Page 7 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
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Thunderbolt                                                                           NEWS                                   Aug. 28, 2015  7                                                                      

Luke host 4th annual bodybuilding competition

       6WRU\DQGSKRWRE\                      “I used to do this when I was         Abraham Purdy, 56th Operations Support Squadron air traffic control apprentice, and Jona-
          Senior Airman                      overseas with the Army and Marine        than Maytes, civilian, pose for the judges Aug. 15 during the Luke Air Force Base body-
                                             Corps in Japan and Korea,” Stoney        building competition.
     DEVANTE WILLIAMS                        said. “We held bodybuilding competi-
                                             tions every year. When I came here,
           56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  I brought up the idea and was told
                                             they used to do it 15 years ago. So I
   When people think about bodybuild-        said OK, we’ll do it again.”
ing, they might think about superstars
like Arnold Schwarzenegger whose                The participants follow strict diets
body is an inspiration for aspiring          DQGZRUNRXWÀYHGD\VDZHHNWUDLQ-
bodybuilders around the world. Here          ing and conditioning their bodies for
at Luke Air Force Base, a group of           the competition.
athletes gathered at the base theater
to compete in a bodybuilding physique,          “It’s difficult to get people to
ÀJXUHDQGELNLQLFRQWHVW$XJ     compete,” Stoney said. “People like
The competition was not just about           to watch, but they don’t like to par-
the show of muscle, but a celebration        ticipate.”
of hard work and a healthy lifestyle.
                                                This year’s event was a success
   The biannual bodybuilding competi-        with more than 15 participants both
tion was held at the base theater and        military and civilian, showcasing
open to all active-duty military, civil-     their physiques to Luke Thunder-
ians with military sponsorship, Defense      bolts in attendance. Tina Watkins,
Department employees and family              co-promoter for the Arizona Natural
members. Participants were at least 18.      Physique Competition and head
                                             judge for the competition, says she
   First, second and third-place tro-        enjoys coming out to judge the com-
phies were awarded in two categories         petitors.
divided by height and age. Fourth and
ÀIWKSODFHUVUHFHLYHGPHGDOOLRQV               “I have been judging this event
                                             since the beginning, and it’s amazing
   The competition began at Luke             to see how people progress,” she said.
four years ago with Pernell Stoney,          “We need to see more competitors on
WK)RUFH6XSSRUW6TXDGURQÀWQHVV          stage. I’d like to see more interest in
and sports manager. He brought the           the bodybuilding competition and in
idea with him from his overseas tours        the sport in general.”
in Asia.



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