28, 2015

                                                                                             Shopping Exchange                                                      E-5 SELECTS  (from Page 6)

STREET BEAT                                                                                  pays Q-O-L dividends                                                   56th Contracting

                                                                                                Airmen and their families shopping and dining                       Squadron
                                                                                             at Army & Air Force Exchange Service stores and
                                                                                             restaurants on Luke Air Force Base generated                           Nicholas Cripe
                                                                                             $522,974 last year for Air Force quality-of-life
   The 56th Security Forces Squadron       Valley Medical Center for further                 programs.                                                              56th Medical Support
handled the following incidents Aug.       evaluation.
17 through 23 at Luke Air Force Base:                                                           Over the past 10 years, the Exchange has                            Squadron
                                              Aug. 23: Security forces received a            provided more than $2.4 billion in dividends
Tickets                                    911 report of a 5-month-old child ac-             to military programs including Club Five Six,                          Joanne Baum, Eileen Grizzard,
                                           cidentally locked inside a vehicle in             Bryant Fitness Center and Fort Tuthill off-base                        Matthew Lyons, Adam Martin Jr.,
   Security forces issued citations        EDVHKRXVLQJ)LUHÀJKWHUVUHVSRQG-                recreation area.                                                       Zacharia Schmitz and Sergey Voytov
for 18 moving violations and two           HGHQWHUHGWKHYHKLFOHDQGYHULÀHG
nonmoving violations.                      the child to be safe and sound. There                “Roughly two-thirds of Exchange earnings are                        56th Medical Operations
                                           were no injuries.                                 paid to the services’ morale, welfare and recreation
7UDI¿FUHODWHGLQFLGHQWV                                                                     programs, while the other third goes toward build-                     Squadron
                                              Aug. 23: Security forces received              ing new stores and renovating facilities,” said Ai-
   Aug. 20: Security forces responded      a report of a civil arrest by Peoria              leen Rivenburg, Luke Exchange general manager.                         Christopher Dennison, Kayleigh
to a report of a minor vehicle accident    police of an active-duty member for                                                                                      Lybbert, Aprille Magallanes,
involving a government vehicle and         '8,$WUDIÀFVWRSZDVFRQGXFWHGRQ                 The Exchange’s mission of providing quality                         Franko Salazar, Cassandra
À[HG REMHFW DGMDFHQW WR %OGJ   the member for wreckless driving.                 goods and services at competitively low prices                         Saunders, Dean Saunders,
There were no injuries.                    Peoria police administered a porta-               while generating earnings to support quality-of-                       Stephanie Shorts, Anna Warmelink
                                           ble breath test on the member, which              life efforts means that the Exchange benefit is                        and Yadira Wood
Emergency responses                        indicted a breath alcohol content of              more than finding a good price on merchandise.
                                           .142 percent. The member was cited                This structure ensures that shoppers who take                          56th Aerospace Medicine
   Aug. 17: Security forces responded      and released.                                     advantage of their benefit at the Luke Exchange
to a report of a medical emergency                                                           or online are working                           Squadron
involving a Navy E-6 in base hous-         Alarm activations                                 to better their communities.
ing due to a carbon monoxide alarm                                                                                                                                  Cortney Davis, Nicholas Liuzzi and
activation. The patient felt dizzy            Security forces responded to seven                “One hundred percent of Exchange earnings                           Donavan Mannie
and nauseous and was transported           alarm activation on base.                         serve Airmen and their families,” Rivenburg
to West Valley Medical Center for                                                            said. “When service members shop or dine at the                        56th Dental Squadron
further evaluation.                        Tip of the week                                   Exchange, they’re investing in their own commu-
                                                                                             nity, making it a better place to live and work.”                      Shane Hinton
   Aug. 21: Security forces responded         Always watch children around
to a report of a medical emergency         water.                                                                                                Courtesy of AAFES  Detachment 1, ACC
at Lightning Gate involving a re-                                                                                                                                   Training Support Squadron
tiree complaining of chest pains.                                    Courtesy of Tech. Sgt.
The patient was transported to West                                                                                                                                 Brian Park
                                                               Samuel Jalomo, 56th SFS
                                                                                                                                                                    Det. 12, 372nd Training

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