Page 10 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
P. 10

Aug. 28, 2015                                     NEWS                                                                                                 Thunderbolt

SARC receive annual training                                                                      DISNEY   (from Page 5)

             by Senior Airman                       us better pre-                                   Disney created an insignia design                                                                   Courtesy photo
          MARCY COPELAND                            pared.”                                       unit within Disney Productions Studios.
                                                                                                  Working with Hank Porter, Roy Williams,              Disney himself took on a personal
                  56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs     The pur-                                   Bill Justice, Van Kaufman, Ed Parks and              project for the war effort to create
                                                    pose of the                                   George Goepper, Disney created more                  unique insignia to not only bring hu-
   The sexual assault prevention and re-            Sexual                                        than 1,200 insignia throughout World                 mor to units, but to help boost morale
sponse coordinators and sexual assault              Assault                                       War II.                                              at home and overseas. More and more
victim advocates attend annual training             Preven-                                                                                            of Disney’s art was used as decals on
as a commitment to remain resilient and             tion and                                         A valuable war effort by Disney and               tanks, trucks, bombs, planes and dif-
up to date on all current strategies for            Response                                      Disney Studios, he created them free-                ferent types of military transport and
victims of sexual assault.                          Program is                                    of-charge. Disney himself served dur-                equipment. The boxing bulldog was
                                                    to promote a                                  ing World War I in France through the                presented to Sgt. Seymour Pine by
   The annual training consists of 40               safe, respect-                                American Red Cross as an ambulance                   Walt Disney, himself, while serving in
hours for all SARCs and SAVAs and cov-              ful and productive                            driver and understood the need to have               the 62nd Fighter Squadron as a Stars
ers topics such as Air Force Instruction            work environment free from sexual in-         something close to remind the men of                 and Stripes reporter.
requirements, advances in both experien-            nuendo, harassment and assault. It is the     home.
tial and academic approaches to counsel-            responsibility of every Airman.                                                                    continue to do so long after we’re gone.
ing, and current strategies in the area of                                                           Disney once said “The insignia meant              Those P-47 pilots set the bar very high,
prevention and response to victims. The                “Cultural advances in the field of hu-     DORWWRWKHPHQZKRZHUHÀJKWLQJ,KDG            and it’s our job to uphold the standard
training is also used as a networking op-           man rights help us to be better educated,”    to do it. I owed it to them.”                        they set and ensure the pilots we train
portunity to engage others on practices             Jones said. “Progress is made as we all                                                            will do so as well.”
that work and to provide support among              become more sensitive and aware of the           The 62nd FS emblem was completed in
team members.                                       effects of traumatic events on survivors.”    $SULOZKLOHWKHVTXDGURQZDVÀJKW-
                                                                                                  ing the axis powers in Europe. Disney per-
   Lectures, policy changes, exchanges                 According to the SAPR website, the         sonally delivered it, with Pine accepting
of ideas and application of all necessary           Air Force’s mission depends on Airmen         it on behalf of the squadron. The boxing
guidance are covered in the training to             having complete trust and confidence          bulldog is still used as the squadron’s
help coordinators and advocates maintain            in one another. Air Force core values of      emblem and inspires the pilots of today
their steadfastness and availability for            integrity first, service before self and ex-  just as it did 74 years ago.
victims.                                            cellence in all we do, define the standard.
                                                    Sexual assault is absolutely inconsistent        ´,W LV D SULYLOHJH WR VHUYH LQ D ÀJKWHU
   “Victims making reports of sexual as-            and incompatible with our core values,        squadron whose legendary past includes
sault depend upon a caring and profes-              our mission, and Air Force heritage. As       12 aces, 357 kills and a patch designed
sional response,” said Sylvia Jones, 56th           such, the Sexual Assault Prevention and       by Walt Disney,” said Capt. Joseph
Fighter Wing SARC. “Having that current             Response program is a priority both for       6WHQJHU QG )6 $ ÁLJKW FRPPDQGHU
knowledge of available options and com-             ensuring readiness and taking care of         “The pictures we have of the original
petencies obtained from the field of sexual         Airmen.                                       Spike aces and squadron patch are a
assault prevention in the military makes                                                          salient reminder we’re serving in an or-
                                                                                                  enemy long before we were born and will

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