Page 23 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
P. 23

Thunderbolt                                                     SPORTS                                                                                           Aug. 28, 2015
607th ACS takes it all in bball
                                                                                                                                      Sports Shorts
         DEVANTE WILLIAMS                                                                                                           9/11 We Remember 5k run

                              56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  Toreo Seay, AAFES point guard, goes through a defender during the      The 9/11 We Remember 5k run will
                                                                intramural basketball championship GAME against 607th Air Control   begin at 6 a.m. Sept. 11 in the 944 Fight-
   The 607th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron team took            Squadron Aug. 20 at Luke Air Force Base. ACS defeated AAFES 49-46.  er Wing headquarters auxiliary parking
home the title as they defeated the Army and Air Force                                                                              lot on Super Sabre Street. There will
Exchange Service team in the intramural basketball                                                                                  be prizes and refreshments. For more
championship Aug. 20 at the Bryant Fitness Center.                                                                                  information, call 623-856-6241.

   In the double-elimination tournament, AAFES need-                                                                                Bball tryouts
ed to win only one game to take home the trophy, while
607th ACS needed to win back-to-back for the title.                                                                                    Luke Men’s Varsity Basketball tryouts
                                                                                                                                    are 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at the Luke
   “Winning two games in a row was a challenge, but                                                                                 Air Force Base Bryant Fitness Center.
we got it done,” said Sean Douville, 308th Aircraft                                                                                 For more information, call 623-856-6241.
Maintenance Unit playing on the ACS team. “We were
FRQÀGHQWZHZH·UHJRLQJWRZLQZHMXVWQHHGHGWRÀQH                                                                              Silver Wings Pool hours
tune a few issues we’d had the previous game.”
                                                                                                                                       The Silver Wing Pool hours for the
   $&6ZHQWLQWRWKHÀUVWJDPHLQWHQGLQJWRSXVKWKH                                                                               remainder of the season are:
ball, rebound and hit 3-pointers, while AAFES’ strategy
was to pressure their opposing guards to force turn-                                                                                   6DWXUGD\‡DPWRSP
overs, fast breaks and contest all shots.                                                                                              6XQGD\‡DPWRSP
   Even though AAFES had possession of the ball
more than ACS, both teams played even basketball                                                                                          7 p.m.
WKURXJKRXWWKHJDPH$VWKHÀUVWKDOIHQGHGWKHVFRUH                                                                                $XJ‡DPWRSP
was tied 26-26.
   Using their quickness and defense in the second                                                                                     $XJ‡DPWRSP
half, ACS was able to build a slim lead 53-49 and force                                                                                $XJWKURXJK6HSW‡1RRQWR
AAFES into a second game.
                                                                                                                                          7 p.m.
   ´,WZDVDJUHDWÀUVWJDPHDQGDWWKHHQGLWMXVWFDPH                                                                             6HSW‡DPWRSP
down to who wanted it more,” said Brandon Lamberth,                                                                                    6HSW‡DPWRSP
56th Civil Engineer Squadron and ACS team member.                                                                                      6HSW‡DPWRSP
“We kept the same strategy going into the second game.”
                                                                                                                                          (Last day of the season)
   In the second game, it was all ACS as they pushed                                                                                   For more information, call 623-
the ball up the court and maintained a 5-point lead                                                                                 856-6267.
throughout most of the game.
                                                                                                                                    Labor Day golf tournament
their energy in the second half, gaining a 3-point lead                                                                                Falcon Dunes Golf Course is featuring
and stopping AAFES’ fast breaks to give ACS a 49-46                                                                                 a Labor day golf tournament at 7:30 a.m.
win, making them the season champions.                                                                                              Sept. 7. The cost is $32 per club member,
                                                                                                                                    $37 per nonmember, $42 per guest and
   “It feels great to be champions,” Lamberth said. “We                                                                             includes green fee, range balls, cart
KDGRQO\ÀYHSOD\HUVDQGZHJDYHLWDOOZHKDG,QWKH                                                                            rental and lunch. To register or for more
end we we’re victorious.”                                                                                                           information, call 623-535-9334.

of the

)ULGD\$XJXVWWKWK          Senior Airman                Airman 1st Class             Senior Airman           Airman 1st Class         Airman 1st Class
     1HZ(QJODQGYV&DUROLQD       Devante Williams                 Dylan Hinnant              Ryan Shappell               Brian Dirgo           Eleane Herrera
                                    56th Fighter Wing                                   56th Mission Support Group                              56th Medical Group
      Detroit vs. Jacksonville                                  56th Operations Group             1HZ(QJODQG       56th Maintenance Group          1HZ(QJODQG
 7HQQHVVHHYV.DQVDV&LW\             1HZ(QJODQG                    1HZ(QJODQG                                             &DUROLQD
                                                                                                     Detroit                                            Detroit
        Pittsburgh vs. Buffalo             Detroit                        Detroit                 .DQVDV&LW\                  Detroit               .DQVDV&LW\
             $WODQWDYV0LDPL          .DQVDV&LW\                    .DQVDV&LW\                                          .DQVDV&LW\
                                                                                                   Pittsburgh                                         Pittsburgh
   &OHYHODQGYV7DPSD%D\               Pittsburgh                     Pittsburgh                                           Pittsburgh                 0LDPL
                                                                          0LDPL                      Atlanta                   0LDPL
         Minnesota vs. Dallas              Atlanta                                                  &OHYHODQG                                         &OHYHODQG
                                         &OHYHODQG                      &OHYHODQG                                            &OHYHODQG
     N.Y. Jets vs. N.Y. Giants                                                                        Dallas                                          Minnesota
                                           Dallas                       Minnesota                                              Dallas
     Chicago vs. Cincinnati                                                                        N.Y. Giants                                       N.Y. Giants
   :DVKLQJWRQYV%DOWLPRUH             N.Y. Giants                    N.Y. Giants                                          N.Y. Giants
                                                                                                      &KLFDJR                                          &LQFLQQDWL
        Seattle vs. San Diego              &KLFDJR                       &LQFLQQDWL                                           &LQFLQQDWL
 3KLODGHOSKLDYV*UHHQ%D\                                                                         %DOWLPRUH                                         %DOWLPRUH
                                         %DOWLPRUH                      %DOWLPRUH                                            %DOWLPRUH
    ,QGLDQDSROLVYV6W/RXLV                                                                       Seattle                                            Seattle
                                           Seattle                        Seattle                 3KLODGHOSKLD               San Diego               3KLODGHOSKLD
   San Francisco vs. Denver            3KLODGHOSKLD                    3KLODGHOSKLD               ,QGLDQDSROLV               *UHHQ%D\               ,QGLDQDSROLV
   +RXVWRQYV1HZ2UOHDQV              ,QGLDQDSROLV                   ,QGLDQDSROLV                                         ,QGLDQDSROLV
                                                                                                 San Francisco                                     San Francisco
         $UL]RQDYV2DNODQG          San Francisco                  San Francisco                1HZ2UOHDQV                  Denver
     /DVWZHHN¶VSHUFHQWDJH            1HZ2UOHDQV                                                                         1HZ2UOHDQV                 Houston
                                                                         Houston                     $UL]RQD                                           $UL]RQD
   Year to date percentage                $UL]RQD                        $UL]RQD                   SHUFHQW                 $UL]RQD                SHUFHQW
                                        SHUFHQW                      SHUFHQW                                           SHUFHQW               SHUFHQW
                        Trash talk                                                                 54 percent
                                        52 percent                      55 percent                                           53 percent            ,FDPH,VDZ,
VJR                                   &2148(5('
                                        )O\(DJOHV                    ,GRQ
WQHHG               %LJ%OXH         ,JRWWZRWLFNHWV
                                             À\                       DIDOOJX\                                       WRSDUDGLVH
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