Page 15 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
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Thunderbolt                                       NEWS                                                                                                                                       Aug. 28, 2015

2015 National Hispanic Heritage Month                                                                                  Chaplain’s thoughts ...

Powering growth, influence, this year’s theme                                                                             “I have $1.50 in my pocket. All other          I am keenly aware that many military
                                                                                                                       monies are ear-marked for other obliga-        families face similar financial strains.
   National Hispanic Heritage Month is Sept.                                                         Courtesy graphic  tions.”                                        Many of our junior enlisted families qualify
15 through Oct. 15, and recognizes Hispanic                                                                                                                           for food stamps. They pinch pennies, cut
and Latino American heritage and culture.         2 at the 56th Force Support Squadron Youth                              That’s a line from my personal journal      coupons and sometimes rely upon the kind-
This year’s theme is “Honoring our Heritage.      Center, bake sale 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 8 at                        dated Jan. 10, 1997.                           ness of others to make it to the next payday.
Building our Future.” The NHHM is an op-          the Luke Community Chapel, and a luncheon                                                                           They are walking through a “lean” time in
portunity to recognize the contributions made     11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at Club Five Six.                         I’ve kept a journal for my entire adult     their lives, and indeed, the sound track to
by and the important presence of Hispanic                                                                              life. It helps my nostalgic nature be able to  their life could be Alan Jackson’s old song,
and Latino Americans                                 For more information, call Tech. Sgt.                             look back and remember where I’ve been.        “Livin’ on love, buyin’ on time.”
                                                  Samuel Jalomo at 623-856-7032.                                       So here’s a snap-shot of where I was 22
   What was once Hispanic Heritage Week,                                                                               years ago.                                        So what can we do?
which started in 1968 by Lyndon Johnson, is                        Courtesy of Staff Sgt. Tapia Cordero                                                                  While we can’t change the military pay
now a 30-day celebration extended by Presi-                                           69th Fighter Squadron               I was trying to get into the Air Force      chart, we can acknowledge that our men
dent Ronald Reagan in 1988. The day of Sept.                                                                           Reserve, trying to attend a denominational     and women in uniform have earned the
LVVLJQLÀFDQWEHFDXVHLWLVWKHDQQLYHUVDU\                                                                        ministerial conference, which I could not      respect of our nation. They have stepped in
of independence for Latin American countries                                                                           afford, I was dealing with a vehicle that      when others have stepped out. They have
Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hondu-                                                                             had a leaking head gasket, and I was seek-     chosen a noble profession that protects
ras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico, Chile                                                                          ing employment with a temporary agency         those who cannot protect themselves. They
and Belize celebrate their independence days                                                                           to supplement my meager pastor’s salary.       have chosen to take on challenges and
on Sept. 16, 18 and 21, respectively. Also,                                                                                                                           struggles their civilian counterparts know
Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is                                                                                  Yet, my journal also revealed some of       QRWKLQJDERXW7KH\GRVRQRWIRUSURÀWRU
October 12, falls within this period.                                                                                  the little ways in which family and friends    praise but for the peace and protection of
                                                                                                                       were helping me. For example, when I           our nation and our way of life. They have
   Events for this year’s NHHM taking place                                                                            visited my family and went out to eat, my      earned our respect. I invite you to simply
at Luke Air Force Base include a food tasting                                                                          brother picked up the tab. When my wife        join with me in saying, “Thanks for your
and salsa contest from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept.                                                                         and I went to a required out-of-town meet-     VHUYLFHDQGVDFULÀFHµ
15 at the Luke Community Chapel kitchen, a                                                                             ing a retired minister and his wife offered
book reading 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Sept. 16 at the                                                                        to drive. Both of those simple acts helped            Courtesy of Chaplain (Maj.) Larry Fowler
Luke Library, golf tournament with shotgun                                                                             relieve some of the strain on our tiny bud-                                6th Fighter Wing Chapel
start at 7:30 a.m. Sept. 25 at Falcon Dunes Golf                                                                       get and reminded us that sometimes God
Course, piñata making 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct.                                                                           uses others to help us.

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