Page 2 - Luke AFB Thunderbolt 8-28-15
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Aug. 28, 2015 COMMENTARY Thunderbolt
Hispanic Heritage Golf Tournament People — Air Force’s greatest asset
When: 7:30 a.m. shotgun start Sept. 25 by Senior Master Sgt. uniformed and civilian who continue to support the mission
Where: Falcon Dunes Golf Course SHAWN THOMPSON every day.
15100 W. Northern Ave. As leaders, we need to continue to develop and empower our
Tournament format: Four-person scramble members professionally and stress personal growth. Though
our manpower will get smaller, the challenges we face as a
you show will be critical as we navigate future engagements.
Includes: Prizes As I reflect on almost 25 years
Green fee for of military service, I find it easy As our budget decreases and resources shrink, it is important
Golf cart to remember my assignments, the that we take the time to listen to those with ideas, regardless
Hole-in-one fund Top 3 of rank or status. In these times when we are asked to do more
Range balls and lunch with less, instilling an ongoing commitment to innovation
multiple jobs I’ve had and duties I within our people will be paramount to our success as an Air
have performed. I have served on four Force. We cannot afford to have voices muted and people left
continents and for four presidents. on the bench. We need quality people doing quality work and
Proceeds go toward the 2015 Hispanic Heritage Luncheon everybody in the game.
Shawn Thompson our nation has been in numerous make every effort to take care of ourselves so we can mentor
and take care of our people. Making sure people are taken care
Questions? Call campaigns ranging from operations of and prepared is the greatest force multiplier we can employ
Desert Storm to Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom. I in keeping our Air Force ready for any mission.
6WDII6JW7DSLD&RUGHURDW--9771 have seen at least four major uniform changes, several force
reduction initiatives and performed the mission alongside it will be the key to keeping us the most highly skilled, profes-
PHPEHUVIURPDOOÀYHEUDQFKHVRIVHUYLFH'HVSLWHDOOWKH sional and, undeniably, the world’s best Air Force. Always
policy changes and paradigm shifts, one thing remained remember, “People take care of the mission, not the other way
FRQVWDQW DQG KDV NHSW XV WKH JUHDWHVW ÀJKWLQJ IRUFH RQ around.” That is why people are the Air Force’s greatest asset.
ACTION LINE earth — our people.
Some would look at the technological advances that have
taken place and say that makes us the world’s best Air Force. Whether it be state-of-the-art weapons or computer systems,
623-856-7011 none of this is possible without dedicated, hardworking, intel-
The Commander’s Action ligent people. As we continue to draw down and streamline
Line is your direct line to me our military manpower, let us not forget those Airmen, both
with questions or suggestions
about subjects of concern to the
entire Luke Air Force Base com- Character, good or bad, will be passed on
I appreciate your feedback.
Your ideas and concerns help
build a stronger foundation on by Master Sgt. up mistakes or fail to keep your word?
JUSTIN KRUITHOF What if you purposefully cut corners,
which we can successfully com- pass the blame or violate directives?
56th Equipment Maintenance Squadron What if your subordinates witness
plete our mission and take care this lack of integrity? One can safely
Your character is who you are when assume that over time their integrity
of our people. Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus no one is watching. At the same time, might slip in similar situations and
To receive a response, leave 56th FW commander your character is who you are when potentially spread throughout your
everyone is watching. Your character is work center. It’s not as simple as, “My
your name and telephone num- the sum of your morals and values and master sergeant lies, so I will lie.” No, I
the quality of your character is of the am talking of those lapses in integrity
ber. Action Lines of general interest are printed in the utmost importance when leading others. that we think are harmless but will
ingrain themselves in our Airmen as,
7KXQGHUEROW5HPHPEHUWKHTXLFNHVWDQGPRVWHIÀFLHQW In addition to your own values and “that’s how my master sergeant does
morals, how you interpret and embody it, so that’s how I will do it.”
way to resolve a problem is to talk directly to the respon- the Air Force core values will ulti-
mately impact those you lead. Once this lapse in character is ad-
sible agency or through your chain of command. opted, there is little that can be done to
Aristotle said, “The quality of the reverse it. It is like an infection, it will
The Action Line isn’t just for complaints. Send along ruler has a direct correlation to the continue to spread. And, there is little
quality of the rules.” He is analyzing the leader can do about it because the
your kudos when someone provides exceptional service, the relationship between kings or leader’s credibility is gone. The only
queens and their subjects. However, way to deal with this widespread lack
goes out of their way to help or deserves a kind word. I feel we can apply this same theory of integrity would be to remove the
to military structure. The quality of original source: you.
PHONE NUMBERS our character as military leaders is in ers, defenders, logisticians and so on,
direct correlation to the quality of our Just as we expect our Airmen to than we are.
Airman and Family Readiness Center ....................... 623-856-6550 subordinates. make decisions with integrity, they
Chapel ................................................................... 623-856-6211 expect the same from us, and it is our This theory is not new, nor does it
Child Care Center ...................................................623-856-6339 For the sake of brevity, I will address duty to make them better maintain- stop with the core values. Applying it
Community Center ............................................... 623-856-7152 RQO\WKHÀUVWFRUHYDOXHLQWHJULW\ to every aspect of military leadership
Computer IT service desk .................................. DSN 945-2900 will give us a clear understanding of
Eye Clinic ............................................................. 623-856-7965 What if you continually lie, cover the snowball effect that poor character
Fitness Center ....................................................... 623-856-6241 traits can have on organizations, large
Flight Medicine .................................................... 623-856-2273 or small. Leading by example sounds
Fraud, waste and abuse hotline ............................ 623-856-6149 like an easy task, though it may be
Hobby shop .......................................................... 623-856-6722 what we struggle with the most.
Law enforcement desk ......................................... 623-856-5970 So take a look around your work
Legal assistance .................................................... 623-856-6901 center and ask yourself how the qual-
Library .................................................................. 623-856-7191 ity of your character is impacting that
Marketing ............................................................. 623-856-3245 RI\RXUVXERUGLQDWHV:HPD\ÀQGWKDW
Military Equal Opportunity ................................. 623-856-7711 we have some work to do.
Military pay .......................................................... 623-856-7028
Outdoor Recreation .............................................. 623-856-6267 )RUFH1HZV6HUYLFH$(7&1HZV6HUYLFHDQGRWKHUVRXUFHV$OODGYHUWLVLQJLVKDQGOHG
Pass and registration ............................................. 623-856-4880 Commander.......................................................... Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus E\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZ7KH\FDQEHUHDFKHGE\FDOOLQJ
Patient advocate ................................................... 623-856-8968 Public Affairs chief ...................................................... Maj. Matt Hasson
Public Affairs ........................................................ 623-856-5853 Public Affairs deputy chief ........................................... Kiley Dougherty 7KH7KXQGHUEROWLVSXEOLVKHGE\$HURWHFK1HZVDQG5HYLHZDSULYDWH¿UPLQQR
Security Forces ..................................................... 623-856-5970 Internal information........................................ Staff Sgt. Luther Mitchell ZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWKWKH86$LU)RUFHXQGHUH[FOXVLYHZULWWHQFRQWUDFWZLWKWKHWK
Straight Talk Line ................................................. 623-856-7064 Editor ........................................................................... Deborah Leuthold )LJKWHU:LQJ/XNH$LU)RUFH%DVH$UL]7KLVFLYLOLDQHQWHUSULVH$LU)RUFHQHZVSDSHU
Sexual Assault Prevention/Response .................. 623-856-4878 Designer .................................................................................Tinna Sellie LVDQDXWKRUL]HGSXEOLFDWLRQIRUPHPEHUVRIWKH86PLOLWDU\VHUYLFHV&RQWHQWVRIWKH
Vehicle Maintenance ............................................ 623-935-6576 7KXQGHUEROWDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRI¿FLDOYLHZVRIRUHQGRUVHGE\WKH86JRYHUQ
Veterinary services ............................................... 623-856-6354 Editorial Information PHQWWKH'HSDUWPHQWRI'HIHQVHRUWKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKH$LU)RUFH
Wellness Center .................................................... 623-856-2273
Youth Center ......................................................... 623-856-7470 For past issues of the Thunderbolt, go to 7KHDSSHDUDQFHRIDGYHUWLVLQJLQWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQLQFOXGLQJLQVHUWVRUVXSSOHPHQWV and click on PDF edition GRHVQRWFRQVWLWXWHHQGRUVHPHQWRIWKHSURGXFWVRUVHUYLFHVDGYHUWLVHGE\WKH'2'